Mayandra “Maya” Amy Kestrel (39) is Maisy and Ashby’s boss. She is somewhat untraditional with her tattoo but covers it up with her clothing when working. However she will never get rid of the tattoo and believes in freedom of expression. Maisy gets along with her a lot because Maya would never stereotype her and believes Maisy is an a”Maisy”ng employee, as she likes to say in her group chats. That is another untraditional thing she does, group chatting with her employees about work or cruise events simply how their day was and just to chat.
However she can be strict about chatting and bans people from talking about the following topics mainly because they are bad, cause controversy, or make her uncomfortable. However some are just things she’s tired of people talking about non-stop or just petty things she dislikes. She is serious about this and talking about any banned topics once is a warning, second offence is a day-long ban from chat, third offence is a week-long ban from chat, and fourth offence is a permanent chat ban and possibly fired depending on the severity of the topics discussed (talking about Frozen won’t get an employee fired but chemical warfare would). Everyone has followed these rules no matter how many items are on the Banned Topics and no one has been fired which is good because if you get fired, your name actually gets on the Banned Topics List.
Banned Topics:
- Politics
- Religion
- Hank Durham Sr.
- Laszlo Zalan
- Coronavirus
- Russia
- Will Smith
- Chris Rock
- Stereotypes
- Bad baby names
- Dirty talk
- Any character who died in a Marvel movie
- Any canceled celebrity
- Frozen
- Sports teams
- The Bachelor
- Billionaires
- That creepy old dude who doesn’t wear a shirt when he comes in the restaurant and always has to be escorted out; he thinks he’s attractive enough to woo women on the cruise but can’t
- 2020
- 2016
- The Duggars
- Polygamy
- GMOs
- Chemical warfare
- Jake and/or Logan Paul
- Undertale
- Those weird seagulls that would not stop bothering people in the pool that one time
- Taylor Swift
- Disney+
- Karens
- Love Island
- Flat-Earthers
- That one tall happy-go-lucky ship nurse who always orders the Caesar salad for his side dish every time
People have wondered about the last one on the list and why that’s a banned topic considering Maya enjoys seeing him come into the restaurant. Especially Maisy who is interested in nursing and being a midwife. However they don’t want to risk bringing up a banned topic so they never ask. Maya knows Maisy is interested in nursing and once after work Maisy asked “Sorry if you don’t want us talking about this and I won’t bring it up in chat but you haven’t told us why you banned #34” feeling bad but hoping Maya would understand and figured calling it by its number and not its topic would make it less taboo.
Maya has privately confessed to Maisy that the ship nurse was a nurse in the medical deck of the cruise ship that she always found attractive but didn’t know his name and didn’t want the other employees to talk about him not because she hated him or felt afraid but more so because she liked him and was nervous to tell him. Some other employees were surprised he was on the Banned Topics and wondered if they shouldn’t serve him anymore but she always said “No no! Please keep serving him!” and explained to her employees that she wanted them to keep serving him and being nice to him but just not mention him in chat. Some were getting the idea while some were very confused but they all agreed, he’s a banned topic and banned topics don’t get mentioned in chat.