For honor name reasons, I’m trying to find Celtic (bonus points if Irish) floral girls names. Quite the complicated task, for me at least. Any ideas out there? Could be words that work as names, too. TIA
[name_f]Róisín[/name_f] is [name_m]Irish[/name_m] Gaelic with the meaning “little rose” - that was my first thought. Looking it up, I see it’s a diminutive of [name_f]Róis[/name_f], which is rose. So either of those could be an option.
I second [name_f]Róisín[/name_f]! I think that’s your best bet for an [name_m]Irish[/name_m] floral girls name.
Here are some more Celtic names with floral meanings:
Bláthnat (Irish, little flower)
[name_f]Briallen[/name_f] (Welsh, primrose)
[name_f]Ffion[/name_f] (Welsh, foxglove)
[name_m]Rowan[/name_m] (Irish, rowan tree)
[name_f]Rozenn[/name_f] (Breton, rose)
Went searching and found these:
Bláthín (f) BLAW-heen (little flower)
Bláthnaid (f) BLAW-nid [name_f]Flora[/name_f], [name_f]Florence[/name_f] (flower)
Líle (f) LEE leh (Lily)
[name_f]Nóinín[/name_f] NOE-neen (Irish word for “daisy.”)
Eithne/Enya (f) EN-yeh vari. [name_f]Etna[/name_f], [name_f]Anna[/name_f], Annie (either “kernel” or “gorse”)
Oh i think noinin is so cute! Might be a top contender, but strongly considering [name_f]Josephine[/name_f] as a second middle… so not sure about the double “een” ending
Also lile… wouldn’t be the least intuitive of Gaelic spellings!
Magairlín means “orchid" in [name_m]Irish[/name_m] Gaelic, to my knowledge, and it is my understanding that it is pronounced MAG-ur-LEEN. I think she would lend herself nicely to the endearing nickname of [name_f]Maggie[/name_f] rather easily! I have additional Gaelic word names on my list that are not all floral, but I can share them if you would be interested! Good luck in your search!
Not all of these are proper names, some are just words that pertain to a flower, but here’s what I have on my list:
Rós / [name_f]Róisín[/name_f]
Flidais - similar to [name_f]Artemis[/name_f], goddess of woodlands and wild things
Sneachta - means ‘snow’, but could be taken as plúirín sneachta meaning ‘snowdrop’
Feirdhris - dog rose
Sabhaircín - primrose
Goirmin - pansy
Seasmain - jasmine
Poipín - poppy (might elicit teasing)
Tiúilip - tulip
[name_f]Do[/name_f] you know how this is pronounced?
Please do share!!
[name_m]Ardin[/name_m]- great forest
Eislyn- dream/beautiful rose
Sorry if any of these are too “out-there”! I went for the ones that sounded the most pleasing, as well as trying to factor in usability. So there is a good mix of over-the-top and more down to earth options! Please note that I am pulling from an old list that I got from a name website once upon a time, so I would do further research on those names you are interested in!
It is not the most reliable source, but even Google Translate seems to be corroborating the meanings! Good luck on your naming journey!
Anfa (“storm”, AN-fah)
Cíormheala (“honeycomb”, keer-VAH-lah)
Cladach (“seashore”, KLAH-dah)
Cláirseach (“harp”, KLAR-shah)
Corcra (“purple”, KOR-crah)
Dordéan (“hummingbird”, DOR-day-en)
Dreoilín (“wren”, DRAW-leen/DRO-leen)
Eilit (“doe”, EL-lit)
Fáinne (“ring, resembling a halo”, FAWN-neh)
Féirín (“gift”, FEH-reen)
Féithleann (“honeysuckle”, FAY-len)
Fonn (“melody”, FAHN)
Grian (“sun”, GREE-en)
Iora (“squirrel”, ER-ruh)
Leamhán (“elm”, LEH-vawn)
Leoithne (“breeze", LAW-neh)
Liath (“grey”, LEE-ah)
Luibh (“herb”, LUV/LIV)
Lúnasa ("month of August” in [name_m]Irish[/name_m] Gaelic, pronounced as LOON-nes-sah, to the best of my knowledge! A good way to get to [name_f]Luna[/name_f], methinks! This one is my personal favorite!)
Macalla (“echo”, muh-CALL-lah)
Márta (“March”, MOR-tah)
Meala (“honey-like”, MAHL-lah)
Mian (“wish”, MEE-en)
Neamh (“heaven”, NAHV)
Néamhann (“mother-of-pearl”, NAY-ven)
Ómra (“amber”, OME-rah)
Ré (“moon”, RAY)
Réalta (“star”, RAYL-tah)
Réaltra (“galaxy”, RAYL-trah)
Ríon (“queen”, REE-un)
Siansa (“symphony”, SHIN-sah)
Siorradh (“breeze”, SHER-rah)
I hope this helps, even a little bit!
Nair-n I think!
echoing @cms1512, just thought I’d give the audio it’s also a Scottish town and the name of one of our rivers
Thanks. I love it so much but don’t know that we’ll get to use it so I always suggest it to other people lol