instinctively for myself would have been may-bli but after research it seems the more correct way is [name_f]MAB[/name_f]-li. there have been some voice recordings and sites using the MAEB-li pronunciation.
are these different pronunciations for english vs. welsh vs. french? or is one more right then the other?
My first thought was [name_f]MAB[/name_f]-li with a short A sound. Though, in [name_u]America[/name_u], you might be able to get away with either. Especially because words ending with an -ee sound typically have the long A like MAEB-li. Examples are maple or shaky or cable. If I heard someone say the name “Mabli” like “may-bli”, it wouldn’t sound odd. I can’t speak to the traditional Welsh pronunciation.
My first instinct is [name_f]MAB[/name_f]-li but I do think it’s pretty either way and still uncommon enough that you could probably get away with either pronunciation.
I read it may-blee at first as well, possibly influenced by a [name_f]Mabry[/name_f] (may-bree) I knew once, although I’ve always seen the correct pronunciation as mab-lee. I think may-blee is easier to say but I personally wouldn’t use the wrong pronunciation for a name just because I prefer it. Either way, Mabli is a name I really want to like because it looks spunky and fun but I find it too awkward to say.