a bit of a weird one, but this seems the best sort of site for this kind of help. I am looking to change my surname. I’d like to keep my first name as-is , lets say its [name_f]Cleo[/name_f] because its a similar sound. The names i like the most right now are
However, im worried “[name_f]Cleo[/name_f] [name_u]Vrai[/name_u]” sounds… off/odd? I’ve been at this for a while so idk if my perspective is just warped by how long ive been looking at my own name haha
The problem with “[name_f]Cleo[/name_f] [name_f]Arcadia[/name_f]” comes down to vowel slurry, but im not sure if its as much of a problem since the vowels are so different.
*I get these names are odd and wouldn’t do well in a typical job interview but in my job odd names are very common and almost expected. I’ll be fine in that regard. All I’m worried abt is how it sounds. Also if you have any other names to consider I’d be down for suggestions. My preference is strongly for names that aren’t already surnames.