I’ve been thinking about Borealis a lot lately. [name_f][/name_f] I heard it years ago in a story with an ornery grandpa patriarch in a family with all B names… astronomy means a lot to me and I love the idea of using Borealis!
I would love to hear FNs you think would work well with Borealis as the middle… I’ve considered these, but am not convinced of any of them yet:
Would love to know any other ideas you have… I’ve been considering [name_m]Ewan[/name_m] Borealis too but am not sure I see me with a [name_m]Ewan[/name_m].
I love me an unusual middle name! I personally think [name_m]Lorcan[/name_m] and [name_m]Soren[/name_m] share too many sounds with [name_f]Aurora[/name_f] to use with Borealis, tbh, but the others have potential. [name_m]Asa[/name_m] Borealis is my fav of your list.
Thank you! [name_f][/name_f] I was leaning most toward [name_m]Lorcan[/name_m] Borealis and [name_m]Asa[/name_m] Borealis because my grandpa’s name was LB (rumored no full name, just those initials), so I like that [name_m]Lorcan[/name_m] Borealis would honor his initials, and I like that [name_m]Asa[/name_m] Borealis fits the image I have of a little boy on a ship at sea, sleeping on a hammock and tracing their direction by the stars. [name_f][/name_f] I wasn’t sure if [name_m]Asa[/name_m] Borealis would be too hissy though.
@VEL[name_f][/name_f] [name_f][/name_f]- thank you! [name_f][/name_f] Funny you mentioned [name_m]Finley[/name_m] Borealis [name_f][/name_f]- I considered him but thought it maybe sounded too unisex since the ending of Borealis sounds like [name_f]Alice[/name_f]? [name_f][/name_f] I have been thinking about [name_m]Lachlan[/name_m] lately and do like [name_m]Lachlan[/name_m] Borealis in theory; maybe works better than [name_m]Lorcan[/name_m] Borealis since there’s no repeated “or” sounds? [name_f][/name_f] [name_m]Galen[/name_m] Borealis and [name_m]Leon[/name_m] Borealis are very cool too. [name_f][/name_f] I used to really like [name_m]Ezra[/name_m] Borealis [name_f][/name_f]- I think it works so well as a combo! [name_f][/name_f]- but I don’t love [name_m]Ezra[/name_m] enough to use him.
@Ehrob1[name_f][/name_f] [name_f][/name_f]- thank you! [name_f][/name_f] I don’t know that I see myself with a [name_m]Leo[/name_m], but I do love the name and [name_m]Leo[/name_m] Borealis is really fun!
@Greyblue[name_f][/name_f] [name_f][/name_f]- thanks girl! [name_f][/name_f] I thought about [name_m]Augustine[/name_m] Borealis but he seemed too long? [name_f][/name_f] I do like [name_m]Linden[/name_m] Borealis though, and [name_m]Fintan[/name_m] Borealis is intriguing (I don’t think I’d use it over [name_m]Finley[/name_m] Borealis, either, though). [name_f][/name_f] Funny everyone mention [name_m]Caspar[/name_m] [name_f][/name_f]- I do like [name_m]Caspar[/name_m] Borealis but not more than my beloved [name_m]Caspar[/name_m] [name_m]Nathaniel[/name_m] [name_f]Eden[/name_f] lol.
Oh, this is so cute! I always go back and forth with having Peter on my list because I can never find a middle I really connect with. Peter Borealis is really sweet though! I’ll have to give him some more thought!
haha, and here I rejected him because I thought Americans would find it too feminine, what with Finley being unisex here and Alice being the ending sound of Borealis lol. I think Finley Mordecai is my “combo to beat” for Finley right now… and I may prefer him a little more for Borealis? I love the idea of Borealis but often feel like there’s no name on my list I’d serious consider pairing him with. I do like Ezra Borealis a lot but don’t see me using Ezra, really? Peter Borealis or Tobiah Borealis maybe. But I just removed Tobiah from my list
ah, I get that [name_f][/name_f]- I do think [name_m]Finley[/name_m] [name_m]Mordecai[/name_m] might work better in the states, and it’s got a strong, cool sound.
I enjoy the balance of [name_m]Peter[/name_m] Borealis!