I have always had this rule that I can never name a girl a name that has the “ee” sound (like [name]Kinsey[/name], or [name]Sophie[/name]) because it doesn’t age well. But then I was talking to my husband because we both like the name [name]Tenley[/name] but it goes against my rule. He said that I was being silly because when our child gets older there will be a ton of old people with names like [name]Lily[/name] and [name]Chloe[/name], and it will not be odd at all.
Then I started thinking… When I was younger I knew a ton of girls named [name]Ashley[/name], which was probably a childish name then. But now there are lots of doctors and lawyers named [name]Ashley[/name]. My OBGYN is named [name]Christie[/name]. I was just wondering what you think about this… Is my husband right, or do you think some names really don’t age well?
If the names are classics that end in the ‘ee’ sound, it is okay. [name]Emily[/name] is a good example, as well as [name]Amy[/name] and [name]Audrey[/name].
I actually think [name]Sophie[/name] ages very well!
Yes and no… [name]Just[/name] because a name ends in ‘ee’ doesn’t make it sound childish imo, but there are some names that sound childish & don’t age well,I think. Nicknamey names don’t work well on adults, for example, if you named a child [name]Evie[/name] instead of [name]Eve[/name] with nn [name]Evie[/name], [name]Jenny[/name] instead of [name]Jennifer[/name] or [name]Suzie[/name] instead of [name]Susanne[/name]/[name]Susanna[/name] etc. When I meet an older woman with a name like [name]Suzie[/name], [name]Jenny[/name] or [name]Evie[/name], I think of them as being immature. However, I realize that’s just my opinion, and that there are women who go by [name]Evie[/name], [name]Susie[/name], etc. professionally.
That said, when it’s a well established name like [name]Ashley[/name], [name]Sophie[/name], [name]Chloe[/name] etc. I don’t think anyone would have that association.
Your husband is correct. It is utterly ridiculous for any name “not to age well”…LOL. Your name is your name, whatever your age! My [name]Doctor[/name]'s name is [name]Sally[/name] and the president of the college that I attend has the first name [name]Kelly[/name]. These are very respected individuals.
I think it’s fine. I happen to have a daughter named [name]Leonie[/name] so obviously I like them! [name]Chloe[/name] & [name]Sophie[/name] are more my style than [name]Kenley[/name] or [name]Tenley[/name] but while they sound kiddish now once there is a doctor or Senator by that kind of name the image will change.
Yes, I think some names don’t age well. There are “ee” names that do age well, such as [name]Lucy[/name], [name]Audrey[/name] and [name]Emily[/name]. And then there are “ee” names that seem too trendy or childish, such as [name]Kaylee[/name], [name]Mackenzie[/name] and [name]Pippi[/name].
Normally I operate with the philosophy that all names age well even ones that end in ‘ee’, I know a lawyer [name]Amy[/name] and a teacher [name]Kayleigh[/name] for example. However, I don’t like made up names at all and my opinion regarding them wouldn’t change whether the person was two or sixty two. [name]Tenley[/name] or equivalent is going to sound daft to my ears whatever the age.
I think it depends on peoples perception on the name. For me for example the name [name]Pixie[/name] is all well and cute, but it just doesn’t age well. I know there is a famous doctor (tv) named [name]Pixie[/name] - but I still can’t imagine an adult with the name! It doesn’t suit well, in my opinion. But again, it depends on peoples perception.
My great-grandmothers (maternal side) were both [name]Sophie[/name]'s. I think there are classic names with the -ee sound that age very well.
There are a ton of names that we might now consider “old lady chic” that end with ee. [name]Rosemary[/name], [name]Marie[/name], [name]Elsie[/name], [name]Mamie[/name], and [name]Penelope[/name] to name a few. So I think your -ee rule is a good rule of thumb but that you definitely should consider “writing in” an exception clauses.
I agree with Lilysong, that when it sounds nickname-y, it kind of sounds childish. For example I think [name]Lulu[/name] is really cute for a kid, but I don’t know if I could take an adult [name]Lulu[/name] that seriously.
I think it depends on the other sounds in the name, too. The “ee” ending doesn’t doom a name to be juvenile, [name]IMO[/name], but if it has other cutesy sounding syllables in it, then it will be. Ay sounds tend to sound kind of cutesy, so things like [name]Kaylee[/name] always sound juvenile, [name]IMO[/name].
My issue with [name]Tenley[/name] is that -ley ending. It seems like every other newly invented name / surname recruited as first name has that -ley ending and its going to look so dated.
That being said - there are a lot of names that adults have these days that I think sound silly and juvenile - [name]Debbie[/name], for example. I know SO many adult Debbies and I think it sounds cutesy.
I also agree that nickname-y names sound immature and childish, but for me, having a “kree8tyv” spelling completely annihilates any image of professionalism I might have. Those are the names that don’t age on a person.
The -ee suffix is very common in French (-ie) and Greek (-e) female names, so I don’t as a general rule find this ending too juvenile.
However, -y is a common diminutive in English, and I find that names ending in -y (or -ee, -ie, etc.) that are clearly nick names do retain a childish feel. It’s not to say that I can’t imagine an adult with one of these names, it’s just that these names sound less mature.
I agree with chicamerlin. Names with yooneek and krea8tyv spellings are the ones that don’t age well. For example, [name]Emily[/name]. Cute on a little girl, beatiful on a grown woman. Emmaliey, on the other hand…
Usually, I found nickname names don’t age well, not just names that end with -ee. [name]Audrey[/name], [name]Amy[/name] and [name]Lucy[/name] are professional sounding, but [name]Lulu[/name], [name]Coco[/name] and [name]Ellie[/name] do not, though they make adorable nicknames. The only nickname names I can think of that sound professional are [name]Abby[/name] and [name]Kate[/name].