Hi! I’m pregnant with our third boy and we’re having the hardest time finding a name for him. My style now with this one has changed a little bit but I still want his name to fit with my other 2, Cooper William and Marshall Bradley. Names on our list at the moment:
I’m honestly the worst about overthinking names, and my brain says that Marshall and Nash are too close due to the sh sound, and Warren and Marshall are too close due to the arr sound in the middle I also think that Henry might be a bit too popular at the moment, and Raymond might be a little controversial for my family because it was my grandma’s ex husband who she has no contact with now, but also my favorite grandpa. Plus I just love the name
My absolute favorite name ever is Roscoe, but all feedback I get says it’s a dog name
Am I overthinking too much? Which do you think fits the best, which would you cut out, and what would you add to the list? We don’t have a set middle name yet, but family name options are Raymond, Jude, Robert, and Everett (the other two have family names as middles also), and last name sounds like Felix, if that helps. Thank you!!
I like [name_u]Bennett[/name_u] & [name_u]Henry[/name_u] with siblings names
[name_u]Bennett[/name_u] [name_u]Jude[/name_u] or [name_u]Henry[/name_u] [name_u]Everett[/name_u] would be nice
Other ideas
[name_u]Elliot[/name_u] / [name_u]Elliott[/name_u]
[name_m]Raymond[/name_m] and [name_u]Henry[/name_u] are grrreat! That said, I think [name_u]Roscoe[/name_u] is my favorite from your list paired with your boys’ names. I don’t think of that as a dog name at all! [name_m]Buddy[/name_m], yes. [name_u]Roscoe[/name_u], no! [name_u]Roscoe[/name_u] is super cozy and smart, like [name_u]Cooper[/name_u] and [name_m]Marshall[/name_m] are. [name_u]Jude[/name_u] is gorgeous in the middle spot with all of these.
[name_m]Nash[/name_m] -a great name -do you ever call [name_m]Marshall[/name_m] [name_u]Marsh[/name_u]? If not, I think they’re usable together, though I’m not sure I’d do it.
[name_m]Raymond[/name_m] - charming and solid. Maybe talk to your grandma about it? But if he’s your fave grandpa and you’re still in touch and she knows that, I wouldn’t throw it out. Maybe best for a middle?
[name_m]Warren[/name_m] - rugged and handsome and if you’d asked for suggestions and this wasn’t on the list, [name_m]Warren[/name_m] would have come to mind. The arr sounds are different to those in [name_m]Marshall[/name_m] in my accent
[name_u]Bennett[/name_u] -pretty cute, literary and handsome
[name_u]Henry[/name_u] -warm and charming, a solid choice even if it is popular.
[name_u]Roscoe[/name_u] -wonderful and bright! I don’t see it as a pet name
A few ideas…
[name_u]Cooper[/name_u], [name_m]Marshall[/name_m] and…
[name_u]Rayne[/name_u] /Rayner
Another vote for [name_u]Roscoe[/name_u]! [name_u]Love[/name_u] it and think it sounds great with [name_u]Cooper[/name_u] and [name_m]Marshall[/name_m].
I would def go Roscoe! Never associated it with a dog name and if you love it i would just go with it
[name_u]Cooper[/name_u], [name_m]Marshall[/name_m], and [name_m]Nash[/name_m] sound great!
I actually think all the names you listed sound fine with [name_u]Cooper[/name_u] and [name_m]Marshall[/name_m].
And [name_u]Cooper[/name_u], [name_m]Marshall[/name_m], and [name_u]Roscoe[/name_u] are divine!
Short of Spot and Biscuit, I don’t believe in “dog” names.
Best not to ask for feedback!
I think [name_m]Warren[/name_m] is actually a great fit! I pronounce the -ar in [name_m]Warren[/name_m] and [name_m]Marshall[/name_m] differently and they don’t sound too similar to me. [name_u]Bennett[/name_u] would be great too.
I like [name_u]Bennett[/name_u] the best with the brothers… but [name_m]Warren[/name_m] is a close 2nd and I also pronounce “war” different than “arsh” so it’s a nonissue to me.
I’m not one for family controversies so I’d tend to shy away from one as a first name especially if you think that animosity could be pushed onto the child… But I think it’s fine as a middle or even find a different more creative way to honor controversial grandpa…
I love [name_m]Nash[/name_m] but it does seem to have a bit of a different feel but not unusable.
[name_u]Henry[/name_u] is very popular and seems more traditional than his brothers names.
Good luck!
[name_m]Warren[/name_m]! I love this name, and it’s perfect with his brothers’. I also like that each brother has double letters in his name.
Thank you everyone, love all of this feedback!! You’ve all made me feel much better about [name_u]Roscoe[/name_u] I’ve really been leaning toward [name_m]Warren[/name_m] lately, and the ar sound was the only thing holding me back on it really! Follow up question, do you think [name_m]Warren[/name_m] [name_m]Raymond[/name_m] or [name_m]Warren[/name_m] [name_u]Robert[/name_u] contain too much r sound when together?
I think the flow is fine. [name_m]Just[/name_m] a thought about [name_m]Raymond[/name_m], this is your 3rd child so I don’t think it is dramatic to use it. Maybe for the first somehow, but not the 3rd.
Ideas, based on your list ~
Warren Ray would be a super handsome addition to your sibset
Other ideas
Cooper, Marshall, & ______
Darren Robert
Grady Everett
Royce Everett
Desmond Ray
Leland Jude
Ryland Jude
Preston Robert “Percy”
Rocco Jude
Sterling Ray
Roland Jude
Wiley Raymond
Quentin Robert
Beckett Raymond
Terrence Ray “Tate”
Franklin Jude
Dean Robert
Wesley Raymond
Dorian Jude “Rory”
Sheldon Ray
Hoyt Everett
Dane Everett
I love [name_u]Roscoe[/name_u], especially with your other boys’ names!
Cooper and Marshall feel kinda cowboy cool to me so I think Roscoe would be a great fit. I like Warren even moreso. I think tucking Raymond or Ray in the middle spot
would be a nice way to use a name you love without possibly upsetting your grandma.
Other ideas
I absolutely love [name_m]Warren[/name_m], especially with [name_u]Cooper[/name_u] and [name_m]Marshall[/name_m]! Such great names–handsome in a scholarly way. [name_u]Roscoe[/name_u] is fabulous too. I don’t think you could go wrong with either.
[name_m]Warren[/name_m] Ray(-mond) is perfect!