Best age for newborn photos?

Our daughter’s about a week old and I wanted to have some newborn photos taken of her. We’ll just be taking her to Sears or some place similar. I’m trying to figure out what the best age is to have this done. I looked online and some places said two weeks old while others said a month. So my question is, if you had newborn photos taken of your children, at what age did you have it done? Also, any other tips/advice for getting good newborn photos would be appreciated. I’m thinking we’ll go as simple as possible. Either just a diaper or a solid colored onsie and possibly a headhand/bow.


If she was born vaginally, wait till her head looks normal again (bruising resolved, skull bones settled back into proper position). That’s usually 2-wks minimum. Also, the jaundice usually has peaked and is on the decline, making better pics.

If she was born by c-section, then I’d think any time after your 1-wk appointment (where you get the ‘all clear, she’s healthy’) would be great.

The head thing is what I was going to say too!

Also if you want look into an independent photographer who will come to your home. Costume changes & an environment you control will only make the photos better!

I’m lucky to have a bunch of artsy friends & the first kid of the group so I didn’t have to look but I assume [name]Craig[/name]'s list or your local yellow pages is a good place to start on finding one. It could be cheaper than Sears & maybe more personalized

This baby book I’m reading warns about newborn acne and recommends planning photos before or after that period, which it says is most problematic around the 3rd or 4th week. I don’t know how common it is, though.

it’s very common, especially in boys, and really gets going in the 4th week. [name]Alex[/name] is definitely right.

Conversely, milia (these little white spots that look like tiny zits) are present in the first week-two weeks, but go away.

So 2-3.5 weeks is your golden window.

As far as trying to keep babies healthy, I read something about keeping the baby away from as many public places until around 4-6 weeks…so you may want to wait until then

We had pictures taken of [name]Gus[/name] at 10 days. Our photogapher was of the view that to really capture the newness babies should be less than 12 days!

We had our done at 9 days for both our girls. We used a photographer who operates out of her home so we were in a comfortable and quite environment. It was a wonderful experience each time :slight_smile:

We did it at three weeks with my son, and next time I’ll be doing it a bit earlier. We had someone come to our house though, they need to be really warm, and comfortable in their environment.

Thanks to everyone that replied. I went ahead and booked the photo session for when she’s two weeks old. I figure it should be fine to take her to the photo studio as the session should only last about half an hour and we’ll be going directly there and back. I did look into doing the independent photographer thing some months ago, but those are crazy expensive. [name]Just[/name] the sitting fee is $150 and upwards and the actual photographs cost a couple extra hundred after that. So we’ll be sticking with Sears. I had my pregnancy photos done there and the session fee plus the photos only cost us $60.

We have our twins pictures done at around a one month because that the only time we could get a appointment. We have only just finished get our other son’s pictures because everything has been a little hectic lately.