Cuz we need more of this stuff!
[name_f]Zara[/name_f] [name_u]Jade[/name_u] [name_u]Lee[/name_u] (24) is a creative and ambitious person who loves to design and make things. She is a fashion designer who runs her own online boutique and has a loyal fan base. She likes to experiment with different styles, colors, and fabrics. She has a tattoo of a butterfly on her wrist.
[name_m]Sufian[/name_m] [name_m]Zul[/name_m] [name_u]Abia[/name_u] (24) is Zara’s friend, a bisexual Bruneian man who’s known her since they were 13. He’s the younger of two siblings although their age difference isn’t too far apart. He loves fashion too and he likes to get fashionable with [name_f]Zara[/name_f] and her fellow fashionistas. He’s also the web designer for her site and always makes the interface look amazing. He’s on this really happily high-strung mentality right now - he just asked out who he likes and got a yes! He won’t rush anything into that, since you don’t get any newer at dating than that, but it’s made him joyful and excited. While he and Zara’s friends know her enough to not need to be “fans”, sometimes they do idolise her - she’s a queen.
[name_f]Aisha[/name_f] Nurul [name_f]Huda[/name_f] (26) is Sufian’s cousin and Zara’s childhood friend. She is a hijabi fashion designer who often collaborates with [name_f]Zara[/name_f] on modest fashion projects. [name_f]Aisha[/name_f] is known for her calm and collected demeanor, and she often serves as a mediator in group conflicts. She is also an avid traveler and loves to explore new cultures and cuisines.
Kailyn Rain Johanssen (27) is Aisha’s best friend and older brother’s girlfriend. She’s currently finishing her final year of medical school and is very excited to start her residency. Kailyn is bright and bubbly, and she’s always meeting new people and introducing herself to strangers. In addition, she loves parties and can always be counted on to host the best celebrations.
[name_u]Tyler[/name_u] [name_u]Jameson[/name_u] [name_u]Lee[/name_u] (29) is Kailyn’s longtime friend and former college roommate. He’s a successful entrepreneur who owns a popular restaurant in the city. [name_u]Tyler[/name_u] is outgoing and charismatic, just like [name_f]Kailyn[/name_f], and they often team up to throw epic parties together. He’s also a bit of a foodie and loves to experiment with new recipes in his spare time.
[name_f]Shaina[/name_f] [name_f]Harriet[/name_f] [name_u]Lee[/name_u] (24) is Tyler’s sister. Likewise a confident person, [name_f]Shaina[/name_f] expresses herself in less conventional manners, specifically through her sense of dress and embrace of personal identity. Her brother enjoys teasing her about the fact its atypical for her profession - Shaina’s an illustrator and print maker, who makes prints for interior design shops alongside selling her work and collaborating on zines - but [name_f]Shaina[/name_f] isn’t phased by how some perceived her. When she started school, this led to her befriending similar sorts who were determined to go against the grain, and her best friend is frequently dying their hair, something Shaina’s been involved with a few times to make sure the bleaching doesn’t go wrong.
Given the siblings interests, their parents were a little nervous to see them go out into the world, however they never diminished or tried to talk [name_u]Tyler[/name_u] and [name_f]Shaina[/name_f] out of pursuing their passions, merely they made it clear they were always there if either one of their children needed support or advice. Shaina’s never taken offense at this, and the only real thing that bothered [name_u]Tyler[/name_u] was their parents questions about the nature of his relationship with [name_f]Kailyn[/name_f] [see: potential daughter-in-law], however his sister’s aware there’s someone else in Tyler’s life who he seems romantically drawn towards…
On the subject of her own heart, [name_f]Shaina[/name_f] also just so happens to be the person dating [name_m]Sufian[/name_m]. [name_m]Web[/name_m] design is actually what led to them meeting, as [name_f]Shaina[/name_f] was commissioned to provide art to a site [name_m]Sufian[/name_m] was working on, and she quickly began taking an interest in the ins and outs [even if to her, computers are mysteries she’ll never be able to solve]. It amuses her that she and [name_f]Zara[/name_f] share a surname but no biological relation - [name_f]Shaina[/name_f] actually checked. She and her mom are doing a project on their family history, which has led to her taking a lot of interest in delving into the past, a little ironic as [name_f]Shaina[/name_f] infamously complained about her history classes while in high school, as she felt the curriculum was limited and didn’t place enough emphasis on unsung heroes.
[name_f]Kaiya[/name_f] [name_u]Patel[/name_u] (26) is Shaina’s best friend and former college roommate. They met in their freshman year and quickly bonded over their shared love for art and unconventional styles. [name_f]Kaiya[/name_f] is a freelance photographer and often collaborates with [name_f]Shaina[/name_f] on creative projects. She has a laid-back personality and is always up for trying new things, which has led to some wild adventures with [name_f]Shaina[/name_f]. [name_f]Kaiya[/name_f] is a supportive friend and has been there for [name_f]Shaina[/name_f] through ups and downs, including when [name_f]Shaina[/name_f] came out as bisexual. They often attend LGBTQ+ events and rallies together. [name_f]Kaiya[/name_f] is also interested in family history and has helped [name_f]Shaina[/name_f] with her research, sharing stories from her own family’s past.
Warning for fertility issues.
[name_u]Kamani[/name_u] [name_u]Patel[/name_u] (47) is Kaiya’s mother, who is also in the LGBTQUIAP+ community, being bisexual. She had [name_f]Kaiya[/name_f] at 21 and felt like it was a young age to have her first child, but then again, [name_f]Kaiya[/name_f] is the only child she would have. She has never been infertile nor has she been told she’d never have children again, but she’s always had trouble conceiving when she wanted a second child. She gave up and focused on [name_f]Kaiya[/name_f] but secretly, she’s wanted more than one child. She feels she should be grateful that she was at least able to have one but she always wanted more, not a huge family, but definitely 2 or 3 total children. At 47, she’s kept most of this to herself given how slim her chances are now. [name_u]Kamani[/name_u] is super grateful for [name_f]Kaiya[/name_f] and she’s close to [name_f]Shaina[/name_f] and her family too. She never wants [name_f]Kaiya[/name_f] to be lonely and she really feels a good bond with the families of Kaiya’s friends. After all if [name_f]Kaiya[/name_f] treats her friends like siblings, [name_u]Kamani[/name_u] feels an instinct to treat them like her children. She loves to bring the family culture when her daughter visits and is extremely respectful of other cultures.
When [name_f]Shaina[/name_f] came out as bisexual, it made [name_u]Kamani[/name_u] even closer, given her own bisexuality. [name_u]Kamani[/name_u] currently is a podiatrist and actually attended and graduated the same medical school [name_f]Kailyn[/name_f] is currently attending. [name_u]Kamani[/name_u] supports [name_f]Shaina[/name_f] and [name_m]Sufian[/name_m] together and has recently talked to Shaina’s mother in terms of her family history project, believing the project will be a success.
[name_u]Aria[/name_u] [name_f]Noelle[/name_f] [name_u]Patel[/name_u] (nb) is the second child of [name_u]Kamani[/name_u] and the baby sister of [name_f]Kaiya[/name_f]. [name_u]Kamani[/name_u] and her partner tried for years to have a second child, but unfortunately, they were unsuccessful. They decided to explore other options and eventually turned to in vitro fertilization (IVF). After a few rounds of IVF, they were thrilled to find out that [name_u]Kamani[/name_u] was pregnant with a baby girl.
[name_u]Kamani[/name_u] had a smooth pregnancy, and she made sure to take good care of herself and her growing baby. She followed all the doctor’s orders and attended prenatal appointments regularly. As her due date approached, [name_u]Kamani[/name_u] and her partner prepared for the arrival of their new bundle of joy.
[name_u]Aria[/name_u] [name_f]Noelle[/name_f] was born on a beautiful sunny day in [name_u]July[/name_u]. Kamani’s labor was quick and uncomplicated, and [name_u]Aria[/name_u] arrived healthy and happy. [name_u]Kamani[/name_u] and her partner were overjoyed to welcome their new daughter into the world and couldn’t wait for [name_f]Kaiya[/name_f] to meet her new baby sister.
[name_u]Kamani[/name_u] knew that having a second child was a long shot, but she was grateful for the opportunity to expand her family. She felt blessed to have two beautiful daughters, and she couldn’t wait to watch them grow up together.
cw: paternity revelations, family tension
[name_m]Nathan[/name_m] " [name_u]Nat[/name_u] " [name_u]Lawrence[/name_u] [name_u]Palmer[/name_u] (45) is Kamani’s partner and father to [name_u]Aria[/name_u] [name_f]Noelle[/name_f] and [name_f]Kaiya[/name_f] [name_f]Elise[/name_f] - not that his elder daughter is credited with her middle name much. Although [name_u]Kamani[/name_u] asked her partner about having their daughters’ take on a double barrel surname, starting when [name_f]Kaiya[/name_f] was born, [name_u]Nat[/name_u] declined, as he wanted to ensure their children would have firm ties to their [name_f]Indian[/name_f] heritage. He had something of an identity crisis himself throughout his teens, when it was revealed at a family function that [name_u]Nat[/name_u] was in fact the stepson of the man he’d assumed to be his biological father, blurted out by his grandma after she’d had a few too many drinks.
Ultimately, [name_u]Nat[/name_u] did feel he got answers - such as why his grandma, technically his stepgrandma, was always a little awkward around him - however the means of learning the truth were very painful for him in the moment. It transpired his parents met when [name_u]Nat[/name_u] was 4 months old, and before his second birthday he was adopted by his dad, with the lack of knowledge being because they never found the right moment to tell him. Learning the truth at 16 was very painful, and [name_u]Kamani[/name_u] is one of the few people Nat’s ever completely opened up to about this part of his life, given how much it rocked him. He spent a few years emotionally withdrawn from his wider family, and did consider tracking down the man to sire him, however [name_u]Nat[/name_u] decided against this ultimately, not wanting to hurt the only man to raise him and be a part of his life. What he does know about his biological father paints a sketchy picture - involving several arrests - and he’d rather not expose his daughters to such a person.
When he was in his 30s, [name_u]Nat[/name_u] came out as pansexual to [name_u]Kamani[/name_u], and is nonconforming in his gender presentation, often painting his nails. He doesn’t really care if people find this unusual as it’s not hurting anyone, nor is it really their business, and it’s meant a lot to [name_u]Nat[/name_u] to see the financial legal firm he works at embrace these aspects of him. It’s undeniable how proud of [name_f]Kaiya[/name_f] he is - not that he shies away from telling her - and in spite of being an older parent to [name_u]Aria[/name_u], he’s sworn to give her all the energy he can muster, so she feels just as appreciated and supported in all she does.
[name_f]Teah[/name_f] [name_f]Angela[/name_f] [name_u]Palmer[/name_u] (30) is the younger sister of [name_u]Nat[/name_u]. Being 15 years apart, they never really grew up together, but [name_f]Teah[/name_f] still loves and visits her brother often.
Technically the 2 of them are half-siblings, as she was born to their mother and the man who always said he was Nat’s biological father. She grew up a simple childhood. She wasn’t phased by that surprising night in which Nat’s true biological father was revealed, since she was only a small child then.
[name_f]Teah[/name_f] has two other siblings, both brothers. She’s the middle child and the only girl, which caused her to be singled out in her family. Her favorite of the brothers though, was always [name_u]Nat[/name_u]. Whenever he came to visit, it meant piggyback rides, candy, and trips to the park and movie theater. She never minded that he wasn’t her biological brother and she was part of what helped [name_u]Nat[/name_u] get through this tough time. It was obvious to the whole family — except [name_f]Teah[/name_f] — that her other two brothers felt left out and wished to have the same bond with [name_u]Nat[/name_u] as she did (he was like that fun, young uncle everyone wants to hang out with). This caused a rift between [name_f]Teah[/name_f] and her brothers. While it got better during highschool and college, the brother she would go to automatically is still [name_u]Nat[/name_u].
Now, she is a beloved wife and the mother to 3; two girls and a boy. While [name_f]Teah[/name_f] loved having a big brother like [name_u]Nat[/name_u], she missed him often as a child and felt separated from her other brothers as a child. She wouldn’t wish that lifestyle on anyone and so she had kept her kids close together in age. She also has a cat named [name_f]Lani[/name_f], who she calls her “emotional support animal”. She works as a therapist for teens and families, helping people through their struggles like she wishes someone had helped [name_u]Nat[/name_u].
[name_f]Amalia[/name_f] " [name_f]Mila[/name_f] " [name_f]Pearl[/name_f] Deviss (2) is Teah’s youngest child and second daughter. For her youth, there’s a very earnest quality to Mila’s nature, something her parents absolutely cherish. She tries her hardest at everything, be it reading her picture books or trying to climb the bannister, although the latter isn’t as encouraged by her mom and dad. You can pretty much always find [name_f]Mila[/name_f] at the side of one of them, as her parents are absolutely adored by her, and she’s very expressive with her affection, always wanting cuddles or to hold hands.
She idolises her older siblings, especially her sister who she tries her best to emulate. It’s a good thing the older girl doesn’t mind [name_f]Mila[/name_f] following her about, as their mom’s confident chaos would rain if she took any kind of issue with this insistence of her youngest. They do have to make sure she isn’t allowed free reign when Lani’s around though, as [name_f]Mila[/name_f] can be overly enthusiastic when it comes to animals, and the last thing [name_f]Teah[/name_f] wants is for the cat to become afraid of people thanks to Mila’s extensive cuddles.
[name_f]Margot[/name_f] [name_m]Pierson[/name_m] Deviss (7) is the oldest of Teah’s children. She is a sweet, funny, crazy girl with lots of friends. She is on the swim team and loves to bike.
[name_f]Margot[/name_f] loves being the eldest child, taking care of her little siblings (and being bossy), and [name_f]Teah[/name_f] and her husband find this both amusing and adorable. Sometimes though, the strong-willed second grader can be a bit much for her family, causing her to get in trouble…a LOT. Her stubbornness and habit of talking out of turn has gotten her into trouble a few times at school, but she gets good grades and is overall a great student.
[name_f]Margot[/name_f] loves the beach, the color pink, and cherry popsicles. She also loves teasing her little brother; the middle child of her family. Possibly her biggest compliment is little [name_f]Mila[/name_f] following her around and copying what she does. At first, [name_f]Margot[/name_f] found this annoying, but after her parents told her that it meant [name_f]Mila[/name_f] that thought she was the coolest, she allowed it. Her pride and self-centered attitude is something her parents are trying to figure out, but it’s better than the little girl being mean to her tiny sister.

[name_m]Mitchel[/name_m] " [name_u]Shel[/name_u] " [name_m]Potter[/name_m] Deviss (4) is the son of [name_f]Teah[/name_f] and brother of [name_f]Margot[/name_f] and [name_f]Mila[/name_f]. He loves storybooks and enjoys when his mother reads him bedtime stories. He loves going to the kids section of bookstores and libraries. He can read, but not well but he enjoys books with pictures! He wants to be smart like his sister [name_f]Margot[/name_f], the only one old enough to be in school, and he says he really wants to go to school now! [name_f]Margot[/name_f] chuckles because [name_u]Shel[/name_u] is the only person she knows who would say that and some of her friends tell him to be careful what he wishes for. He prefers orange popsicles over cherry but will eat cherry to “please her” although this quickly came to an end when [name_f]Margot[/name_f] wanted a cherry popsicle and [name_u]Shel[/name_u] had eaten the last one! As for [name_f]Mila[/name_f], she and [name_u]Shel[/name_u] love animals but [name_u]Shel[/name_u] has made her a little too scared of wolves given their portrayal in “The Three [name_m]Little[/name_m] Pigs” and “Little [name_u]Red[/name_u] Riding Hood”. It actually made [name_f]Mila[/name_f] temporarily afraid of visiting her grandmother - especially since her house was not a brick house! To calm the kids down and prevent [name_f]Mila[/name_f] from screaming about wolves, [name_f]Teah[/name_f] read them all a different story - “The [name_m]Boy[/name_m] Who Cried Wolf.”
[name_f]Jemima[/name_f] " [name_u]Jem[/name_u] " [name_u]Willow[/name_u] Deviss (24) is [name_u]Shel[/name_u], [name_f]Mila[/name_f] and Margot’s paternal aunt, who visits the family whenever she can. She’s the youngest sibling of their dad - there’s one between them, who’s genderfluid, using they/he pronouns, although they’re comfortable being called ‘brother’ and ‘uncle’ - which led to some bickering in childhood, as [name_u]Jem[/name_u] hated being babied by her older siblings from the age of 3 onwards. This dynamic only intensified thanks to her eagerness for adventure, being avid about climbing just about everything in the house, from the bookshelves to trees in the garden. [name_u]Jem[/name_u] still goes climbing - both at a local centre ane also outdoors with some of her close friends - however there’s not the same panic that she used to receive when making an attempt [something the siblings often joke about].
Still, Jem’s determined streak has never faded, even if it’s direction changed over the years. She speaks her mind freely and encourages the same in her nieces and nephew, knowing that while they won’t always get the answer they’re hoping for, at least truth will take precedent. This became especially important to [name_u]Jem[/name_u] following her most serious relationship in high school, as she ended up dating a boy who was more than happy making lofty promises which never rang true. [name_u]Jem[/name_u] was deeply infatuated with him though [she mistook her feelings for love at the time], and it took several months for her to not only recognise but accept what he’d been doing, at which point she ended things.
A costume designer who primarily works on historical dramas, [name_u]Jem[/name_u] often has stories about her job that entertain both her siblings and the kids. She travelled to [name_u]New[/name_u] [name_u]York[/name_u] to pursue her fashion degree and here is where she made a lot of new friends, who absolutely fawn over photos of her brother’s kids every time [name_u]Jem[/name_u] visits with new snaps of their games and family events. Big cities are trily where she’s happiest, loving to visit venues and museum’s, although Jem’s social circle remains consistent, and her friend’s from back home are just as valued as those she met while gaining independence. It was her best friend who helped her adopt her beloved bearded dragon - [name_m]Tango[/name_m] - who she found at an exotic pet rescue, and she lavishes her little reptile with affection at every possible moment. [name_u]Jem[/name_u] and [name_f]Teah[/name_f] have formed a bond thanks to their respective closeness with older siblings, helped by the fact she never took issue when her brother started seeing his now-wife, mostly thanks to how happy she instantly made him.
Warning for health issues that could make pregnancy life-threatening.
[name_u]Abia[/name_u] [name_f]Lulit[/name_f] [name_m]Ahmad[/name_m] (24) is Jem’s [name_u]New[/name_u] Yorker friend, who resides in Queens. [name_u]Abia[/name_u] is Eritrean and uses she/they pronouns and professionally dances, aspiring to be on Broadway. [name_u]Abia[/name_u] is always happy for Jem’s brother and children and has considered children but not anytime soon, although that’s just her stance on adopting children. [name_u]Abia[/name_u] will never get pregnant because of her health condition — they have pulmonary hypertension, which puts them at a very high risk of developing complications on themself and a baby. There’s about a 1 in 3 chance these complications could be deadly, so if [name_u]Abia[/name_u] were to get pregnant, she would have to terminate to save her life. This health condition scares them a lot and has made them dejected over the idea of never being pregnant since they are otherwise fertile, but they don’t let it stop their life and live every day proud to be here. [name_u]Abia[/name_u] used to be babied, while they were the younger one between she and her sister, they were close in age and the reason for the babying was for her condition. [name_u]Abia[/name_u] has made it clear that while they takes delicate steps to protect their health, they can manage themself just fine and can prove it. They are not their condition. [name_u]Abia[/name_u] has managed to reconnect to some of the people who babied them and thankfully it’s been a successful reconnection. So [name_u]Abia[/name_u] relates to Jem’s determined streak and is proud of [name_u]Jem[/name_u] every step of the way.
[name_u]Abia[/name_u] helped [name_u]Jem[/name_u] obtain [name_m]Tango[/name_m], feeling like [name_u]Jem[/name_u] should have a cool exotic pet of her own. [name_u]Abia[/name_u] loves bearded dragons, having one in their late childhood and also really values the importance of rescued pets, telling [name_u]Jem[/name_u] about a good shelter that sells these bearded dragons. [name_u]Abia[/name_u] is also friends with two of the shelter employees, who have since become really great friends with [name_u]Jem[/name_u] too. They also ask [name_u]Jem[/name_u] about her friends back home and ensure they are not a replacement to them. [name_u]Abia[/name_u] likes talking about family with [name_u]Jem[/name_u] and relates to Jem’s genderfluid sibling, being genderfluid themself. [name_u]Abia[/name_u] has one older sister close in age who has developed her first crush on someone non-binary and [name_u]Abia[/name_u] is really hoping for the best between the two. They are happily single and have a good mix of people they bond with, single or not. [name_u]Abia[/name_u] can’t do vigorous exercise due to their condition but loves peacefully walking and enjoys dancing. One of the shelter friends loves to climb with [name_u]Jem[/name_u] and [name_u]Abia[/name_u] loves watching them and taking their pictures if they feel like it. [name_u]Abia[/name_u] loves watching performing arts with [name_u]Jem[/name_u], especially when Jem’s costumes are featured on the performers. They think [name_u]Jem[/name_u] is a very talented individual and loves what sort of awesome stuff [name_u]Jem[/name_u] does next.
cw: parental estrangement
Hye-sung " Sol " Nam (27) is the object of Abia’s sisters’ affections, of which they’re currently unaware…but don’t think this means they’d be disinterested if they learned the truth. Sol jokes their job is always cringe to reveal: they’re an influencer. Specifically, they promote Korean recipes and broader East Asian cooking through their YouTube and insta accounts, although they always remain focused on culinary pursuits opposed to details about their private life. Of course, some people are only more intrigued by Sol because they don’t broadcast everything going on behind the scenes, but they’ve managed to remain firm and keep their boundaries in tact. Not that this does much to dispel their urge to be embarrassed when it’s time to talk jobs in a new social setting!
Sol and Abia have met a couple of time’s when she’s been visiting her sister [you need to approve of whoever your siblings’ crushing on after all], and the origins of their nickname soon became apparent to her. They’re a remarkably warm, sunny individual, who does their best to encourage optimism, albeit without patronising. Sol’s a huge fan of techno and drum/bass heavy music, having been a regular rave attendee when they were younger - but now they admit to being too tired to go out as much. Not to mention their beloved rescue pomeranian, Twizzle, who absolutely demands all their love and attention.
After coming out as non-binary, Sol and their parents became estranged for a while. Although they weren’t outright rejected by their parents, they received little support or understanding, and it led to them opting for space. As an only child, their friends became their main support system, and it’s partly why Sol’s always so available in return. Even with their parents having reached out to them, and Sol tentatively wants to rebuild a relationship [as they genuinely were close prior to the discussion of gender identity which went so poorly], they’re clear their friends get priority still, having helped them fully embrace and find happiness in themselves after such a rough time. This is also what’s held them off from dating, as the past 2 years of change and emotional overhaul haven’t really left them looking for romance.
some tags to trouble ya’ll!
[name_u]Noe[/name_u] Yoo-Mi “Noah” (25, top) and Kuk Sun-Mi “Kylie” (26, bottom) are a influencer couple who are friends with [name_u]Sol[/name_u]. [name_u]Noah[/name_u] got in contact with [name_u]Sol[/name_u] when the two wanted to make a collaboration together where they tried new Korean recipes together. [name_f]Kylie[/name_f] and [name_u]Noah[/name_u] have an account where they also make recipes together and also do several different challenges. The two girls also have their own accounts on most platforms, and [name_f]Kylie[/name_f] makes videos on her own channel to raise awareness for what it’s like to be queer and Korean as well as hard of hearing.
[name_f]Kylie[/name_f] lost her hearing in an automotive accident when she was 16, and worked hard to learn sign language and adjust to life without having good hearing that couldn’t really be helped even with hearing aids. Her hearing aids only work very minimally due to the fact she had auditory nerve damage in the accident, so she typically doesn’t wear them and just signs. [name_u]Noah[/name_u] learned sign language fluently when she was 17 to help [name_f]Kylie[/name_f], and in Kylie’s videos where she’s with [name_u]Noah[/name_u] or by herself [name_f]Kylie[/name_f] always signs everything, and [name_u]Noah[/name_u] does the same.
Their channel is a family-friendly channel where they teach people the importance of signing and also while having fun cooking. Despite her hearing loss, [name_f]Kylie[/name_f] is a very cheerful individual who loves to laugh and dance. [name_u]Noah[/name_u] on the other hand is more sarcastic and cynical in her humor, but the two girls compliment each other well. The couple is thinking of looking into having a child, [name_f]Kylie[/name_f] deciding she would be the one to carry to term, as the process might be hard on [name_u]Noah[/name_u] due to her issues with fertility. Kylie’s family has always been very supportive especially her brother, but Noah’s family is less so. Having abandoned [name_u]Noah[/name_u] when she came out and started dating her girlfriend.
[name_f]Olympia[/name_f] ‘Oly’ [name_f]Tess[/name_f] Johanssen (nee Wayman) is another influencer who [name_u]Noah[/name_u] and [name_f]Kylie[/name_f] had collaborated with. [name_f]Oly[/name_f] is a family oriented content creator, primarily focusing on the fact that [name_f]Oly[/name_f] herself is Deaf and her husband is hearing. Together they have a baby,
[name_u]Wyatt[/name_u] [name_u]Michael[/name_u] Johanssen [7mos] who is hearing like his father. [name_f]Oly[/name_f] and her husband met at a party hosed by his sister [name_f]Kailyn[/name_f] and clicked pretty instantly despite the language barrier. They spent the night using a pen and paper to communicate and eventually swapped numbers before they each went home. The rest is pretty much history.
The interabled family uses a mix of signing and speaking with one another, though [name_f]Oly[/name_f], much like [name_f]Kylie[/name_f], far prefers to sign since using her voice takes a lot out of her and is much more effort. [name_u]Baby[/name_u] [name_u]Wyatt[/name_u] is already beginning to babble in both spoken [name_f]English[/name_f] and ASL.
The video that [name_u]Noah[/name_u] and [name_f]Kylie[/name_f] and [name_f]Oly[/name_f] put out together was largely around the topic of being Deaf or Hard of Hearing while pregnant or parenting. It was both to inform their respective audiences that disabled people are just as qualified to be parents as anyone else, as well as to put [name_f]Kylie[/name_f] and [name_u]Noah[/name_u] at ease about any family planning related concerns. they had few as they’re beginning to feel pretty confidence about their parenting journey. Though there’s still plenty of time before they actually take the first step towards having a baby.
[name_f]Oly[/name_f] is insistent that having a baby while being Deaf/Hard of Hearing is no more difficult than a hearing person would find pregnancy. In fact, she feels as though it can even be a little bit more fun. Without the distraction of your sense of hearing, you feel the baby move a little earlier, you begin to learn and read your baby’s facial expressions and personality better, and when the little one is crying in the middle of the night you can make your hearing partner go get them while you keep sleeping. Though [name_f]Oly[/name_f] also clarified that that last one is a joke… Mostly…
Kailyn was created by @noradrenaline
Warning for baby born prematurely.
[name_m]Audros[/name_m] [name_m]Mac[/name_m] Wayman-Cork (29) is Oly’s brother and Wyatt’s uncle. He’s hard of hearing in one ear, often wearing a hearing aid or positioning himself closer to hear better. Having a sister like [name_f]Oly[/name_f] be an influencer has been a huge help for him as well and those with hearing conditions. He’s proud of [name_u]Wyatt[/name_u] and how well he has picked up with [name_f]English[/name_f] and ASL especially given his age at the time. [name_m]Audros[/name_m] is also married to a woman who is hearing but was challenged by dyspraxia in her childhood. The two got close during their last year of school before college and maintained a friendship in college, before dating after college. [name_m]Audros[/name_m] and his now-wife have a baby who was born very prematurely and has had to have been monitored at the hospital. Their baby is stable and things are looking good, but the two can’t quite get over their stress from what things were like in previous weeks. They really just want to enjoy their baby the way other couples enjoy perfectly healthy babies. [name_m]Audros[/name_m] will be happy with his baby no matter what the complications and conditions are as long as his child is alive and in as best health as possible.
[name_m]Audros[/name_m] would never make a family channel with a baby, but enjoys family channels with siblings. [name_f]Oly[/name_f] showed [name_m]Audros[/name_m] the videos made by [name_u]Noah[/name_u] & [name_f]Kylie[/name_f], which [name_m]Audros[/name_m] finds very entertaining. He was proud of Oly’s role in one of the videos she guest-starred in about the topic. Heck, he’d do one with his already-influencer sister but he’s quite camera shy. [name_m]Audros[/name_m] is currently a stage manager and has seen [name_u]Jem[/name_u] quite a few times while working together behind the scenes. He loves his job and finds the theatre to be very exquisite. Again, he is shy about actually performing and prefers to stay back, but he knows the people behind the scenes are just as important. [name_m]Audros[/name_m] gets along with his brother-in-law, Oly’s husband particularly well, because he knows that her husband never touts his privilege as a hearing person. Her husband also tries as hard as he can to be a real influence and help baby [name_u]Wyatt[/name_u] as a member of the hearing community help understand the Deaf/Hard of Hearing community. [name_m]Audros[/name_m] agrees everyone has a place for themselves, and he’s happy with his.