Can I add my top 10 too?


[name]Allegra[/name] (allergy medication not relevant to me).
[name]Camille[/name]- I can’t decide whether this sounds a little too harsh
[name]Genevieve[/name]- is this about to rocket in terms of popularity? I’m not after v unusual but would prefer not to choose something which will suddenly take a big jump in popularity
[name]Penelope[/name]- see [name]Genevieve[/name]
[name]Viola[/name]- a bit concerned about potential teasing as similar to vile/ violent.
[name]Vivienne[/name]- similar concern to G and P because of Brangelina connection

I think that’s about it as husband doesn’t like any of the traditional boys names that I am fond of. Infact, he probably doesn’t like most of this list either!!

I’m just going to list the ones I like, in order (most to least):



[name]Hi[/name], L!

I’m so glad you can give me a firsthand opinion on the name “L”. That’s perfect! And, I’m more than happy to take a look at your own top names…

Okay. So, what’s catching my eye on your girl list is [name]Adele[/name], [name]Genevieve[/name], [name]Juliet[/name], [name]Penelope[/name], and [name]Vivienne[/name]. And maybe [name]Viola[/name]. They’re all great! I hate to say that I’m blanking on your kids’ names besides [name]Cecily[/name], but nearly all of your favorites “fit.” I think [name]Adele[/name] is really perfect, but [name]Adela[/name] (my favorite form) and [name]Adelina[/name] are gorgeous as well, whereas [name]Adeline[/name] is sweeter. [name]Genevieve[/name] is perhaps the most approachable and spunky of the princess name set. [name]Do[/name] I think she’ll spike up in popularity? Honestly, no. She’s more of a hover-er, in my mind; a name that isn’t unheard of but isn’t wildly popular, either. She’s a happy medium, like [name]Juliet[/name]! By the way, [name]Juliet[/name] is one of my favorites. She’s a little more sophisticated than [name]Julia[/name], a little more elegant, but, hey, sassy [name]Julietta[/name] is cool, too! [name]Penelope[/name] is gorgeous, but if I remembered your [name]Cecily[/name] correctly, I wouldn’t use it - boy, do they sound similar to me! Would you ever consider a virtue name like [name]Patience[/name] or [name]Pleasant[/name] or even [name]Prudence[/name]? Not really like [name]Penelope[/name], but cool in their own right. [name]Phoebe[/name] would be nice, too, as is [name]Daphne[/name], if you like something like [name]Penelope[/name]. And, [name]Vivienne[/name]. A spike name? Eh, I don’t know. Sure, she’s getting more attention, but it’s no [name]Shiloh[/name]. I’ll admit that I find it to be a bit of a big name for a little girl, but it’s cool, as is [name]Vivi[/name]. [name]Vivien[/name] is actually my favorite spelling - it’s very lady in the water or something for me, like [name]King[/name] [name]Arthur[/name] lore. I love the simplicity of [name]Vivien[/name]! [name]Viola[/name] is gorgeous and less sweet than [name]Violet[/name], but I’m starting to love [name]Violetta[/name] most. More than [name]Julietta[/name], because it’s easier to say, and it just has a little more oomph than [name]Viola[/name]! Violence? Vile? I wouldn’t worry there…

Of the others, [name]Allegra[/name] is fine but she doesn’t excite me. [name]Alena[/name] is pretty, though, but not so classic quirky. [name]Camille[/name] actually feels rather soft to me because of that [name]Milly[/name] of it all, although C is a harsh consonant. I like it, but [name]Camilla[/name]'s been getting more attention, and although I prefer [name]Camille[/name], she’s not so much of a stand-out right now. [name]Dahlia[/name] is beautiful as a name and a flower, but it reminds me of [name]Black[/name] [name]Dahlia[/name], which I don’t care for. [name]Delilah[/name] is really spunky, though, and a nature name like [name]Azalea[/name] or [name]Juniper[/name] would be fun, too. Really, [name]Zinnia[/name] would be divine. [name]Rosa[/name]? She’s nice, but she also feels, well, old. [name]Rosamund[/name] or [name]Rosaline[/name] or [name]Rosalie[/name]? [name]Rosanna[/name]? Something? [name]Rosalia[/name] is very pretty, though [name]Rosalie[/name] is my favorite.

Let’s jump to boy names. Off the bat, I’m digging [name]Nathaniel[/name] and [name]Jude[/name] and [name]Theodore[/name], although I oft find [name]Theodore[/name] to be really quite heavy and nix him from my favorites. [name]Theo[/name] is cool, [name]Teddy[/name] is sweet, but [name]Theodore[/name] is a whole lot of name. I think I don’t like the [name]Dore[/name] sound much, so no [name]Dorothy[/name] or [name]Dorothea[/name] or [name]Eudora[/name] or [name]Dora[/name] or [name]Theodore[/name] for me!

[name]Caspian[/name] is cool but a lot of name, personality wise. [name]Cass[/name] and [name]Cash[/name] are neat nicknames. [name]Hugo[/name] is fun, and [name]Victor[/name] [name]Hugo[/name] isn’t really honored that much, but it’s got a bit of a doggy vibe to me. Probably because people don’t think they are cool enough to pull it off, huh? [name]Hugo[/name] is neat, though, and I think you could do it! Oh, [name]Raphael[/name]! Yes, he’s neat. [name]Rafe[/name] is lovely, and [name]Rafa[/name] is cool. This is a great name. The two on your list that aren’t really my thing are [name]Bruno[/name] and [name]Jasper[/name]. [name]Bruno[/name] just feels tired to me, and old and unattractive. [name]Hugo[/name] has appeal, but [name]Bruno[/name] isn’t doing it for me! [name]Jasper[/name] is just the one guy name I despise, mostly because it doesn’t feel like a name to me. It sort of sounds like a noun or an adjective or even a cologne! Ha. I don’t know, and maybe I’m crazy. What might I throw in? [name]Cassius[/name] or [name]Cashel[/name]? [name]Dashiell[/name] or [name]Gideon[/name] or [name]Cyrus[/name]? I just think [name]Cy[/name] is neat, as is [name]Dash[/name]. [name]Ezra[/name] or [name]Milo[/name]? [name]Archer[/name] or [name]Thatcher[/name] or [name]Brooks[/name]? Some ideas to play with…


[name]Hi[/name] [name]Lemon[/name],

Warning- prepare for a long response a la [name]Lemon[/name]!

Thanks a lot for your ideas. I always love reading you replies because you seem to put so much effort into them!
I do [name]Adele[/name]/ [name]Adela[/name] but sometimes I think the strong ‘d’ sound is a little harsh, particularly in [name]Adela[/name]. I think I prefer [name]Adele[/name] overall but I like the vintage feel of [name]Adela[/name]. I like [name]Adeline[/name] too but it sounds a little serious to me compared with the others.
[name]Genevieve[/name] I do love because of the history and elegance of the name. It is a little princessy as you say but not in an overly frilly way. It seems more refined if you see what I mean. Also, I can see my girls being called [name]Genevieve[/name].
[name]Juliet[/name] I love but is it a little safe and perhaps too goody goody for my very energetic, noisy daughters?!
[name]Vivienne[/name]- I find it so pretty and I love [name]Vivi[/name] too but I hate [name]Viv[/name].
[name]Viola[/name]- I think it is quite me. I love the literary connections and the elegant simplicity.
Overall, I much prefer the simple names [name]Juliet[/name]/ [name]Julia[/name] and [name]Viola[/name] to the more frilly [name]Julietta[/name]/ [name]Violetta[/name], etc (although I do like the operatic link with [name]Violetta[/name]).
I do like your other floral suggestions too. I will have to think about it.
Of the other names, I am really fond of [name]Allegra[/name]. I think partly because it sounds subtly exotic and I feel that this fits my children. [name]Dahlia[/name] is v pretty but I go on and off it a little. I kind of feel the same about [name]Camille[/name].
By the way, what do you think of [name]Astrid[/name]? I have beeb liking it a lot lately.
Boys, I think about less as I have my favourite name which husband likes (yipee)- [name]Raphael[/name]. I feel that it goes really well with the sibset and is the right balance for me. I like a number of other boy’s names but my husband hardly likes any.
Anyway, thanks again!

[name]Adele[/name]: I love [name]Adele[/name]; it’s one of my newer favorites!
[name]Allegra[/name]: I’ve never liked this for some reason-- I think it’s the LEG right there in the middle.
[name]Camille[/name]: Harsh? Not at all! In fact, I see it as kind of the opposite-- soft, frilly, feminine. Not a particular favorite of mine, but it’s a pretty name.
[name]Dahlia[/name]: Too flowery for me, I think. But I don’t think it’s too flowery as to be unusable. It’s pretty!
[name]Genevieve[/name]: I don’t think it’ll rocket, but I am anticipating it growing in popularity over the next few years. One of my favorites!
[name]Juliet[/name]: I prefer [name]Julia[/name], but [name]Juliet[/name] is lovely too.
[name]Penelope[/name]: Ick, I have an irrational hatred for [name]Penelope[/name]. I just cannot see the appeal; to me it’s ridiculous sounding and ugly. But I know I’m in the minority there, and it’s a perfectly fine name.
[name]Rosa[/name]: My name! :slight_smile: I definitely recommend it, and there should be more baby Rosas out there!
[name]Viola[/name]: The thing about this name for me is pronunciation. I can never decide between vee-OH-la, like the instrument, vye-OH-la, or VYE-la. I think the third one is most correct. [name]Lovely[/name] name, though!
[name]Vivienne[/name]: Same as [name]Genevieve[/name]; I think it will increase in popularity, but it’s still a classic name and won’t get trendy. I can’t decide which I like better-- [name]Vivian[/name] or [name]Vivienne[/name] (or [name]Vivien[/name]). All are nice!

[name]Raphael[/name]: I really like [name]Raphael[/name]! As a nonreligious person, though, I can’t decide if it would be strange to use or not (there IS an angel named [name]Raphael[/name], right?).
[name]Jasper[/name]: I used to really like it, but lately it’s been seeming a bit too hipster. I know quite a few of them. But I still like the name a lot!
[name]Hugo[/name]: I know a 7-year-old [name]Hugo[/name] (his father is British, I’m in the US) and I feel sorry for him because I feel like [name]Hugo[/name] would be pretty hard to live with here. I guess it just depends on the region.
[name]Nathaniel[/name]: A good, solid classic but nothing exciting for me.
[name]Caspian[/name]: I go back and forth on this… I really like it, but is it namey enough? I don’t know if I’d ever use it, but maybe for a middle.
[name]Jude[/name]: I’ve never liked this name. Maybe as a nickname for [name]Julian[/name]/[name]Julius[/name]?
[name]Theodore[/name]: I really like it, another solid classic. [name]Theo[/name] is a great nickname.
[name]Bruno[/name]: A dog name to me. Also strikes me as the name of a bully, not sure why?

My favorites with your other kids’ names are [name]Adele[/name], [name]Genevieve[/name], [name]Viola[/name], [name]Raphael[/name], and [name]Theodore[/name]. :slight_smile:


Well, hm. I see what you mean about [name]Adeline[/name] being more serious than particularly your girls’ names, and though I love [name]Adela[/name]'s romance, [name]Adele[/name] is the softest of the three. I like it, but I’m not sure I love the sounds with M and C’s names.

I’ll lump [name]Juliet[/name] and [name]Genevieve[/name] together because it’s pretty much one or the other, I think. I don’t find [name]Juliet[/name] to be a goody goody name at all, personally. Yes, she’s romantic and elegant and quite sophisticated, but I also think she’s a little mysterious and spunky. I’ve known two [name]Juliette[/name]'s, one a sporty girl and one an artsy girl, so it doesn’t have a plain [name]Jane[/name] feel to it in my mind. As for [name]Genevieve[/name], I definitely agree with your refined frill description - ideal. I’d say either is perfect with M, L, and C, but I particularly like [name]Genevieve[/name] with M and L and [name]Juliet[/name] with C. Well, that doesn’t really help, huh? Oops.

Now I’ll lump the V’s! I don’t think [name]Viola[/name] is good with M’s name - the sounds are rather similar. [name]Vivien[/name] or [name]Vivian[/name] or [name]Vivienne[/name] or [name]Vivianne[/name], though? Well, not [name]Vivianne[/name]; that looks weird, right? Um, I like those in your set. Actually, I love M, L, C, and [name]Vivi[/name]! It’s really a beautiful sound in your sibling set, perhaps my favorite thus far.

[name]Allegra[/name] does seem like it might fit your kiddos from what I remember from previous conversations, but it doesn’t feel like a remarkably better fit than other names you’ve mentioned. As for [name]Astrid[/name], I generally find her to be quite harsh and unattractive, to be perfectly frank - sorry! I just wouldn’t want to be the [name]Astrid[/name] to your girls’ M and C, you know? As for nature names that might work with M, L, and C, you might go for [name]Jessamine[/name] or [name]Primrose[/name].

M, L, C, and [name]Raphael[/name] is neat. I like that! I think an even more classic name, liked [name]Edgar[/name], could be neat as well, but [name]Raphael[/name] has great spunk. And, better yet that you and your husband agree, right? Perfection.

[name]Lemon[/name] :slight_smile:

Many thanks [name]Lemon[/name] and IrisRose,

I just wondered, are you pronouncing [name]Allegra[/name]

  1. [name]Al[/name]-Leg-rah or
  2. [name]Al[/name]-[name]Lay[/name]-grah (emphasis on the second syllable)? As far as I know the second is the correct way and is also much prettier- sounds musical to me.
    I just wondered because of the ‘leg’ comment.
    I believe that the correct pn of [name]Viola[/name] is Vye-o-lah (emphasis on first syll.). That is the way it is pn in the Shakespearean productions I have seen. The instrument is vee-O-lah (emphasis on second syll.) so quite different really.
    I think that my favourites are:
    [name]Vivienne[/name]/ [name]Vivien[/name] (love the Arthurian myth- thanks [name]Lemon[/name])
    possibly [name]Adele[/name] as a runner up.
    PS I did have [name]Jessamine[/name] on the list but I think it is a bit too frilly for me. I like [name]Primrose[/name] but not sure I would want to be called [name]Primrose[/name] so probably more of a mn.
    Have no idea what husband will say but this is all theoretical at present as we haven’t decided whether or not to go for no.4 :slight_smile:
    Thank you again!


I say [name]Allegra[/name] as [ah-LEY-grah], with an emphasis on the second syllable. I’ve never heard it different. For [name]Viola[/name], yes the instrument is [VEE-oh-la], but I’ve only ever heard the name pronounced as [vye-OH-la], with an emphasis on the second syllable. Pronouncing the name as [VYE-oh-la] feels very unnatural to me, like you’re trying to say violent but don’t quite get there, you know?

I think you’ve got a super list!

[name]Lemon[/name] :slight_smile:

[name]Hi[/name] lemon,
Maybe it’s a difference in accent between the UK and The States. I used to b v involved in music and the instrument was always vee-Oh-lah. Have you seen [name]Shakespeare[/name] in [name]Love[/name] with [name]Gwyneth[/name] Paltrow and her nasal English accent? I would pn the name [name]Viola[/name] as it was pn in that film. To put it another way, I would pn it like [name]Violet[/name] but with the ‘a’ instead of the ‘t’.

Thanks for your opinions again- always good to read :slight_smile:
[name]Do[/name] you mind doing me a little favour and deleting my name from the top of your ? second post?

Oh, goodness, L, I’m so sorry! I completely meant to write [vee-OH-la] as the instrument’s pronunciation! Yes, absolutely. I just wouldn’t pronounce the name that way. So, it sounds like you pronounce [name]Viola[/name] (the name) with an emphasis on the first syllable, like [name]Violet[/name].

I have not seen [name]Gwyneth[/name] in [name]Shakespeare[/name] in [name]Love[/name], but I did just look up a clip on YouTube - boy does [name]Gwyn[/name] look like her daughter, [name]Apple[/name], in that movie! I can’t seem to find one where she says [name]Viola[/name], though. Bummer.

Anyway, this link sums up how I say 'em! The top is how I say the name and the bottom is how I say the instrument - Pronunciation of Viola Viola : How to pronounce Viola Viola.


[name]Hi[/name] [name]Lemon[/name],
I think that the link wasn’t quite right. I have figured out that it is ingolo not inogolo but it still takes me to the main page and I can’t seem to find the [name]Viola[/name] pn.
Anyway, I have a rough idea how you are pn it so don’t worry if you haven’t got time to link any more!

Oh, one more little q. [name]Do[/name] you like the name [name]Calla[/name] with the others?

Oh, I’m sorry! That’s odd. Well, I just typed “[name]Viola[/name] pronunciation” into Google and went to that link, but I think you get the picture.

[name]Do[/name] I like [name]Calla[/name]? Yes. Much more so than [name]Lily[/name], to be frank. It’s pretty and uncommon but also quite, well, within the bounds of normal, if you will. I won’t say that [name]Calla[/name] is expected, because it isn’t, but it also isn’t unfamiliar. [name]Do[/name] I like it with your kids’ names, you ask? I don’t love that it has the same initial as C’s name, but the C sound is quite different. It’s more uncommon than M and L, but it feels young and vibrant like M, slightly structured like L, and whimsically vintage like C - yes, overall, I give it a “go.”


Thx lemon,
I do like [name]Calla[/name]. I like the fact that it is simple but beautiful, spunky and suits any age group like M. Also, the fact that it has Greek roots and is a flower name too! I think it would pair well with a longer mn like [name]Calla[/name] [name]Genevieve[/name], etc. Overall, I probably prefer the slightly more elegant names though like [name]Genevieve[/name], [name]Juliet[/name], and [name]Vivienne[/name].