Butter [name_u]Haven[/name_u] Zoo Workers Round 3
Round 2: https://nameberry.com/nametalk/threads/211977-Butter-Haven-Zoo-Workers-Round-2
Time for kids!
BIOLOGICAL (if they are in a same sex relationship, skip ahead to adopted)
If they are 21-25…
- 1 child
- twins
- none
- none
- none
- none
- none
- 1 child
- none
- none
- none
- twins
- none
- none
- 1 child
- 1 child
- none
- none
- 1 child
- 1 child
- none
- none
- none
- twins
- none
- 1 child
- 1 child
- none
- none
- 1 child
If they are 26-30…
- 1 child
- twins
- none
- none
- 1 child
- 1 child
- none
- none
- 2 children
- none
- 2 kids (not twins)
- 1 child
- none
- 3 kids
- 1 child
- none
- 4 children
- twins and one child
- 2 kids
- 1 child
- none
- twins
- 1 child
- 1 child
- none
- none
- two kids
- none
- 1 child
- 1 child
If they are 31+:
- 1 child
- twins
- 1 child
- none
- 3 children
- 1 child
- none
- 1 child
- 2 children
- none
- none
- 4 kids
- 1 kid
- 5 kids
- 12 kids
- 2 kids
- 2 kids
- 2 kids
- none
- 6 kids
- 3 kids
- 1 kid
- 2 kids
- 4 kids
- 7 kids
- 2 kids
- 3 kids
- 3 kids
- 10 kids
20 Your choice
If they are engaged:
- 1 child
- 3 kids
- none
- none
- none
- 2 kids
- twins
- 1 kid
- 1 kid
- 2 kids
Ages: Subtract 18 from the younger parent’s age and roll a die of that number. The highest number is infant.
ADOPTED (do for all, even people that are single and haven’t had a relationship ever).
- none
- none
- 1 adopted kid
- 2 kids
- 1 kid
- your choice
- 2 adopted kids
- 1 adopted kid
- none
- 3 adopted kids
Ages: [name_m]Add[/name_m] five to the oldest biological child’s age and roll a die that much. Highest number is infant. If they have no children, roll twenty sided die; 1-19 are that number, 20 is infant.
- none
- none
- 1 step-child
- none
- none
- 2 step-children
- 1 step-child
- none
- none
- none
- none
- Your choice
Ages: Choose ages that make sense
Genders: Even: Girl. Odd: Boy.
First/Middle Names:
- Girls: [name_f]Bethesda[/name_f], [name_f]Tuesday[/name_f], [name_f]Leona[/name_f], [name_f]Amabel[/name_f], Corinthe, Rhoma, [name_f]Cambria[/name_f], [name_f]Capri[/name_f]. Boys: [name_m]Elijah[/name_m], [name_m]Crawford[/name_m], [name_m]Delbert[/name_m], Adom, [name_m]Linus[/name_m], [name_m]Terrance[/name_m], [name_u]Lawrence[/name_u], [name_m]Richie[/name_m].
- https://nameberry.com/babyname/Aviva/similar
- Girls: ends in -ette. Boys: ends in -er.
- http://www.fakenamegenerator.com/gen-random-fr-tn.php (choose correct gender and generate)
- http://fantasynamegenerators.com/lithuanian-names.php#.VoQmilUViko
- Begins with A
- Ends with E
- Name of ancient god or goddess
- http://fantasynamegenerators.com/20th-century-english-names.php#.VoQmulUViko (choose from first 4 names)
- https://nameberry.com/list/375/Baby-Names-from-Books
- Does not start or end with but contains a J
- https://nameberry.com/list/382/Irish-Baby-Names
- https://nameberry.com/list/362/Celestial-Baby-Names?page=2
- Ends with O
- Begins with V
- Your choice
- http://www.parents.com/babynames/topNamesCensus.jsp (the child’s gender, Ohio, 2002)
- Food name
- Place name
- http://www.behindthename.com/random/ (Hawaiian, Occitan, Greek Myth, and Cornish)
For step children: choose last names yourself!
Round 4, the final round, coming soon!