Calvin, Wilder, or Boone?

The big brother, 3, is [name]Leo[/name]. Our new little man is due in [name]April[/name]. My husband and I have a terrible time agreeing on names, and finally settled on these three. Is [name]Wilder[/name] too out there? [name]Boone[/name] too backwoods? [name]Calvin[/name] outdated? I’m not super in love with one over the others. I’d love any reactions and comments you have! My husband likes [name]Wilder[/name] the best.

I really like [name]Wilder[/name] out of the three. [name]Boone[/name] is very unique and I like it too. I’m not fond of the name [name]Calvin[/name]. It sounds too nerdie to me.

[name]Boone[/name] is my favorite, especially with [name]Leo[/name]. I love the dictionary definition of boon: something to be thankful for; blessing. That is certainly what a child is. [name]Wilder[/name] is a little too… wild as a first name to me. What about [name]Boone[/name] [name]Wilder[/name]?

[name]Wilder[/name] is my favorite. [name]Boone[/name] is a close runner-up. [name]Calvin[/name] is not my style.

I love all your options! I was leaning toward [name]Wilder[/name] (which I love) until I saw your son is [name]Leo[/name]–I think [name]Leo[/name] and [name]Calvin[/name] make a perfect match, and I would love to see [name]Calvin[/name] [name]Wilder[/name]. That way, you don’t have to worry about [name]Wilder[/name] being too out-there, and [name]Leo[/name] and [name]Calvin[/name] are just darling for brothers, imo! I would love to see [name]Boone[/name] used, too, but [name]Leo[/name] ____ and [name]Calvin[/name] [name]Wilder[/name] seems too perfect for me to pass up. :slight_smile: Unless you already have a MN picked? Either way, [name]Calvin[/name] is still my top choice for a FN for you.

Good luck!

[name]Calvin[/name] wasn’t my style until I had a very cool student who wore it well. Now it’s back in my good graces! I like it with [name]Leo[/name], too.

My favorite is [name]Wilder[/name], though.

Either would work with [name]Boone[/name] as a middle name. It’s not one I’d choose for the first spot, personally, but I like it a lot with your other choices and in the middle it wouldn’t be used much. Bonus, “B.” is a great middle initial. “[name]Wilder[/name] B. _______” has a nice ring to it. :slight_smile:

I loooove [name]Calvin[/name] with [name]Leo[/name]. It’s such a handsome sibset.

  • [name]Athena[/name]

[name]Calvin[/name] is my favourite (in its own right and with [name]Leo[/name]).
Best of luck!

I love [name]Boone[/name]. I really wanted to use it as a middle name but my husband has a friend nick named [name]Boone[/name] so he vetoed it. My second choice would be [name]Calvin[/name], it’s more classic, but its under used and therefore almost unique. [name]Wilder[/name] to me sounds like a nick name, and maybe too out there for when he’s a young professional
Good luck!

Thanks for the suggestions! I guess I should’ve included the middle name. It’s definitely going to be [name]Joseph[/name], honoring a great grandpa and an uncle.

In that case, I like [name]Boone[/name] [name]Joseph[/name]. :slight_smile:

I really like [name]Wilder[/name]. [name]Wilder[/name] [name]Joseph[/name] would sound quite rugged and handsome.

I adore [name]Boone[/name]! It’s unusual but there is something very sweet about it. I find [name]Calvin[/name] a little plain and [name]Wilder[/name] is okay but just not to my tastes. Plus I think [name]Leo[/name] and [name]Boone[/name] ‘fit’ together much better.

To go with [name]Leo[/name] I like [name]Calvin[/name] the best. To throw some other suggestions in the mix…

[name]Leo[/name] & [name]Blake[/name]
[name]Blake[/name] [name]Joseph[/name]

[name]Leo[/name] & [name]Rory[/name]
[name]Rory[/name] [name]Joseph[/name]

[name]Leo[/name] & [name]Felix[/name]
[name]Felix[/name] [name]Joseph[/name]

[name]Leo[/name] & [name]Gavin[/name]
[name]Gavin[/name] [name]Joseph[/name]

[name]Leo[/name] & [name]Eli[/name]
[name]Eli[/name] [name]Joseph[/name]

[name]Wilder[/name] - I find this one too out there
[name]Boone[/name] - I like this one, it goes good with [name]Leo[/name]
[name]Calvin[/name] - I find it too outdated

Best of luck to you!

I think [name]Calvin[/name] goes best with [name]Leo[/name]. They both have a vintage air about them. [name]Calvin[/name] [name]Joseph[/name] would be very handsome. Personally, I think [name]Wilder[/name] and [name]Boone[/name] are better in the middle spot.

I like [name]Wilder[/name] and [name]Calvin[/name] best.

Since [name]Leo[/name] is a little old-fashioned, [name]Calvin[/name] fits best with it and [name]Calvin[/name] [name]Joseph[/name] is a great name.

If you want some other options:

[name]Leo[/name] and

[name]Arthur[/name] [name]Joseph[/name]

I really appreciate the input, everyone! I am still torn- and it looks like all the commentary is nearly evenly divided between the three.
I really like [name]Wilder[/name], but I know it will be met with some raised eyebrows from the grandparents, and I’m a bit worried about it not aging well. [name]Do[/name] you think it’s going to get more mainstream? [name]Calvin[/name] is cute, and I like the nn [name]Cal[/name], but in my neighborhood of Jalens and Mckinleys it will have a hard time fitting in. [name]Boone[/name] is sweet, but sort of makes me think of a sleepy hound dog on the porch. The husband is pretty committed to having one of these, and I did promise I’d give him more leeway on our second babe. Guess I just have to pick one and stick with it!

I think that in your neighbourhood of “Jalens and McKinleys” [name]Calvin[/name] would definitely stand-out, but in refreshing way. I don’t think it’s dated at all. I really like it with [name]Leo[/name] too!