Beckett šŸ

Thanks. I didnā€™t think the name was that popular in the states. Here in the UK Iā€™ve not actually met another [name_u]Beckett[/name_u]. Itā€™s interesting how certain names can have a juxtaposition about them. ā€˜[name_u]New[/name_u]ā€™/surname type names which have an almost vintage feel to them. :slightly_smiling_face:

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I go back and forth about [name_u]Griffin[/name_u] because of this. I like it because of the mythology but it also has a modern feel to some people. Because itā€™s a surname name too I guess. Nothing wrong with that. [name_m]Just[/name_m] depends on the feeling youā€™re going for.

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I really like [name_u]Griffin[/name_u]. I just realised that A and Jā€™s names are both connected to kings. J being from the Bible as one of the three kings/bringer of treasure. And A as in ( probably donā€™t have to explain that one hah :sweat_smile:) are you sure you donā€™t want another king/prince name :heart_eyes:

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Right! yes, they are. And I may. Lol :blush:

I feel like your boysā€™ names are very classic and yet still sound fresh so they would work with both something like [name_u]Elias[/name_u] or something like [name_u]Beckett[/name_u].

Beckett is such a handsome name with a great sound feels dignified and elegant.

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The king/prince theme is so sweet. Iā€™m actually sad that I didnā€™t come up with this hahah. Thank you. I certainly like my classics. I know that probably a lot of the family wonā€™t really like [name_u]Beckett[/name_u] as itā€™s not a conservative choice. But I really do want to go for something a bit different for the middle name choice. Whilst still having that classic feel about it.

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Since this is your last baby I would not worry at all what family thinks. Go for the name you love most and would most regret not using. (that your partner also likes :wink:)

Definitely the middle spot is fair game to go a bit wild.


I think if anyone gives me grief I will remind them they had their opportunity to name their children. [name_f]My[/name_f] dad has given me grief over the name [name_f]Tabitha[/name_f]. He says she will come out riding on a broomstickā€¦ Cheers dad. ,:sweat_smile::roll_eyes:

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Thatā€™s hilarious. Well, if she does, she does. :woman_shrugging:t2::rofl::rofl: jk
[name_f]Tabitha[/name_f] is a gorgeous name and I wouldnā€™t have ever associated it with broomsticks unless someone brought it up.
The only association I have is from [name_f]Beatrix[/name_f] [name_m]Potter[/name_m]. And thatā€™s not a bad one at all. :blush:

She could just arrive on a broomstick that might be helpful lol. If it means a lack of childbirth scenario :sweat_smile:he says it sounds like a witches name. I guess he is thinking of Bewitched show was it? In the 60s.
He will no doubt call his grandchild a random nickname anyway lol. [name_f]My[/name_f] eldest he calls him Joe90 and my youngest he calls Englebert? :grimacing::grimacing: When as you know, that is so far removed from what they are actually named.

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Yes, I know Bewitched but itā€™s just not my first thought. Lol
Those are definitely random nicknames :joy: Thatā€™s sweet though.

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Sweet but bemused grandchildren. Eccentric grandad lol.

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I know a [name_u]Beckett[/name_u]! He is super cute. He mostly just goes by [name_u]Beckett[/name_u], but his dad calls him [name_f]Bex[/name_f].


AHH thatā€™s cute.

So I rang my mum up this evening and asked her what she thought to [name_u]Elias[/name_u] [name_u]Beckett[/name_u] combo? And she loves it! She said ā€™ That is so classy and wow he sounds like he could be the next president of the United statesā€™ at this point my partner nearly chokes on his tea and laughs.
I mean I am not American, donā€™t have any American family and donā€™t live in [name_u]America[/name_u] so I guess itā€™s a good response nevertheless. :thinking::sweat_smile:

([name_f]My[/name_f] mum is nuts in the nicest way possible)

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I really love [name_u]Beckett[/name_u]!! Itā€™s strong but sweet and the meaning is really lovely. [name_u]Beck[/name_u], [name_f]Bee[/name_f] and [name_m]Kitt[/name_m] are lovely nicknames as others have suggested :relaxed: Iā€™ve never met a [name_u]Beckett[/name_u] but it doesnā€™t feel too ā€˜out-thereā€™, itā€™s warm and familiar.

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@katkabet @MargotAbeline thanks :slightly_smiling_face: this is only a middle name option for us but youā€™ve described how I feel about the name.


:joy::joy: This is awesome.

It is a really cool combo. I like the way [name_u]Elias[/name_u] and [name_u]Beckett[/name_u] look and sound together.

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Oh I love this for you!!

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Beckett is so cute! Itā€™s meaning is :heart_eyes: and it has the most amazing nn options. It sounds more modern to my ears but thatā€™s just because Iā€™ve never met one before.

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