Bad as I think? First & last name combos

So there’s been quite a few girls’ names I love that I have nixed b/c I think they sound stupid with our last name. Am I overreacting? Or are they truly bad?

[name]Romilly[/name] [name]Kelly[/name]
[name]Darcy[/name] [name]Kelly[/name]
[name]Elke[/name] [name]Kelly[/name]
[name]Claudia[/name] [name]Kelly[/name]
[name]Stella[/name] [name]Kelly[/name]
[name]Heidi[/name] [name]Kelly[/name]

I think [name]Romilly[/name], [name]Darcy[/name] & [name]Heidi[/name] sound just fine with your ln. The others do sound funny with it.
Not that you asked, but I like [name]Romilly[/name] the best :wink:

[name]Claudia[/name] is the only one I like. The two-syllable “ee” enders sound rhymey to me, the k in [name]Elke[/name] sounds awkward, and ella/illy [name]Kelly[/name] sounds redundant.

I’m glad I stumbled across this post! [name]Kelly[/name] is my last name as well, and I feel like so many of the names I love don’t go. I have been trying to be open minded, and the rhyming doesn’t bother me near as much as it used to (since my first name and surname rhyme), and I’m glad to see some outside opinions! I guess in some cases the rhyming does come off too cute, but at the same time I’ve noticed that I remember names of people that rhymed much easier!

If you want the opinion of someone in the same boat as you, I was very sad to mark [name]Stella[/name] off the list. The double LL in both seems a little much, but I still love it! I just don’t love it enough to get over that similarity.

[name]Elke[/name] [name]Kelly[/name] I don’t like how the K’s run into each other (which would be an issue with me for almost any letter of the alphabet, not just a [name]Kelly[/name] thing). I don’t like having to make that purposeful pause between two names so they don’t squish together when I say them outloud

The others seem fine to me. [name]Even[/name] though [name]Romilly[/name] has the double ll too, the 3rd syllable just seems to make it less noticeable.

There is an author named [name]Kitty[/name] [name]Kelley[/name] that mostly does gossipy celeb biographies. I haven’t read any of her work, but I’ve remembered her name just from seeing it in the bookstore, and she seems to have done just fine with a cutesy name. I mean it doesn’t get much worse probably from a name standpoint than [name]Kitty[/name] [name]Kelley[/name].

I’ll be interested to see some other opinions!

Also, I’m curious to ask another [name]Kelly[/name], if the rhyming only becomes an issue for you with the full name, or if you have tried to stay away from names that end up with rhyming nicknames?
For example [name]Abigail[/name] nn [name]Abby[/name]

[name]Claudia[/name] [name]Kelly[/name] sounds fantastic to me. Not sure what the problem would be with it. [name]Elke[/name] sounds the worst because its all the same sounds as [name]Kelly[/name], it’s like the same name scrambled around. [name]Stella[/name] is not great either. The others seem ok.

I think [name]Romilly[/name], [name]Darcy[/name], [name]Claudia[/name] and [name]Heidi[/name] are fine. [name]Elke[/name] [name]Kelly[/name] is too much k and [name]Stella[/name] [name]Kelly[/name] is too much el sound. I’d avoid 2 syllable names ending in the lee sound and short names with k in then you should be fine. For what it’s worth, I really like the names [name]Darcy[/name] [name]Claudia[/name] [name]Kelly[/name] and [name]Heidi[/name] [name]Claudia[/name] [name]Kelly[/name]. Rach x

[name]Romilly[/name] [name]Kelly[/name] - yeah, not liking this one
[name]Darcy[/name] [name]Kelly[/name] - kinda does sound funny
[name]Elke[/name] [name]Kelly[/name] - nah, this one is too rhymie
[name]Claudia[/name] [name]Kelly[/name] - [name]LOVE[/name] this, it’s great!!
[name]Stella[/name] [name]Kelly[/name] - I would nix it
[name]Heidi[/name] [name]Kelly[/name] - I think this one is just fine! :slight_smile:

[name]Claudia[/name] [name]Kelly[/name] sounds great and the only one I think is usable. I would avoid anything ending in a y, ee, ie sound.

[name]Claudia[/name] [name]Kelly[/name] is great.
[name]Romilly[/name], [name]Darcy[/name], and [name]Heidi[/name] [name]Kelly[/name] are ok.
[name]Stella[/name] and [name]Elke[/name] [name]Kelly[/name] are not so good.

I actually [name]LOVE[/name] [name]Heidi[/name] [name]Kelly[/name], I think it’s really great and because the ending is spelt differently, I don’t think it’s redundant. I also like [name]Claudia[/name] [name]Kelly[/name], though I don’t like any of the others.

Looks like I’m the rebel here - I love the sound of [name]Stella[/name] [name]Kelly[/name]! I’m a fan of repeating sounds (outside of straight-up rhyming, which this doesn’t do because of the different endings). [name]Claudia[/name] [name]Kelly[/name] would be my second favorite from your list. And I agree with the others - [name]Elke[/name] [name]Kelly[/name] doesn’t work on several levels.

I agree with the pp. I think [name]Stella[/name] [name]Kelly[/name] sounds great! It’s instantly memorable, stylized, but not outlandish. I’m a fan of alliteration, too, so repeating sounds aren’t a negative to me. Plus I’ve just always liked the name [name]Stella[/name], and my husband won’t even consider it.

Thanks for the opinions everyone –

I guess the fact that both [name]Claudia[/name] and [name]Kelly[/name] start with same sound bothered me a little. I really don’t like alliteration, but it’s good to know that it does not bother most people. I think most of you just love the name [name]Claudia[/name] anyway :slight_smile:

If [name]Elke[/name] was pronounced [name]EL[/name]-kuh and not [name]EL[/name]-kee, would that make a difference? Better, right? Or just as bad?

@flowerchic: Good to hear another person’s reasoning!! [name]Stella[/name] is actually no longer an option for me since my first daughter’s middle name is [name]Estelle[/name]. But it is interesting how it bothers some people and others love it. [name]Just[/name] goes to show…

I am very torn with the nickname issue, and have thought about it a lot. I think that it WOULD bother me since that is how she would be known. Again, I do the “out loud” test – I say the name out loud in many different scenarios to see how it feels. “Is [name]Abby[/name] [name]Kelly[/name] coming?” “[name]Do[/name] you know [name]Abby[/name] [name]Kelly[/name]?” “[name]Hi[/name], I’m [name]Abby[/name]. [name]Abby[/name] [name]Kelly[/name].”

[name]Kelly[/name] may seem like an easy last name but I’ve found it tricky since so many names I like – and esp. nicknames – end in the eeee sound, or have the double LL.

So there’s been quite a few girls’ names I love that I have nixed b/c I think they sound stupid with our last name. Am I overreacting? Or are they truly bad?

[name]Romilly[/name] [name]Kelly[/name]- I like this, pretty
[name]Darcy[/name] [name]Kelly[/name]- a bit too…perky for my tastes
[name]Elke[/name] [name]Kelly[/name]- all I hear are the repetitive ke ke sounds, and it’s not pleasant to me, especially with other options
[name]Claudia[/name] [name]Kelly[/name]- I [name]ADORE[/name] this! I love the a literation and how her initials are still diferrent. Beautiful with [name]Petra[/name], strong, confident sounding…I could go on… :wink:
[name]Stella[/name] [name]Kelly[/name]-Its strange the sound of ly in [name]Romilly[/name] doesn’t bother me, but the ending sound la with ending sound in kelly does. I t is difficult for my to say a loud, doesnt exactly roll of the tongue, plus it seems a bit mainstream for you moxie, a beautiful meaning but bit of a meganame/celeb baby name if that turns you off
[name]Heidi[/name] [name]Kelly[/name][/quote]- I’m sorry this just sounds silly to me, like a comic book character or something?

[name]Elke[/name] and [name]Stella[/name] definitely do not work unfortunately. The rest are useable in my mind. I went to school with a [name]Mary[/name] [name]Kelly[/name], and no one ever mentioned anything about it. You get used to it after a couple times of hearing it.

[name]Elke[/name] the way you’re pronouncing it only marginally improves it.

See I don’t think [name]Claudia[/name] [name]Kelly[/name] is full blown alliteration as “Cl” is a pretty different sound than just a K if that makes sense