DISCLAIMER: This is traditionally not a name. A céilidh is a traditional Celtic party. [name_m]Just[/name_m] wanted to get that out there.
It is pronounced [name_u]KAY[/name_u]-lee. [name_f]Kailey[/name_f] et al are, as far as I am aware of, modern creations with little to no actual derivation. But Ceilidh seems a little more…refined? Tradition-based?
I wouldn’t use this- it would cause major pronunciation issues where I live. And, as I am not Celtic, it might seem a little pretentious. But Ceilidh does have a nice sound, and I’ve met a Latin-American girl named Fiesta (Spanish for “party”), so why not, if you liked it? Word names are already widespread, and now the idea of international word names is just beginning.
I am posting this because my little sister brought home a poem written in a magazine by a teenaged Ceilidh. My sister was very surprised when I knew how to pronounce the name…