cw: domestic violence, car accident, substance abuse [mentioned]
[name_f]Octavia[/name_f] [name_u]Rain[/name_u] Shukis [born [name_f]Olivia[/name_f] [name_u]Erin[/name_u] Shukis] (19) is Dani’s girlfriend and the subsequent acquaintance of [name_u]Dove[/name_u] through this relationship. To put it lightly, life has been difficult for [name_f]Octavia[/name_f] in a multitude of ways, however it started with her parents. Her father was an incredibly abusive spouse, frequently assaulting and berating his wife in front of their young daughter; who he made clear he resented too. [name_m]Mitchell[/name_m] Danford had not wanted children - sharing his wife with her own family was impossible, so he proceeded to cut her off from them - and so he made it clear he didn’t consider parenting his issue from the moment [name_f]Octavia[/name_f] was born. Being exposed to this violent marriage quickly caused [name_f]Octavia[/name_f] to become socially isolated, as she couldn’t form close bonds with anyone on account of her father refusing to let people come round unless he had been asked beforehand [and he could say no at any other time], and part of her couldn’t bear to live a lie in front of other’s where the pretense of a happy, functional family was played out. Octavia’s mother managed to escape the marriage when her father got into a car accident and was hospitalised for several week’s - shortly after she turned 13 - however the memories of violence and mistreatment never left her. They moved states, to fully embrace a fresh start and put appropriate distance between them and her father, at which point [name_f]Octavia[/name_f] began going by her current name, wanting to further go through a rebirth of sorts to give her reprieve from the pain of the past.
Unfortunately, [name_f]Octavia[/name_f] began struggling with anger around this time, unable to let go of her resentment towards her father, even with him out of their lives. She couldn’t abide to see any kind of mistreatment or abuse of authority, arguing with teachers who demeaned her classmates, and progressing to getting into altercations with bullies. This would lead to [name_f]Octavia[/name_f] getting expelled from her first high school, and her mom homeschooled her for eight months before she was able to receive a place at an academy specialised with “behavioural problems” - the label she’d received following the string of fights. Octavia’s time at this school was much smoother by comparison as the staff were empathetic and non-judgemental, allowing her to feel able to speak about her background more openly, although she did get into several verbal altercations with certain students, still wrestling with her temper. The best way of describing it would be anything that reminded [name_f]Octavia[/name_f] of her awful father pushed her into a defensive state where she felt she needed to protect herself by establishing she wasn’t afraid of fighting back, something she wished she could have done when her mom was being mistreated, and this overdrive is arguably a symptom of misplaced guilt.
Since graduating, she’s been training as a piercer at a local body art shop - unsurprising given her visual style and interests long before [although she jokes she’s nowhere near talented enough to tattoo anyone] - and this is the environment where she’s calmest thanks to the nature of what she’s learning to do. Octavia’s still not unable to avoid a confrontation though, which is spurred on by the fact a lot of her long-term friends have found themselves in difficult spots and she’s become embroiled in their lives to help protect them. Most notably, one of her oldest friends - from the first middle school she attended after her mom and her escaped - had serious substance abuse problems thanks to her own abusive childhood, and it was only [name_u]Dani[/name_u] who stopped [name_f]Octavia[/name_f] from actually trying to confront a reported drug dealer; something that could have turned out horrific if she’d gone through with it. Her girlfriend is the one person, aside from Octavia’s mom, who can talk her out of her reckless inclinations, and it is something she’s more concerned about now - mostly because of how her newfound support network have tried to help her recognise she’s at risk getting into fights with increasingly unsavoury people. Thankfully, Octavia’s close friend is now in rehab, and she’s visiting her frequently, often travelling with said girls’ younger sister who she’s hoping to help escape the familial cycle.