Create a family (but it's got a twist)

hey! i saw two of these games floating around and i decided to make another because— well. i’m insatiable, i guess!

the rules go as follows: i’ll give a full name and age for a fictional person as well as an image of them. a paragraph of description as well (although this isn’t mandatory). the next person will create a person that is related to the previous person in some way (it doesn’t necessarily need to be by blood: it could be a friend, coworker, etc), then it continues.

Hye-rin “[name_f]Hailey[/name]” Chung (18) is a high school student and future student at Brown University. She plans on double majoring in journalism and biology since she doesn’t know what to do when she’s older. She is her graduating class’s valedictorian. She moved to the states when she was around seven years old. Outside of academics, she loves singing and has a small following on YouTube for original songs and covers. She has a pet cat named [name_m]Octavian[/name], but she calls him Octi.


Kelly [name_f]Elizabeth[/name_f] McKinley (18) is [name_f]Hailey[/name_f]’s best friend. They met their first day of eighth grade and were inseparable ever since. [name_u]Kelly[/name_u] loves writing short stories and poetry and wants to go to [name_u]Penn[/name_u] State for creative writing. She also loves languages and is fluent in [name_f]English[/name_f] and [name_u]French[/name_u] and is trying to learn Arabic.


Bethany [name_f]Rose[/name_f] McKinley (14) is [name_u]Kelly[/name_u]’s little sister. She’s creative like her sister, but her passion is painting instead of writing. Their family home is full of [name_f]Bethany[/name_f]’s paintings, and she hopes to eventually start selling her art. When she’s not painting, [name_f]Bethany[/name_f] loves to play with the family dog, [name_u]Jet[/name_u].


Maddox [name_m]Jerome[/name_m] Fields (15) is [name_f]Bethany[/name_f] and [name_u]Kelly[/name_u]’s neighbor. He and [name_f]Bethany[/name_f] like to walk their dogs together after school. [name_u]Maddox[/name_u]’s dog, Batman, loves to run with [name_u]Jet[/name_u]. When [name_u]Maddox[/name_u] isn’t hanging out with [name_f]Bethany[/name_f], he enjoys playing the drums in the school band. His favorite bands are [name_f]Nirvana[/name_f], The Smiths, and Paramore. He wants to be a school music teacher when he grows up just like his grandfather.


Jerome [name_m]Ulysses[/name_m] Fields (72) is [name_u]Maddox[/name_u]’s grandfather. He’s a retired music teacher, and has passed his love of music onto his grandson. He taught [name_u]Maddox[/name_u] to play the drums, and whenever [name_u]Maddox[/name_u] comes to visit they have a jam session together. He also likes playing bingo with his friends.


[name_f]Mikayla[/name_f] [name_f]Serena[/name_f] St. [name_m]John[/name_m] (21) is another music student of [name_m]Jerome[/name_m]. She is a well known violinist and a model. She was adopted on her eighth birthday.


Kennedy [name_f]Amelia[/name_f] St. [name_m]John[/name_m] (16) is [name_f]Mikayla[/name_f]’s sister. Like the rest of her siblings, she’s adopted - her adoption happened when she was 4 years old. She’s recently become interested in skateboarding, and fortunately she seems to have a natural talent. [name_m]Even[/name_m] if she’s not skating, she always prefers to be outside and can often be found reading on the swing in the back garden. The family have a lot of pets, and [name_u]Kennedy[/name_u] owns her own hamster, [name_f]Yseult[/name_f].

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Faith Rebecca Hammett (19) is Kennedy’s best friend. She is a teen mom who owns a YouTube channel, though her channel is unrelated to her child. She is also a model with a scholarship. She is 19, but mistaken for 16, but she wants to easily correct anyone who believes she and her boyfriend have a scary age gap. Faith is friendly and makes sure not to hurt anyone, even if she’s not always the best.


Benjamin [name_m]Matteo[/name_m] [name_u]Vida[/name_u] (19) is [name_f]Faith[/name_f]’s boyfriend and father of their beautiful newborn daughter. [name_u]Benjamin[/name_u] is a tattoo artist and loves hiking and yoga on his free time. He owns a tattoo studio that’s gaining popularity and is also an influencer on Instagram.


[name_f]Brianna[/name] “Bri” [name_f]Michelle[/name] Vida (19) is [name_m]Ben[/name]'s twin sister. She disapproves of their relationship because of their age difference but isn’t saying anything yet. Like her brother, she does have a social media presence— she’s part of a pop-punk band called Saints With Swords, where she is the drummer.


Allison “AJ” [name_f]Jennifer[/name_f] [name_m]Jenkins[/name_m] (20) is the lead singer in Saints With Swords. She’s the oldest of six children and always resented her strict [name_u]Christian[/name_u] upbringing. She loves watching TikTok videos and going to farmer’s markets. She currently works part-time at a Starbucks.


Eden [name_f]Victoria[/name_f] de [name_f]Palma[/name_f] (22) is the guitarist in Saints with Swords. She’s a trans woman who named herself [name_f]Victoria[/name_f] after her beloved grandma who raised her. She’s a lot of fun to be around and always the life of the party. She’s currently roommates with [name_f]Bri[/name_f] and AJ, and has a day job at [name_f]Sephora[/name_f].


Eunbi “[name_f]Jade[/name]” Kim (19) is the bassist of Saints with Swords. She is one of [name_f]Bri[/name]'s closest friends and is planning to move in with AJ and Eden as soon as she can. She dropped out of high school due to mental health issues and this displeased her parents. Currently, she has a day job at a boba shop. She has an older brother and a dog named [name_m]Rex[/name].



Kiwoo “[name_u]Taylor[/name_u]” [name_u]Kim[/name_u] (21) is [name_f]Jade[/name_f]’s older brother. He goes to LSU and is studying mechanical engineering. [name_m]Even[/name_m] though his major is difficult, he still loves to party and goes out almost every weekend with friends he’s had since his freshman year. He has a black and white pit-bull puppy named Guinness.

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Hyunjin “[name_m]John[/name]” Jung (21) is one of [name_u]Taylor[/name]'s friends and an illustration major. He transferred schools after realising he did not want to be an engineer and that he was living out his parent’s dreams. He currently resides in an apartment in upstate New York with his roommate. During his stay in New York, he’s gotten a full sleeve of tattoos and his parents do not know of it. He has a younger sister.

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Leighton [name_u]Kyle[/name_u] [name_m]Nixon[/name_m] (21) is [name_m]John[/name_m]’s roommate. He’s a tattoo artist, and he was the one who did [name_m]John[/name_m]’s sleeve. He grew up in [name_u]Maine[/name_u] and moved to [name_u]New[/name_u] [name_m]York[/name_m] at 15. His family only live half an hour away from him, and he’s super close with them. He enjoys skateboarding in the summer and snowboarding in the winter.

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[name_f]Sara[/name] [name_f]Madeleine[/name] Cohen (17) is [name_m]John[/name] and [name_m]Leighton[/name]'s neighbour. She lives with two of her friends, and they have all escaped abusive households. She is still going to high school and is a junior. She sells her clothes on Depop for money and is also working at a Starbucks for additional money. She has two estranged younger siblings.


Kaylee [name_f]Jennifer[/name_f] [name_u]Anderson[/name_u] (23) works with [name_f]Sara[/name_f] at Starbucks. She hates living in their small town and is saving up to move to [name_m]Orlando[/name_m], [name_f]Florida[/name_f] to live with some friends she met in college. She loves to write in her journal and do yoga. She has two pet rats named [name_m]Jacque[/name_m] and [name_u]Jerry[/name_u].

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Lorelai Sadie McInday (18) is a frequent customer of Kaylee’s, in part because she’s Sara’s roommate, and also in part because she often needs coffee to get herself through a day working at a tech support firm. Lorelai still misses her parents in spite of what they subjected her to and struggles with this fact often, but thankfully her friends are there to support her. She recently found an abandoned cat - of no discernable breed - who she’s named Bloom and now lives in the apartment with the trio.


Natasha [name_u]Marie[/name_u] Tadworth (18) is [name_f]Sara[/name_f] and [name_f]Lorelai[/name_f]’s roommate who loves to travel. She is studying to become a surgeon to pursue her passion of helping others. She is an only child so has no close family. She loves living with her friends but is still looking forward to the day she can move out and move in with her boyfriend and start a family. She also has a tabby cat she brought from her parents house called [name_m]Theodorus[/name_m] who lives with them.

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