We are thinking about having our first baby and we are just starting to compile all our favorite names. I love this site, it has given me so much to think about! We are particularly interested in names of Scottish, Spanish, or French origin. Scottish because that is where his family is from, Spanish because that is where my family is from, and French because we are both French speakers who are in love with the language and culture.
So what are your favorite names that meet that criteria? [name]Male[/name] or female. Would love the help brainstorming!
[name]How[/name] Spanish do you want to go? Are you thinking of classical names of Latin origin that translate directly to English, such as [name]Cecilia[/name], [name]Clara[/name], [name]Marina[/name]/[name]Mariana[/name], [name]Martin[/name], [name]Marco[/name], [name]Isabel[/name], etc. or the hard-core, historic Spanish names like Cayetana/Cayetano, Almudena, [name]Amparo[/name], [name]Pelayo[/name], Covadonga, etc.?