Elizabeth Bimini “ Elsie “ Greenway (22) is Ada Wong’s babysitter and a coworker of Jules- though not a star in the show, she’s a background character who makes a few brief appearances, which Elsie is fine with- it’s her first acting gig after all, outside of school plays. Elsie has always had a passion for acting but when she decided to audition with Jules, she was very shocked that she got in! Her parents were very supportive and excited for Elsie. Elsie’s family consists of a a big sister a year older than her, another big sister 2 year older than her, and a big brother who’s 4 years older than her. Her family moved from Freeport, Bahamas when she was around 11 or 12 to Miami, Florida- she tried not to speak as she thought she was an outcast and didn’t want to be so heavily bullied like her brother, who actually moved back to Freeport because he was so annoyed and done with Miami. Their parents made all their middle names Bahamian islands as a subtle nod to their culture, and Elsie thinks that’s really cute.
Elsie was kind of a goth and an outcast in high school- she’d straighten her hair, dye it raven black and wear it over one eye. A part of her daily makeup routine was smearing globs of black eyeliner onto her poor eyelids. Kids made fun of her, referring to her as an emo- Elsie would protest and tell them all that she’s not an emo, she’s a goth, and go over it again and again. She was also a part of the theater club and she found a passion for it. All the other kids were wowed by her acting skills- the geeky emo who claimed she was a goth was actually a great actress? Elsie’s own family wasn’t surprised at all. They knew from the start how wonderful at acting she is, and anything else she puts her mind to.
Elsie went to university in Miami and formed a nice little friend group, who she’s still in contact with. As soon as Elsie got out of college with flying colors (she majored in drama), she decided it was time to make a name for herself and applied to an audition. When she got a minor role she had to move out of Florida- her family was sad, but she makes a point to visit her parents and sister once a month and her brother once every six months- international flights have never been cheap. Elsie has encouraged her family to watch the show and they all comment on how Jules’ character and her partner’s character are such good actors and it seems like they have real chemistry. As Jules’ friend, Elsie just nods and keeps her mouth shut…it would ruin the magic if she told them that Jules and the other actor aren’t really acting…Elsie and Jules bonded while off camera and she keeps encouraging Jules to go for it! However, she hasn’t fully convinced her friend yet…