Cortney Poppy Pressley (24) is the woman Astrid’s ex-husband cheated on her with, often putting Astrid against her. She’s the younger sister of Jordan Pressley, who was popular in high school and tended to make some enemies irrationally. Cortney was always seen as lesser than Jordan, but nobody would directly say so. Cortney always pretended like she wished she had more credit but deep down, she was fine with being lesser-known. Cortney is very close to Jordan but has acted sad and underappreciated when around people who didn’t like Jordan. That way, people would sympathise with her and want to be her friend, despite the fact she was a fake friend and was literally being fake to her own sister behind her back. Jordan and Cortney were usually getting along and bonding with one another. To Jordan’s friends, Cortney acted like she was in with them 100%. To Jordan’s enemies, Cortney acted like Jordan always treated her like a nobody and she just wanted to be accepted…even though she was already very much accepted.
Cortney has tried to “make amends” with Astrid by claiming Astrid’s husband manipulated her and she didn’t know he was married. This is not true, Cortney doesn’t have the time to check who is or isn’t single before she flirts with them. Even after she knew he was married, she still kept on the flirting because in her mind, she didn’t care. He’s clearly preferred her to his own wife and Cortney believed it was Astrid’s fault for “not being a good enough wife for him to be loyal” and decided it’s not her responsibility for his cheating. Cortney fake-cried and told everyone that Astrid’s cheating husband forced her to date him when really she flirted and made the first move. She knows he’s not innocent either since he was married while she was single so she knew no one would side with him. She was one to use the victim card but she was good at using it and she didn’t use it all the time, just the times it would be most convenient for her.
Despite the fact that Cortney is evil, it’s pretty much known that she will betray other “evils”. She’s made her sister look bad, she’s made Astrid’s ex look bad, and although she is a horrible person, she does have an anti-hero side that would help against Hailie’s ex. Jordan secretly thinks Cortney is “the only woman who could be a good girlfriend for Hailie’s ex” given their mutual manipulation skills. However given Cortney’s nature, she’s going to take Jordan’s words and use them against her. For Cortney, there can only be one master manipulator. Hailie’s ex got caught manipulating. She hasn’t. Cortney doesn’t know if Hailie’s ex is behind the threat comments and doesn’t know how serious they are. She’s only seen a few comments since most were deleted or reported. She’s always acted sympathetic towards Hailie mainly because she knew sympathising with others would make it more likely for someone to sympathise with her when she wants to play victim again. Cortney is a medical school student studying to be a cardiologist and it’s made people respect her more. She may rock the victim card but she’s no coward and she’s smarter than she looks. Cortney always says she’s a huge supporter of Astrid’s cyber security career but then again, she secretly thinks people who don’t go to college, work minimum wage, and/or pursue careers in the arts are not smart people. But she never tells anyone this and is good at acting like she doesn’t mind, she loves when the other girls think she’s a fan of Glass Veil.
Jordan was created by @Lindseylloyd052399.