My partner and I like two variations of a name. I like [name_m]Oswin[/name_m]. He created his own variation: Oslin. He likes Oslin more and I like it, too. But… I like [name_m]Oswin[/name_m] more lol.
I could only find evidence of “Oslin” being a surname. I couldn’t find any evidence of it being a first name.
So, my question is: WDYT of Oslin? oz - lin for a boy?
We also have already hashed out similar Os- names, and [name_m]Oswin[/name_m] and Oslin are our two favs.
I have to agree, I prefer [name_m]Oswin[/name_m] as well, with [name_m]Oz[/name_m] or [name_u]Winn[/name_u] being lovely nicknames. Oslin oddly reminds me of the [name_m]Olsen[/name_m] Twins.
I agree with @em.estelle, Oslin simply sounds too feminine. It is a nice creative name though. I would go with [name_m]Oswin[/name_m] for familiarity, ease and masculinity.
I can see the appeal in Oslin but think it might cause problems to have a made-up name that’s so close to an established name like [name_m]Oswin[/name_m]. People may misunderstand and call him [name_m]Oswin[/name_m] anyway.
I also see the [name_u]Lynn[/name_u]-issue @em.estelle mentioned. Oslin might get spelled Oslynn and/or taken for a girl’s name. (As I see it “-in” is a very unisex ending for a name, but -lynn is almost certainly girl, especially in new combinations like [name_f]Gracelynn[/name_f] or, well, Oslynn.)
I kind of like Oslin. It has a modern intriguing feel to it while also sounding classic and surnamey. [name_m]Oswin[/name_m] is good too and probably the easier choice.
I think [name_m]Oswin[/name_m] is adorable. I can definitely see where the others are coming from with the -lyn comments. It does sound a bit feminine. However, with girls being named [name_u]James[/name_u] & [name_m]Wyatt[/name_m]… anything goes at this point and if you end up preferring Oslin I say go for it.
I [name_u]LOVE[/name_u] the name Oslin, and that you created it uniquely yourselves. It does read very slightly feminine to me, but could still work very well I feel.
I love [name_m]Oswin[/name_m] because it can be shortened to [name_u]Win[/name_u] or [name_f]Winnie[/name_f]! I think Oslin is usable but it would make your lives harder in the sense that maybe people would mishear it as [name_m]Oswin[/name_m], you would probably have spell it out all the time as it’s an unknown name and it limits the nickname options to [name_m]Oz[/name_m]/[name_m]Ozzy[/name_m]. But the most important thing is to go with the name you love the most!