Beorn / Bjiorn?

What do you think of this name with our other two boys? What middle name would you choose?

How does Beorn Aleksander sound? Too unique?

I’ve only ever seen it spelled [name_m]Bjorn[/name_m] (but that doesn’t mean it can’t be spelled differently, obviously. [name_m]Just[/name_m] my experience with the name).

It’s not my style personally, but it seems like you like rugged, outdoorsy type names, and I think it definitely fits right in with your others. The only thing that bothers me is that it means ‘bear’, and one of your sons already has that as a middle.

I think that [name_m]Bjorn[/name_m] Aleksander sounds wonderful, but I would go with this spelling.

I met a doctor from (I think it was) Finland the other day who’s first name [name_m]Aleksandr[/name_m]. I thought it was interesting but I must admit that I thought it was a typo and they had missed the second ‘E’ out of Aleksander until I realised it was written that way on everything, so I would definitely stick with the spelling you’ve picked for that.

Yes, go for [name_m]Bjorn[/name_m] if you’re going for it! You can nn [name_m]Bear[/name_m] if you like.

[name_m]Bjorn[/name_m] Aleksander sounds very European, so expect people asking you about your heritage. That excluded it’s a very handsome combo.
But please, spell [name_m]Bjorn[/name_m] the right way. It’s a word name so different spellings make no sense and just look ugly to me.
I think it’s cute how [name_m]Bjorn[/name_m] means “bear” which is his brother’s middle name

All I think of is baby wearing when I hear [name_m]Bjorn[/name_m]. Not a fan at all. Seems very try-hard in the US, unless you’re actually Swedish.

[name_m]Bjorn[/name_m] (this spelling) Aleksander is great! Beorn lacks the y sound that the j creates: bee-orne vs. bee-yorn. Bjiorn looks like a typo-the i adds another syllable (bee-yi-orne).

I think [name_m]Bjorn[/name_m] Aleksander fits well with your other children’s names. Of course it shares the meaning of [name_u]Emerson[/name_u] [name_m]Bear[/name_m]’s middle name, but I’m assuming that’s on purpose. Some other bear names are [name_m]Arthur[/name_m], [name_m]Bruin[/name_m], [name_m]Orson[/name_m], [name_u]Oberon[/name_u], [name_m]Dov[/name_m], [name_m]Espen[/name_m], and Torben.

I like [name_m]Bjorn[/name_m] Aleksander! I agree that people may ask about your heritage a few times, but I think that’s fun! He goes well with his brothers!

Yes! So bjiorn is a typo! Of course I can’t edit the post title though. Supposed to be [name_m]Bjorn[/name_m]. The only iss I’ve I have with this spelling is the bj nickname. :confused: also I was liking the connection to Tolkien’s Beorn in the hobbit book. [name_m]Bjorn[/name_m] also has nobleman and warrior meaning roots.

Most of my family is from Eastern Europe (on both sides) so it wouldn’t be unusual I don’t think to use I don’t think :slight_smile:

Luckily the name is not purely of Swedish decent! Nameberry often skimps on the full meaning and heritage of the names in their description. It’s of scandanavian icelandic [name_m]German[/name_m] and Norwegian as well (my family is [name_m]German[/name_m] and Norwegian). If I met someone named [name_m]Bjorn[/name_m] I wouldn’t ever consider it try hard but maybe that’s just me? What part of the US are you from? Maybe it differs by region.

I think Björn Aleksander sounds lovely! Particularly if your family has connections to the areas the names originate from :slight_smile: