Boy name to go with siblings

We are having a hard time finding a boy name for our 3rd child. We have a Marshall and Suzy. Do any of these names fit better than the other? Nickname suggestions welcomed or any other name suggestions, thanks!

Names Desmond, Malcolm, Arthur
  • Desmond
  • Malcolm
  • Arthur
  • New suggestion below

0 voters

I really like [name_m]Desmond[/name_m] and [name_u]Desi[/name_u] as the nickname. [name_m]Malcolm[/name_m] is a nice name but I’d prefer not to have two M names when Suzy’s is different. Not a deal breaker though. I like [name_m]Mac[/name_m] as a nickname for [name_m]Malcolm[/name_m].

I adore [name_m]Arthur[/name_m] “Artie” but I think [name_m]Desmond[/name_m] goes best with the siblings!