Create a Family with a Twist Thread

This is where me and @I_meme_it discuss our character concepts.


Ashley Hunter Denoyelles (28), better known as Hunter Deno, is an American actress who lives in Los Angeles, California, USA. She is best known for playing Amelia Jones, the pink/red Power Rangers. She resides with her boyfriend, cinematographer Doug Porter, and they have a daughter together.

Who is Hunter and Doug’s daughter?

Warning for cheating.

[name_f]Cassiana[/name_f] [name_f]Nora[/name_f] [name_m]Swenson[/name_m] (28) is Ash’s housekeeper, who gets along with her for the most part. [name_f]Cassiana[/name_f] admits [name_m]Ash[/name_m] pays her a whole lot although [name_f]Cassiana[/name_f] doesn’t technically live at the house that [name_m]Ash[/name_m] and [name_m]Doug[/name_m] live. Instead, she lives in an apartment complex with her fish tank. She loves writing and loves the [name_m]Power[/name_m] Rangers, always willing to discuss character concepts. This is something to keep her relaxed and entertained while she’s at the couple’s house. Secretly, she’s been flirting with [name_m]Doug[/name_m]. A lot. And being a housekeeper, she knows when [name_m]Ash[/name_m] is there and when she’s not. So she will always talk to [name_m]Ash[/name_m] about [name_m]Power[/name_m] Rangers and act all interested but secretly she wants to be with [name_m]Doug[/name_m]! Now [name_m]Doug[/name_m] kinda likes [name_f]Cassiana[/name_f] but he can’t be with her, since he’s living with [name_m]Ash[/name_m]. [name_f]Cassiana[/name_f] is hopeful but at the same time mischievous. She’s not ready to play the role of a home wrecker.

[name_f]Cassiana[/name_f] was the youngest sibling raised by a mother who was quite a maneater. Her father divorced her mother before that maneater mayhem started, but since that divorce when [name_f]Cassiana[/name_f] was 12, her mother was constantly with new men. None of these new men fathered children thankfully, but many were quite the opposite – leaving because they didn’t want to be an eventual stepfather. It’s not like they would have stayed given the track record of Maneater Mother, but [name_f]Cassiana[/name_f] used to blame herself for that. She knows what she’s doing for [name_m]Ash[/name_m] and [name_m]Doug[/name_m] is wrong and in a famous aspect, would be highly publicised even if [name_f]Cassiana[/name_f] isn’t really famous for anything. [name_f]Cassiana[/name_f] herself is great at only one sport and terrible at the others, as she best describes it. She has always been great at field hockey. When she grew up during the summer, she didn’t have interest in joining any sports except field hockey or swimming. She decided to go for field hockey, only to discover she was the only girl who signed up. She wanted to switch back to swimming but knowing how common of a sport that is during the summer, the classes were all full. So ultimately she stayed in field hockey because she really wanted to do it – and she loved it! She found being the only girl to be “so cool” and even more interesting…this is where she first met [name_m]Doug[/name_m]. It was such a great bond although looking back, she’s convinced it wasn’t romantic. [name_f]Cassiana[/name_f] knows there’s still time to back out. To back out of breaking a relationship to get a man who already has a girlfriend. One of her main excuses to why she claims to spend more and more time housekeeping is because she says it’s “her nature to watch protectively for the little one out there.” It’s somewhat cryptic, but a few people she knows have deciphered it’s because of a possible kid of [name_m]Hunter[/name_m] and [name_m]Doug[/name_m]. And therefore [name_f]Cassiana[/name_f] isn’t flirting around with [name_m]Doug[/name_m]. She can’t say it directly and there’s a secret reason for that…THEY DON’T HAVE A KID!

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