Cael or Link for boy #3?

We are having our third child and third boy in 4 weeks and we are really struggling with what to name him! Brothers are [name]Eben[/name] (pronounced EH-ben) and [name]Bode[/name] (pronounced [name]BO[/name]-dee). [name]Both[/name] names are unique but not weird, not in the top 1000, and short names…all qualities I love in a name.

Our two top names are [name]Cael[/name] and [name]Link[/name]. I like each name for these reasons:

[name]Link[/name] - very uncommon, unique, and a little “quirky” but I wouldn’t say it’s weird. I loved it after Prison Break when [name]Lincoln[/name] [name]Burrows[/name] was called “[name]Link[/name]” but we will not formally name him [name]Lincoln[/name] (reservations about it are: it’s a noun and verb, video came character, and would it work on a grown man?)

[name]Cael[/name] - my husband’s first choice. A solid, strong, simple name. The safe choice between the two. (reservations: because there are multiple spellings of [name]Cale[/name] and [name]Kale[/name], all three spellings are in the top 1000 and I worry one may grow too much in popularity…last thing we want is a top 20 name. I also just don’t “love” the name.)

PLEASE give me your opinions! Thank you!!!

While I think both fit stylistically with your other two, I can’t really pick one because I dislike them both strongly.
I want to play video games with one and cook with the other.

I like [name]Cael[/name] better.
[name]Link[/name] reminds Me of the video game

I like the sound of [name]Link[/name] quite a bit, but I definitely think of the video game character immediately. I know a little girl named [name]Zelda[/name] and I always think of the video game when I see her.

[name]Cael[/name] seems more substantial and I think would work better on a grown man. I don’t think it would ever be in the top 20, but you never know. It does sound similar to [name]Cole[/name] which is quite popular. I wouldn’t worry too much about it getting super popular. That’s something you can’t control. I think [name]Cael[/name] sounds great with your other boys’ names.

[name]Cael[/name] by a million miles. If you would consider [name]Linc[/name] instead of [name]Link[/name], then I think it would become a more realistic choice.

Some other thoughts, in case you’re still looking:


I vote for [name]Cael[/name] too, it seems more complete than [name]Link[/name]. You may also end up with the problem that people assume ‘[name]Link[/name]’ is short for [name]Lincoln[/name].

[name]Eben[/name], [name]Bode[/name] and [name]Cael[/name] are lovely together.

[name]Cael[/name] to my ear is [name]Kale[/name] the stuff I force my kids to eat. to me its like naming your kid [name]Lettice[/name]. Its not bad just a VERY strong food association. [name]Link[/name] [name]IMO[/name] is the nickname for [name]Lincoln[/name]. Where I live [name]Lincoln[/name] is a hipster name. I know 3 [name]Lincoln[/name]'s that are under 5 years old. I know more [name]Lincoln[/name]'s than [name]Aiden[/name]/ [name]Noah[/name]/ Jayens. If your worried about popularity I would skip [name]Link[/name] due to rise of [name]Lincoln[/name]. I am also a fan of unusual boys name, Bodie was on my list for boys.

goof luck

I vote for [name]Cael[/name] and and agree the [name]Linc[/name] spelling would be better. I know a little boy [name]Cale[/name] about 10 yo and the name suits him well.

I vote for [name]Cael[/name]

I actually have cousins named [name]Lincoln[/name] nn [name]Linc[/name] and [name]Cale[/name] (not siblings). I also have a friend who has a 9 month old named [name]Cale[/name] (sp). I [name]LOVE[/name] [name]Lincoln[/name] nn [name]Linc[/name] - with a ‘c’, but [name]Linc[/name] seems incomplete as a given name to me. And [name]Lincoln[/name] is getting popular. So you [name]Linc[/name] (I prefer a ‘c’ over a ‘k’), would be 1 [name]Linc[/name] among many. [name]Cale[/name], on the other hand, is known, but not overly popular. I would go with [name]Cale[/name] (this spelling).

When I saw “[name]Link[/name]” I automatically thought of [name]Lincoln[/name] ([name]LOVE[/name] the name [name]Lincoln[/name], I wish it wasn’t getting so popular!) from Prison Break. :slight_smile: I think I would spell it [name]Linc[/name] though, just like the look of it better, then it’s not like the actual word, link. That’d be my choice of the two, I like [name]Cael[/name] too though.

[name]Link[/name] lacks substance for me and it seems incomplete. [name]Cael[/name] is a great Irish name with a wonderful history to back it up. In Irish legend, Cáel was a warrior of the [name]Fianna[/name] and the lover of Créd. It sounds strong and masculine. [name]Eben[/name], [name]Bode[/name] and [name]Cael[/name] look and sound wonderful together.

I wouldn’t worry about [name]Cael[/name]/[name]Cale[/name]/[name]Kale[/name] becoming a top 20 name, or even a top 100 name anytime soon. But between the two, I would go with [name]Link[/name]. Maybe it’s just me but I wasn’t 100% sure how so pronounce [name]Cael[/name] before you mentioned [name]Cale[/name]/[name]Kale[/name]. Maybe one of these spellings would be better if you decide to go with [name]Cael[/name]?
Or what about [name]Cain[/name]?

[name]Link[/name] looks funny as a word name; [name]Linc[/name] is more natural, but I agree that everyone would assume he’s [name]Lincoln[/name]. I prefer [name]Cael[/name]. [name]Even[/name] though it is a homonym with the veggie, it has that Irish background with helps it fall in line with Scottish [name]Eben[/name]. I strongly doubt it will reach the Top 100 any time soon. I would roll with [name]Cael[/name].

I would have voted for [name]Link[/name]/[name]Linc[/name], it was short for [name]Lincoln[/name]. I like names with substance/history and meaning. [name]Link[/name] to me is great as a nickname, but too insubstantial for a first name. I can’t imagine a grown man introducing himself as [name]Link[/name] at a business meeting or to clients.

[name]Cael[/name], I don’t love, because it reminds me of [name]Kale[/name], the food. It does have much more substance and history than [name]Link[/name] does though. I vote [name]Cael[/name].

My vote goes to [name]Cael[/name] as well. I think that the [name]Cael[/name] spelling distances it from the veggie compared to [name]Cale[/name]. And I really don’t think it will get very popular. Fits well with siblings.
[name]Link[/name] doesn’t stand up as a full name in my opinion.

[name]Cael[/name]. Ditto [name]Link[/name] sounding incomplete, and I think its a character on a videogame too.

I have to say, I prefer [name]Link[/name], even with this spelling though I like [name]Linc[/name]/[name]Lincoln[/name] better. It’s great that [name]Cael[/name] has an ancient mythological backbone but it’s so similar to so many slight modern names – [name]Kale[/name], [name]Kyle[/name], [name]Cole[/name] etc. I like it that [name]Link[/name] means bond, much stronger as a word name than [name]Cael[/name] which means – yeah, the green stuff. So if those are my two choices, I’m on Team [name]Link[/name].

Ditto. :slight_smile: [name]Mischa[/name] is wise.

I like [name]Cael[/name], but I think that you should be prepared for some confusion about how it’s pronounced.