Baby Sitting Up?

What age did your little one sit themselves up?

So now at 5.5 months my daughter can sit & balance her self for long long perioda of time. I still cant leave her because if she gets distracted shell tumble back & we have hard floors.

Recently she started trying to sit herself up pulling her head all the way forward & even some shoulders (pushing agaist elbows it seems on her back laying down) Lift up. But she slams back once she cant get up!

I have her on a mat & trying to use extra cushion but i hate seeing her hit her head so hard! [name_m]How[/name_m] long does this continue, whatd you do about them hitting their head & howd they learn to pull up - do they just roll? Lol

[name_f]Do[/name_f] you have a Boppy (those horse-shoe shaped breastfeeding pillows)? I used to sit [name_f]Maura[/name_f] in that so she wouldn’t fall backwards completely when she lost her balance.

[name_f]Persephone[/name_f] is 4 and a half months and if I put her on her butt she can sit and balance for long stretches (10 minutes or more at a time). If she gets too excited or distracted she falls over, but she does really well. She can’t get up there well on her own, but she’s always trying to sit up. She tries to sit up in the car seat, in her bouncer, lying flat on her back. She’s been working on it for a few weeks, maybe a month. She only just started balancing really well.

For me, I put her in a boppy pillow so she’s propped up to let her work on sitting up on her own… She can sit herself up in that by pushing on the pillow with her elbows. Mine also has a strap like on a bouncy seat so she can’t really fall forward too far and she can’t fall back all the way. When we do tummy time and she’s done with that, I roll her over on her back and let her use my fingers to pull herself up too so she can learn to get up from a flat position but with me right there to stop her head hitting the ground.

[name_m]Levin[/name_m] was 8 months before he could sit up by himself- I could put him in a sitting position and he could stay that way (sometimes toppling over) from about 5 months on- but he couldn’t get into a sit by himself before 8 months. He actually started crawling and pulling up to stand before he started sitting. It was obviously hard for him. He used to do these adorable baby crunches trying to get there for the longest time.

[name_f]Daisy[/name_f] is 18 weeks old and she’s not quite at the stage of sitting unaided yet. She’s okay if she has something to lean against (normally the sofa or the toybox) and is fairly steady when she has something supporting her back. If there’s nothing behind her though, she won’t last more than 5-10 seconds without falling backwards.

We purchased some of these, which are great because they are softer than hardwood and easily transported if needed. We have them in the living room in case of an accident.