Courtney for a boy? Thoughts?

Does it work for a boy or is it considered to be a feminine name too much in your opinion?


I don’t love that for a boy… I don’t really like the name Courtney in the first place, and it does feel a little feminine for a boy’s name to me!

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It could defiantly be a boy’s name! The only problem you might run into is that because it was so popular, it might take a little while for people to get used to it being masculine.

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I knew a male & a female [name_u]Courtney[/name_u] in High school, I think it works just fine for either. I even think I might prefer it for boys

I think it could be used for a male down the road. Trouble is, I’m not wild about it for a girl even. [name_u]Courtland[/name_u]?


I like it! As stated above, it might take a while for some to get used to it on a boy because it was recently so popular for girls, but I think it could work. There is nothing particularly feminine about it, after all.

I love [name_u]Courtney[/name_u] on a boy and mostly dislike it on a girl. I do think it could work on a boy, especially since it was a male name at one point, if I remember correctly.

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I don’t care for it. I raised two boys and found boys are sensitive about having their name questioned, especially while very young. My younger son who had a unisex name wanted to use his traditional male middle name for a time, and my eldest son with a somewhat unusual but masculine name was so annoyed when he met a little girl with “his name” . It’s hard on children to be put in those situations where simply sharing what his or her name is becomes a bit awkward… And that can help bring on social anxiety issues, sadly… Best to not give a child a name that people need to “get used to”.

I’m not sure. I think it could be, but maybe my hesitation is just that i dont like the name

I think it could absolutely work !! but of course many people would assume a courtney to be a female. that said, it won’t ruin courtney’s life.

I’ve only known two people with the name, so it’s not set as feminine in my mind. It reads neutral to me and I think it would be very nice on a boy (:

I know a guy whose first name is [name_u]Courtney[/name_u] and he’s never liked it. He goes by his middle name. I’m not a fan of it on a boy, either,

I think spelled [name_u]Cortney[/name_u] looks more masculine.


To me, [name_u]Courtney[/name_u] is Barbie’s little sister. (Any other 90’s kids remember that?) So to me it’s very feminine.


There were boys at my school named [name_u]Courtney[/name_u] and Stacey… I’m not a fan. The name is very 90’s feminine to me.
I can kinda see the point of pp saying that spelling it [name_u]Cortney[/name_u] makes it come across more masculine though. But still not a name I’d pick for a boy.

It’s too feminine for my taste but it could still be used for a boy.

[name_u]Courtney[/name_u] was originally a masculine name before girls took over it like a lot of other male names.
I’ve known male and female Courtneys.
The male Courtney’s I’ve known didn’t have bullying problems for having a girl name and really rocked it quite well.
One of the male Courtney’s was a skater boy.
Some went by [name_m]Court[/name_m], some by [name_m]Corky[/name_m].
I guess it would depend on how people are where you’re located.
But to me it works for a boy and isn’t too feminine.

Until recently, I had only met two Courtney’s in my life and they were both men. Last week, I met a female [name_u]Courtney[/name_u] for the first time. I haven’t seen the name on any children though.

I met a guy named [name_u]Courtney[/name_u] and was shocked it was a boy name. I just didn’t know it was a unisex name at that point. I have a good friend today who is a female [name_u]Courtney[/name_u] so I like the name but I still don’t see it as a unisex name. I think [name_m]Court[/name_m] or [name_u]Courtland[/name_u] work for a boy. But something about [name_u]Courtney[/name_u] is just all feminine to me even though I really did try to see it as a unisex name. The guy I knew called [name_u]Courtney[/name_u] was very masculine but still… it doesn’t make it cross over for me personally.

I’ve known exactly 2 Courtneys- 1 boy and 1 girl. I think it works either way and if you love it, use it.