Create a family (but it's got a twist)

Dr. [name_u]Juniper[/name_u] " [name_u]Pip[/name_u] " [name_f]Evadne[/name_f] Satterfield (32) is the other doctor involved with Della’s fling, but love rival is too serious of a title to give them. [name_u]Pip[/name_u] absolutely isn’t looking for a serious relationship, something they’re very upfront about, but given Della’s concerns it’s more on the head of the guy they’ve both been seeing, as he’s been pretty open about his fondness of [name_u]Pip[/name_u] - and there’s few things quite as difficult as a love triangle where all three parties are hoping for separate outcomes. Descending from a line of people working in the medical field, Pip’s the only child born to their parents, with a half-sibling born from their father’s third marriage [their mom was Wife No. 2]; and both siblings are now openly nonbinary - something [name_u]Pip[/name_u] jokes their dad had no choice but to accept. They were actually uncertain about being open with their gender identity around him, as he’s not a man known for being open about his inner thoughts - be they emotional or political, but he proved understanding and accepting; which truthfully made [name_u]Pip[/name_u] happier for their son and younger sibling than anything else - as they’ve always had the temperament best equipped for his distant nature, becoming gregarious and fun-loving so they’re always surrounded by positively focused personalities.

[name_u]Pip[/name_u] became a parent just after completing their medical degree: a one night stand at their graduation party, the after after after party as they call it, led to their son’s birth, and they wouldn’t trade this in for anything. Things can be a little awkward between themselves and his father - the guy really wanted to pursue a proper relationship, but [name_u]Pip[/name_u] knew it was just for the sake of a conventional family setting for their son to be raised in, one they knew had a chance of descending into dysfunction thanks to the pressure it could create. Pip’s also very aware that their family is not an easy one to acclimatise to: aside from their dad’s stern, foreboding aura, their half-sibling’s a college student majoring in psychology with a love of impromptu psychoanalysis, and their stepsister [daughter of their mom’s second husband] is frequently getting involved in whirlwind romances that have dramatic, chaotic endings - and that’s not including the extended clan of junior doctors, surgeons, nurses and midwives that make up the Satterfield’s history.

It’s not a secret that Pip’s son’s father feels they were unreasonable in immediately shutting down his offer, and the fact he’s trying for a baby with his current girlfriend has stressed their son out, as he worries a sibling could replace him. Pip’s had several awkward conversations with his dad about this - he’s quite an inherently defensive person who takes any perceived criticism poorly - but they’re hoping their son can be soothed through the input of his dad’s girlfriend, a woman they’re usually on better terms with given she’s got a less reactive nature. This is also why Pip’s pulled back from the colleagur they were seeing, as they don’t want to further complicate things or upset their child, who’s feeling quite fragile in what his family means to him currently. They’ve confided in their best friend, a midwife who specialises in home births, about this often; but for how they’re usually clued into the bigger picture, [name_u]Pip[/name_u] actually knows very little about [name_f]Della[/name_f]. In part it’s because they feel it’s rude to investigate her, but also stems from the fact they really do not want to be sucked into any more drama given Babygate [as their best friend’s codenamed the ongoing situation].