Create a Family [With a Twist]

[name_f]Jennifer[/name_f] [name_f]Ann[/name_f] Volkov (51) is Adalia’s mom friend and mother of Zhuri’s friend. She has three daughters. She is a chiropractor and her youngest daughter had medical issues before her diagnosis, making it more difficult. She’s a hands-on person and keeps a smile. She will fight for her family and doesn’t support them ever being wronged. She loves seeing [name_f]Zhuri[/name_f] be a good influence and cheers her on in sports. Taking her daughter out of sports for the time was difficult. Her daughter often wanted to prove she could despite her health. Though it was for the best and the process will be long and difficult. But always worth it and a testament not to give up. Her daughter hasn’t given up on sports, she just needs the time for healing, and not to give up on her body and loving who she is.