Boys names to go with Jackson

So many of my favorites don’t work with our last name, [name]Jackson[/name]: [name]Owen[/name], Bracken, [name]Grayson[/name], [name]George[/name], [name]Paxton[/name], [name]Maxwell[/name], etc. Our list has gotten really short. Considering the following list, can you make some suggestions that work? Thanks Berries! :smiley:

[name]Benedict[/name] or [name]Bennett[/name] ([name]Ben[/name])
[name]Darius[/name] or [name]Marius[/name]
[name]Edmund[/name] or Amund
[name]Leander[/name] ([name]Anders[/name])

Of your list of names that don’t work, I think [name]Paxton[/name] [name]Jackson[/name] is the only one that really doesn’t work!

Of you other list, I like [name]Darius[/name], [name]Edmund[/name], and [name]Leander[/name].

My inclination would be to go with a short, one- or two-syllable name. We have a -son name as well, and that’s what I like best with it. Something more along the lines of [name]Boaz[/name] (though I don’t care much for that particular name).

The only names you mentioned that I like are [name]Maxwell[/name] and [name]Bennett[/name]. What about [name]Cormac[/name], [name]Grant[/name], [name]Garrett[/name], [name]Tate[/name], or [name]Beckett[/name].

I love [name]Bennett[/name] or [name]Benedict[/name] [name]Jackson[/name]! They are great alternatives to [name]Benjamin[/name] which is so tired sounding to me. I prefer these two to your other names.

Thank you everyone for your suggestions so far. One of my main concerns is that I don’t want the kid to sound like a president, celebrity, or a law firm. [name]Andrew[/name] [name]Jackson[/name], [name]Michael[/name] [name]Jackson[/name], and anything reminiscent of [name]Jackson[/name]-[name]Hewitt[/name] is out. Other names I hadn’t mentioned: Coulter, [name]Griffin[/name] (does this go?), Grayer (do not like as much as [name]Grayson[/name]), [name]Oscar[/name], [name]Harvey[/name]… Anyway, [name]Beckett[/name] is a good option, though I can’t get online with [name]Garrett[/name]. [name]Cormac[/name] is so unfamiliar to me, it’s hard to know whether I like it or not. Also, what about the name [name]Rush[/name]? Rushton is a family name, and I would like to use it with one of our children.

[name]Rush[/name] just makes me think of [name]Rush[/name] Limbaugh. Coulter is also a conservative pundit, unless that’s what you’re going for!

[name]Griffin[/name] [name]Jackson[/name] is ok. I see your hesitation to use an name ending in -n. It’s not my favorite with our last name either, but it’s not a total deal-breaker if it’s a name you really like either.

What about just [name]Gray[/name] instead of [name]Grayson[/name] or Grayer?

Other 1-2 syllable names: