Warning for intolerant parents, manipulating children, and brief abortion mention. Happy Halloween to those who celebrate!
Sofía Camila Ramirez Del La Perez [née Ramirez] (31) is Maria’s wife and is glad to be with the woman she loves, even if Maria’s family would really rather her not. And yes, they celebrate Halloween and decorate their house, being great with pumpkin carving. Sofía isn’t the competitive type, in fact she couldn’t care less most of the time. She almost won a few games and contests at the county fair, one she was really close, but no victory. But Sofía didn’t really care, so much that her reaction was a shrug and a nonchalant, “Yeah. Close enough.” Sofía liked to reassure herself growing up that her parents will still love her even if she doesn’t succeed. And they do. Though they’re always going to be proud of who she is, despite her job being controversial: working at an abortion clinic. She is a proud supporter of reproductive rights, though she’s not the type to want to take debates. If someone goes in and decides for herself that she isn’t sure, Sofía won’t force her to continue on. Sofía relates with this on a personal level when she wanted a tattoo for a while, but the day she was going to get it, she didn’t feel 100% in this decision. So she decided to turn back. Sofía is glad for this move, though it doesn’t mean she’ll never want a tattoo. Just when it feels right and it’s what she truly wants.
While Sofía loves her parents, she doesn’t feel the same way about her maternal grandparents. They liked when Sofía was a little girl, complimenting her a lot on how “cute” she was. They were both really into being entrepreneurs and wanted Sofía to help. Of course asking a young child for financial advice would be impractical but that wasn’t the point. They wanted her because they believed it would help them sell better. They felt that customers would not turn down a sweet little girl and that Sofía wouldn’t see it any different from selling lemonade. They cut Sofía off from the project when she was around 9 years old. At that point, Sofía was getting too much attention, which bothered them, but mainly because they were worried people would think everything was her idea! Plus they were showing interest in her younger sister, who was the “cuter” face now, considering she was not even old enough for primary school. This didn’t happen with her younger sister, which she’s happy for.
Sofía’s mother wasn’t stupid however. She caught on that her parents were using Sofía for marketing and planning to do the same with her younger sister, and put a stop to it. Sofía’s glad that’s not her life, though she’s felt guilty about customers being manipulated by her childish innocence. She couldn’t even pronounce some of the products she was meant to help them sell, but they reassured her it was “cute”, even though it made her more nervous. Her grandparents never got successful in the business world and Sofía doesn’t talk to them much. She feels for Maria’s harsh family and has been grateful that they’ve supported her mutually. One thing that people are surprised by Sofía having is a child, given her past as one and her current career. But she’s glad for her son, and he’s such a great little boy to her and Maria. Sometimes her grandparents assume she keeps her son’s life private from them because of her life, but Maria knows she’d do it anyway. Their son is so close with Edie, loving how happy she is with that extra little half, and Sofía’s sister loves how fun her little nephew is with the Guinea pigs.