Create a Family With a Twist 2

[name_m]Samuel[/name_m] ’ [name_u]Sal[/name_u] ’ [name_m]Roger[/name_m] [name_u]Everly[/name_u] (5) is the other boy involved in the unknown switch with [name_u]Sammy[/name_u]. Having the same first name and alternately spelled middle names was nonetheless a recipe for confusion disaster. The [name_u]Everly[/name_u] family is from [name_f]Canada[/name_f] but in a different city, although in the same province and time zone. They’re unaware of [name_u]Sammy[/name_u] or the Kretschner family and would be in disbelief if they heard their son was switched. [name_m]Samuel[/name_m] was Sammy’s maternal grandfather’s name, and [name_m]Roger[/name_m] was Sammy’s paternal grandfather’s name. However, they don’t have [name_u]Sammy[/name_u] - they have [name_u]Sal[/name_u]! Sal’s personality type is closer with Loretta’s than with his own parents but with [name_u]Sal[/name_u] only being 5, they don’t look too into it. [name_u]Sal[/name_u] also loves music and dancing but hasn’t yet picked a favourite style. He adores blackberries and fresh air, getting lots of energy that way. He isn’t into sports but loves games like Hide & Seek and [name_m]Tag[/name_m].

[name_u]Sal[/name_u] is the youngest like [name_u]Sammy[/name_u] but he’s not going to be the youngest for long; his mother is pregnant - 9 months pregnant. [name_u]Sal[/name_u] only has one older sibling, who is noticeably taller than him, but again the family chalks this up to [name_u]Sal[/name_u] being so young.