🕊️ create a family w/ a twist

Porter Nathaniel Charleston (17) is a mutual friend of Kayla and Sy, and the middle child of his family between Cataline and the younger 14-year-old girl. For college, he’s good at grades but he’s worried about funding. However if he wins this basketball scholarship then he would get the scholarship for college. Porter really wants this because he wants to go and because he feels he owes it to his parents. He plays on the Barracudas with Wil, Hassan, and Shane and is excited for championships, being one of their best players. He talks about basketball a lot lately and thanks to his friends, often remembers to talk about other stuff to not get too obsessed. His sister Cataline, a friend of Chris, sweetly jokes she’s Porter’s “biggest fan on the court”. Porter has been rather concerned lately about Wil’s nervous energy and tries to calm him down and make him feel better. Porter doesn’t know that Wil is being pressured by Bev to throw the championships. What scares Porter is Bev’s disdain for his mother, Pearl’s cousin, who is a co-worker of Bev. Her whole entire plan to have Wil throw the championships is due to her toxic grudge against Porter’s mother and she wants Porter to lose and not get a basketball scholarship because she hates seeing her co-worker so happy. Wil has not definitely decided to throw however and does not want to do so, but he’s in a tough situation. Some of the adults, like Cataline, Corey, and Kayla’s mother are suspecting Wil is being cajoled into something awful he doesn’t want to do.

Porter gets along with Kayla and Sy a lot and keeps Sy and Emma’s budding romance a secret. He’s also someone who avoids Bev due to issues between her and his mother. Porter finds Kayla to be a smart and responsible person and both bond over how Bev has messed things up and made them unintentionally unlikable to her. They still talk about positive things and they have gotten into hobbies like stargazing and caring for pets, both being hobbies Kayla’s younger cousins love. Porter also serves as a photographer for the school paper and for the yearbook. He knows the championship will be implemented in both so he’s excited but nervous. Like Hassan, Porter is also strictly friends with Kayla.

Shane was created by me.

Corey was created by @mynameis1.