Complete my saintly/royal/eccentric aristocrat sibset

So, I’ve done separate posts for my DH’s and my favorite boy names and girl names, and I have gotten awesome suggestions from my dear berries (thank you!).

But, I thought maybe I would do a post with the whole sibset all together to see what names, boy or girl, that you think vibe with all of our chosen names.

So, we have agreed on the following:


We haven’t agreed on any other names beyond this. If you had this sibset, what would you add to it, both boys and girls? Coincidentally, all of these names are saints and nobility/royalty, so names that fit that or the overall eccentric aristocrat, fusty old castle vibe are encouraged!

Thanks in advance! Have fun! :smile:




I would definitely add [name_f]Lavender[/name_f]!!!





[name_m]Count[/name_m] any repeats as seconds. :slight_smile:



Thank you, everyone! You guys did a great job. I’m glad some of you like our sibset :smile:

These are my faves of your suggestions, which I just can’t use or he’s already vetoed:

[name_u]Laurence[/name_u] (my FAVORITE, but I might get him to change his mind!)
[name_f]Marguerite[/name_f] (again might fight to change mind haha)

Faves that aren’t vetoed (yet, haha):

[name_f]Gwendolyn[/name_f] (he might actually like?)
[name_m]Walter[/name_m] (using as a middle)

Anybody else got any more eccentric aristocrats to throw at me, please do! :heart:
