Berenice has arrived!

[name]Berenice[/name] [name]Ione[/name] [name]Cecile[/name]
was born [name]Monday[/name] [name]April[/name] 9th
4.05 kilos / 50.5 cms

baby and mom are doing splendidly.

thank you everyone for helping us name our new little girl!

Congratulations!! [name]Berenice[/name] [name]Ione[/name] [name]Cecile[/name]… what a lovely, sophisticated name! Best wishes to you and your family! :slight_smile:

Beautiful name! Congrats!

Congrats on the birth of your daughter, [name]Berenice[/name] [name]Ione[/name] [name]Cecile[/name]. She will have a very unique name!

Congratulations on the birth of [name]Berenice[/name], she does have an unique name and lovely to see [name]Cecile[/name] in the mix.


Congratulations! [name]Berenice[/name] [name]Ione[/name] [name]Cecile[/name] is such a pretty name!

All the best!

Congrats and glad to hear your petit choupette is here safe and sound! Such a beautiful name and so happy to see you stuck Cécile in there :slight_smile:



that is GORGEOUS!! Congrats!

What a fantastic name! Congratulaions!