Create a family (but it's got a twist)

( :bangbang:uncensored death of a spouse and newborn child :bangbang: )
[name_f]Gola[/name_f] [name_u]Meredith[/name_u] McClure (34) is the NICU nurse that [name_u]Everett[/name_u] confides in. She lives with the midwife friend of [name_u]Pip[/name_u] - deciding to cease living alone in an empty home after her husband’s death and instead have at least a roomate to talk to other than her Birman cat, [name_f]Sephora[/name_f]. She decided to be a NICU nurse after going through a difficult birth as a teen - her angel daughter’s father was out of the picture from the start and she decided to be a single mom , however due to lack of oxygen in her little brain her daughter was diagnosed with severe celebral palsy five days after birth and died a month later while still in the NICU. [name_f]Unega[/name_f] McClure still has a grave that her mother visits weekly - instead of daily, as she used to before extensive therapy that her husband convinced her of going to. She is grateful for her therapist , even though she knows making contact with him outside of the care facility would be unprofessional - something even her midwife roomate has to remind her of. After losing [name_f]Unega[/name_f] , [name_f]Gola[/name_f] became obsessed with the medical care provided for newborns, how incubators work etc. and at 17 made the decision to be a NICU nurse. [name_m]Even[/name_m] if she couldn’t save her daughter, her husband always reminded her that it wasn’t her fault and she had no control over how the doctors handled the extremely difficult situation, as she was slipping constantly in and out of conciousness in the process , only barely surviving it herself. This traumatic experience let her to believe that there is nothing one can’t sacrifice for the health and well-being of children - that’s why she always advises [name_u]Everett[/name_u] to take responsibility for her and [name_f]Della[/name_f] 's child because “once the butterfilies in your stomach fly away and real life kicks in, you’re gonna regret you aren’t there for the little one, inveitably. As cliche as it sounds , family is everything, and that’s not because of society, we’re hormonally hard-wired that way”.

[name_u]Everett[/name_u] has been thinking about this a lot and thinks that the advice is worthwile - especially because Pip’s and [name_f]Gola[/name_f] 's midwife friend knows [name_u]Pip[/name_u] very well and she knows they aren’t chaning their mind about not complicating their situation further - he starts to think maybe it’s better to try working things out with [name_f]Della[/name_f] even if they aren’t in love , than making [name_u]Pip[/name_u] pressured to sidline her very precise life plan for what they appearently precieve like just a fling with a deep convo added here and there. It meant a lot more for [name_u]Everett[/name_u] himself, but oh well…

[name_u]Everett[/name_u] sometimes pities [name_f]Gola[/name_f] for her situation - not only did she lose a newborn daugher at 17 but when she finally found happiness and love after pre-med , marrying her husband , she had to lose him too in [name_f]April[/name_f] 2021 after he died in an attempted robbery of the place where he was working as a security guard. [name_u]Everett[/name_u] however sees her progress after she got a roomate and living with her and the Birman cat , she’s been enjoying life a lot more. [name_u]Everett[/name_u] sometimes tries to convice [name_f]Gola[/name_f] to go back to therapy but she has a hard time admitting that she needs help once again after having worked through the loss of her daughter. She has been trying to go for walks ,pratice mindfulness and going to church , but recognises that it can indeed prove to not be enough