Best way to do this?

Please excuse my edit

My first choice is just having [name]Mary[/name] as the first name and [name]Alice[/name] as the middle. If you really want to double barrel it, I like the look of [name]Mary[/name] [name]Alice[/name] the best.

My favorite is [name]Mary[/name]-[name]Alice[/name]. This way when she goes to school, both of her first names will be used in the system. If it is [name]Mary[/name] [name]Alice[/name] as her entire first, it won’t register that way. It will also be encouraged to use her entire name, helping with the whole only calling her [name]Mary[/name] thing. Keeping all of this in mind, you can’t control where your child’s name will go, nick name wise. It is very possible that even she will prefer just being called [name]Mary[/name] at some point.

I adore [name]Mary[/name] [name]Alice[/name]! Two of my favorite names. I would NOT use a smoosh or a hyphen. You could always add another middle name.

Seeing as you want to call her [name]Mary[/name] [name]Alice[/name] all the time I would go with [name]Mary[/name]-[name]Alice[/name] as a first name.

I have a friend named [name]Mary[/name] [name]Beth[/name], just like that and I love it. [name]Mary[/name] [name]Alice[/name] looks the most appealing to me, because I never have like hyphens or smooshed together.

1 [name]Mary[/name] [name]Alice[/name] - if your family member was called by her fn and mn, it should do doable for your daughter too. [name]Mary[/name] and [name]Alice[/name] are both family names for me so I’m loving this combo. :slight_smile:

2 [name]Mary[/name]-[name]Alice[/name] - not a fan of hyphens but this should get people to view the names together.

MaryAlice and Maryalice just look odd so they don’t appeal to me.

I dislike the smush one. It looks odd to me. The hyphen is a good way to ensure that everyone will understand that the two names are in the fn spot. I’m sure it will be helpful in school. Keeping them separate is good too, but you will probably have to push people to use both more frequently than if you went with the other options.

I like [name]Mary[/name] [name]Alice[/name] the best! [name]Mary[/name]-[name]Alice[/name] is nice too, but I would steer clear from the smushing of Maryalice. That kinda looks like [name]Marya[/name] Lice in my head lol. Also, when you register her for school, I’m sure you could put both [name]Mary[/name] and [name]Alice[/name] in the first name box, then leave the middle name one empty. Good luck!

[name]Just[/name] add a middle name.

[name]Mary[/name] [name]Alice[/name] looks the best, but I think people will assume its a middle and call her [name]Mary[/name]. [name]Mary[/name]-[name]Alice[/name] (with a middle name as well) makes it clear that [name]Mary[/name]-[name]Alice[/name] is her full first name and is what she should be called, right from the birth announcements through to school. I do not like the smoosh at all.
Its a very pretty name either way!

I think [name]Mary[/name]-[name]Alice[/name] is the best way to show that you want people to call her both names, which is a problem if you use [name]Alice[/name] as a MN and [name]Mary[/name] as a FN.

I don’t like smushing it. [name]Just[/name] let it be. If she’s introduced as [name]Mary[/name] [name]Alice[/name], then that’s what people will call her.

I baby sat a precious girl called [name]Anna[/name] [name]Elisabeth[/name] that always went by [name]Anna[/name] [name]Beth[/name]. No one has thought to call her otherwise. She is a teen now.

I would go with [name]Mary[/name]-[name]Alice[/name] and a Middle name. Or [name]Mary[/name] [name]Alice[/name] and add second middle. If you go with the hyphen, people will read the name as the first name. [name]Mary[/name]-[name]Alice[/name] is beautiful!