Create a Family [With a Twist]

tw: deadbeat dad; parental abandonment

[name_f]Cecilia[/name_f] " [name_f]Coco[/name_f] " [name_f]Sophie[/name_f] Rento (22) is the other roommate of [name_m]Quincy[/name_m] and [name_f]Star[/name_f], who’s noticed some of the nervousness of the latter since the text misunderstanding. Having an aversion to drama has made [name_f]Coco[/name_f] hang back from trying to ask any questions or becoming involved in anything, but she can’t deny it feels that soon she’ll be asking some questions. For how she’s not fond of conflict, Coco’s someone who can handle it well, carrying herself with authority should it be needed. She’s the older of two chiltren - having a sixteen year old sister - and when kids tried bullying her sibling for a prominent birthmark she has, [name_f]Coco[/name_f] would always intervene, crafting quite a fierce reputation through middle school for this.

They were raised by a single mother following their dad experiencing a midlife crisis and ditching his family, running off to date a much younger woman, gifting the sisters’ a technical stepbrother, although they’ve barely seen him over the years. Their dad did come back into the picture more consistently two years ago, but [name_f]Coco[/name_f] doesn’t credit him for raising her, as she was ten when he dipped, meaning more time has now passed with her mom shouldering the responsibility and pressures. Whenever her dad is present, the atmosphere is incredibly tense and uncomfortable, so [name_f]Coco[/name_f] prefers to avoid him, as honestly she hasn’t even figured out what she wants to say.

Currently studying on an athletics scholarship, [name_f]Coco[/name_f] is a talented diver, frequent scuba diver and also runs water based exercise classes, having an affinity for the element tied to her astrological sign. Her ultimate dream is to live along the coast so she can swim in the sea whenever she pleases, however economics makes her cynical in the face of this. [name_f]Coco[/name_f] actually goes snorkeling with Quincys’ boyfriend sometimes, alongside a couple other people, but she’s so far not managed to convince either them or [name_f]Star[/name_f] to venture into that pastime.


[name_f]Emmeline[/name_f] [name_f]Summer[/name_f] ‘ [name_f]Emme[/name_f] ‘ Rento (16) is the younger sister of [name_f]Coco[/name_f], and one of her closest confidants- through their childhood’s trials and tribulations they relied on each other a lot, especially in elementary and middle school, when kids were very cruel to [name_f]Emme[/name_f], mainly because of her very noticeable port-wine stain across her face. While this tanked her self-esteem all throughout middle school and early high school, when she started learning how to cover it with makeup, she’s recently started embracing it and has stopped wearing so much makeup to school.

[name_f]Emme[/name_f] works at a flower shop downtown creating flower arrangements, which appeals to her artistic side a lot- she grew up spending hours on her precious scrapbooks as a kid, and owned a niche meme account in 2020. Emme’s been looking into careers related to architecture and interior design, and the idea of being an interior designer has piqued her interest recently.

Much like [name_f]Coco[/name_f], [name_f]Emme[/name_f] doesn’t like to spend time around her dad, but secretly mourns what could have been and longs to have a relationship with him. She’s very close with her mother and spends a lot of time with her, as well as her tight-knit group of friends and their families.


[name_f]Priya[/name_f] [name_f]Viveka[/name_f] Acharya (16) is Emme’s best friend and the co-owner of the niche meme account they created in 2020. [name_f]Priya[/name_f] and [name_f]Emme[/name_f] have a very silly relationship and have many inside jokes. They both had a very hard time in middle school and mostly stuck to each other. [name_f]Priya[/name_f] was soft spoken and shy but has been able to come out of her shell and has started to share her art to the public. [name_f]Priya[/name_f] has always loved drawing and has always been good at it and in 2020 started taking classes, now she wins awards and wants to be a graphic novelist when she is older. When she was younger [name_f]Priya[/name_f] struggled with Dyslexia and one of her teachers recommend she read graphic novels which has instilled a love of reasdng in her. Since then [name_f]Priya[/name_f] doesn’t feel that brown girls get enough representation and would love little kids to be able to relate to characters. Priya’s parents are very supportive of her dream.

Warning for arranged marriage and family dysfunction.

[name_f]Ambika[/name_f] [name_f]Lilavati[/name_f] [Chatlani] Acharya (45) is Priya’s mother, who’s naturally supportive of [name_f]Priya[/name_f] and basically a big cheerleader. She lives up to her name meaning [name_f]Ambika[/name_f] as “mother” and while she only has two children, she jokes her love could fulfill “a thousand children”. Though she’s very certain 2 is enough and she’s not trying for any more. She has no desire to arrange her children’s marriages and while they’re still much too young to marry, unfortunately it’s not too soon to think about it. That’s because Ambika’s parents arranged her marriage…somewhat. [name_f]Ambika[/name_f] truly did want to marry her husband. In fact, she kinda pushed it and painted him in very positive lights, even if it was exaggeration. In her defence, she wanted to spend the rest of life with the person she desires, not just who they desired. So she’s happy with the fact she got to marry him, but she’s constantly saying to herself how lucky she was. She worries if she didn’t flaunt his family’s success or she didn’t make it clear how great of a future they had together… or if she did anything wrong in her ways of getting them to oblige — it would have been a much different story. She admits some of the stuff she pushed about his life story weren’t quite true and just a way to agree to the marriage. She feels horrible, not for her parents but for her husband. [name_f]Ambika[/name_f] isn’t close with her family despite getting the husband she wanted, simply because she just felt dehumanised and objectified. She felt she wasn’t treated as a person but rather a “good to pass to some worthy man”. She won, but at what cost?

By no means would she denounce her culture and she’s proud to be a [name_m]Brown[/name_m] woman, which she’s passed down, especially with Priya’s dreams. She agrees with Priya’s voice for representation and had been very accommodating to her dyslexia. [name_f]Ambika[/name_f] loves raising her children to be strong and wise individuals and is happy they’ve carried this to teenage years as well. [name_f]Ambika[/name_f] currently works as an administrator for a college, a job she’s felt great about. She relates to [name_f]Emme[/name_f] and [name_f]Priya[/name_f] being friends seeing she had an odd but endearing friendship with [name_f]Celeste[/name_f]. They’re not as close as before but [name_f]Ambika[/name_f] is on closer terms since [name_f]Celeste[/name_f] stopped trying to get involved with people’s cyber profiles. Both ironically have the same middle name [name_f]Lilavati[/name_f], which is something they find special and unique. Neither of them consider each other role models yet both of them love sharing secrets with each other. However both want to be role models, with [name_f]Ambika[/name_f] being more honest with her husband and caring less about what her estranged parents think. [name_f]Celeste[/name_f] has also become more of a mentor lately, to her credit. As of now, [name_f]Ambika[/name_f] is still cheering on her two teens, rooting on [name_f]Priya[/name_f] making a change through her love of graphics and rooting on the other teen who is currently on the Yearbook Club at school.

Celeste was created by @autumn.leaves.


[name_f]Rajani[/name_f] [name_f]Padma[/name_f] Acharya (17) is the older sister of [name_f]Priya[/name_f] and daughter of [name_f]Ambika[/name_f]. A fastidious student who tends to take on more than she can handle, [name_f]Rajani[/name_f] envies Priya’s more carefree nature. The girls were especially close as children but as they’ve grown into the cusp of adulthood, they’ve grown apart a little bit- still, [name_f]Rajani[/name_f] tries to make attempts to spend as much time with [name_f]Priya[/name_f] as possible, and looks up to her a lot, despite [name_f]Priya[/name_f] being a whole year and a few months younger.

Unlike [name_f]Priya[/name_f], [name_f]Rajani[/name_f] is very good at schoolwork- she’s very math and science smart, and wants to go into engineering, particularly . She’s hoping to apply to MIT, her dream school since she was ten, and has been putting a lot of pressure on herself- she’s also very invested in the yearbook club. At Rajani’s school, the yearbook is a very big deal and she wants to make it as perfect as possible- she’s the president, and her best friend, a fellow nerd and boy she’s known since kindergarten, is the vice president, and they’re handling everything very well. Their other friends are also working on it.

When she’s not working on the yearbook or crunching numbers or getting her college applications perfected, she’s at her part-time job at Scoops, an ice cream parlor downtown. She really looks up to [name_f]Ambika[/name_f], even though with all that’s been going on in her life she’s sort of drifted away from her family, she looks up to her very much and adores her.


[name_m]Brooker[/name_m] " [name_m]Brooks[/name_m] " [name_m]Elias[/name_m] Dower (17) is Rajani’s best friend and as he’s been in her life so long, he’s well known to her mother and sister too! [name_m]Brooks[/name_m] tries to go against his surname by being an optimist, although he has a joke with his friends about how his parents almost named him [name_m]Sheldon[/name_m], which - given his love of academics and fashion tastes - would’ve made everything feel like it was destiny rather than choice. His parents are very fond of ‘trendy’ names, as he calls them, which is reflected in both him and his younger sister, who’s just turned 13.

Like [name_f]Rajani[/name_f] he also wants to go into engineering, although specifically the making of prosthetics, as it’s something [name_m]Brooks[/name_m] considers to be highly important. People often ask if this is because of a loved one, however that’s not the case for him, he just finds it an important part of society. In spite of his own dreams, [name_m]Brooks[/name_m] is also protective of his family, as they own a garage, and he feels mechanics are a skill people dismiss because it’s not as glamorous as similar fields.

As they’ve known each other so long, people also assume there must be something else going on between him and [name_f]Rajani[/name_f], but that absolutely isn’t the truth. [name_m]Brooks[/name_m] actually has a significant other - who’s non-binary and attends another school - and [name_f]Rajani[/name_f] is basically his additional sister, ‘less annoying’ than his younger one as he jokes. It does get annoying having to correct people, especially when [name_m]Brooks[/name_m] knows they don’t really listen at first, but he’s gotten better at just shrugging it off with time.



[name_f]Zhuri[/name_f] [name_f]Cordelia[/name_f] Dower (13) is [name_m]Brooks[/name_m] younger sister. Like her brother: [name_f]Zhuri[/name_f] is very optimistic and academic but doesn’t really like to show it and prefers to show off her field hockey and soccer skills. [name_f]Zhuri[/name_f] is is on a very competitive field hockey team and is also on a travel soccer team. She is very close with both teams and has one best friend she is on both teams with. Her best friend has recently been diagnosed with an ED an has had to quit sports for now which has really impacted [name_f]Zhuri[/name_f]. She has talked to the [name_f]Rajani[/name_f] and [name_f]Priya[/name_f] who she also considers her sisters and they told her to support her friend. When [name_f]Zhuri[/name_f] was younger, she would have probably asked [name_m]Brooks[/name_m] but they have been drifting ever since [name_f]Zhuri[/name_f] started to be “popular” and according to [name_m]Brooks[/name_m] more annoying.


Warning for aforementioned ED.

[name_f]Adalia[/name_f] [name_f]Cari[/name_f] [Evergreen] Dower (43) is [name_f]Zhuri[/name_f] and Brooks’s mother, who loves the cool but geeky vibes, given she’s actually the sister of Dr. [name_f]Celeste[/name_f]! She’s glad [name_f]Celeste[/name_f] has been a good person even if she understands why some cynics doubt her. She knows [name_f]Celeste[/name_f] is not trying to brainwash anyone at [name_f]Trinity[/name_f] [name_m]General[/name_m] despite crazy rumours saying otherwise. [name_f]Celeste[/name_f] and [name_f]Adalia[/name_f] are both spontaneous though they react in different ways. [name_f]Adalia[/name_f] used to have long light brown hair, which was not changed because of [name_f]Celeste[/name_f] but rather after an obnoxious falling out with an ex. She feels like changing her hair gave her a cool new side to herself that she couldn’t express when she was with him, and this stayed when she met her current husband. Now she sees it as a symbol of youthful expression given she’s naturally grown some grey hair, but considers herself far from “old”. She remembers when she and her own sister grew up thinking one another was “annoying” so she’s reassured [name_m]Brooks[/name_m] and [name_f]Zhuri[/name_f] that it’s just a phase. Like [name_m]Brooks[/name_m], [name_f]Adalia[/name_f] is in a career based on interest and not from anyone’s experience. Despite her short hair, she loves hair and specialises in making wigs for people suffering hair loss. She doesn’t know anyone who is, her experience is from being a donor herself – when she cut her long hair, she donated it.

[name_f]Adalia[/name_f] supports Zhuri’s friendship with the girl taking time off sports, though admittedly she didn’t know at the time that the girl had an eating disorder. Though she’d never say that to anyone because she knows this friend needs help, not disbelief because she “doesn’t look like she has one” – not that [name_f]Adalia[/name_f] would disbelieve her had she been told. [name_f]Adalia[/name_f] respects [name_f]Zhuri[/name_f] though she constantly reminds her daughter not to let popularity control how she takes care of her body. She wouldn’t want anything to negatively influence her daughter, but she’s made her daughter’s healing friend an exception. She perceives this friend as a victim, not a bad influence, even if there isn’t a clear perpetrator and it’s more of a battle against one’s own demons. And about Brooks’ significant other – she supports them a lot together! She knows it may be difficult that they don’t attend the same school but feels this keeps the romance less awkward in the long run. She also sees he feels really good around them and it’s for the right reasons, so that’s enough to make her approve. She also really supports the families of the people whose [name_f]Zhuri[/name_f] and [name_m]Brooks[/name_m] associate with. [name_f]Adalia[/name_f] feels being able to get along with them is beneficial to her children keeping those bonds with the people they want to hang out with.


[name_f]Jennifer[/name_f] [name_f]Ann[/name_f] Volkov (51) is Adalia’s mom friend and mother of Zhuri’s friend. She has three daughters. She is a chiropractor and her youngest daughter had medical issues before her diagnosis, making it more difficult. She’s a hands-on person and keeps a smile. She will fight for her family and doesn’t support them ever being wronged. She loves seeing [name_f]Zhuri[/name_f] be a good influence and cheers her on in sports. Taking her daughter out of sports for the time was difficult. Her daughter often wanted to prove she could despite her health. Though it was for the best and the process will be long and difficult. But always worth it and a testament not to give up. Her daughter hasn’t given up on sports, she just needs the time for healing, and not to give up on her body and loving who she is.


Warning for aforementioned SA and ED, alongside fertility issues.

[name_m]Artyom[/name_m] “ [name_m]Arty[/name_m] “ [name_m]Pavel[/name_m] [Volkov] Gzovsky (28) is Jennifer’s nephew, who feels a sense of pity for her. [name_f]Jennifer[/name_f] never really knew what she was getting into when she married into the Volkov family and [name_m]Arty[/name_m] himself wishes he didn’t know. He reverted his last name into the masculine form of Gzovskaya, his mother Katia’s last name. Though [name_m]Arty[/name_m] never had a problem with the females using Volkov rather than Volkova. He doesn’t feel bad for [name_f]Jennifer[/name_f] solely on that, given the painful SA [name_f]Sosie[/name_f] survived alongside the health issues Jennifer’s youngest faced, topped by her ED. Though he won’t undermine Jennifer’s middle daughter [name_f]Anya[/name_f] just because she’s the one without any “major struggles” and is willing to talk to her just as much. [name_m]Arty[/name_m] has been in Anya’s shoes before about that, seeing the way his younger sister [name_f]Tavi[/name_f] broke up with [name_m]Luka[/name_m] yet shares a daughter with him. He feels exceptionally bad for [name_f]Katia[/name_f] after how her husband treated her and everyone else. His brother and sisters have also felt the same way towards this. He’s glad [name_f]Tavi[/name_f] is in counselling and that [name_f]Katia[/name_f] will be the guardian of [name_f]Livvy[/name_f]. He doesn’t say anything bad about the Branicks however, since he knows his own life as a (former) Volkov isn’t so pretty either.

He has another personal reason why he’s been uncomfortable with [name_f]Tavi[/name_f], it’s because he isn’t capable of having his own children, whereas [name_f]Tavi[/name_f] has one and is having another. [name_m]Arty[/name_m] has even thought as far as wanting to openly adopt [name_f]Tavi[/name_f] and Uriel’s unborn child. At the moment, he’s mending a lot of his personal concerns about [name_f]Tavi[/name_f] in the past, though he doesn’t want to come off as the type to play nice to get what he wants. He’s had a past of caring for people. He’s done caretaking for his great-grandparents before they’ve passed and currently works as a paediatric nurse for [name_f]Trinity[/name_f] [name_m]General[/name_m]. He’s had people from nursing school assume he “should have had 4 kids by now”, something he’s tried to ignore since he didn’t want 4 kids. But also he didn’t want to tell them he couldn’t have any. He wishes the best for his younger cousin now that she’s been diagnosed and he agrees with [name_f]Jennifer[/name_f] that she’s a trooper who won’t give up. [name_m]Arty[/name_m] feels horrible that she went through that and knows no one is to blame, especially since he feels too many of the problems his family has were caused by blaming one another. In his spare time, he likes to play acoustic guitar and enjoys refurbishing old, used instruments.

Katia was created by @kitkatcookie.

Anya was created by @chamwue.

Tavi and Livvy were created by @autumn.leaves.



[name_f]Molly[/name_f] [name_f]Karina[/name_f] Volkov (13) is Zhuri’s best friend and daughter to [name_f]Jennifer[/name_f] as well as 1st cousins with [name_m]Arty[/name_m]. She is the girl who was recently diagnosed with an ED; Bulimia Nervosa to be specific. While [name_f]Molly[/name_f] usually tries to hide all her current struggles and act as a happy person; by means that weren’t of her own doing she was “caught” in the act. And the people close to her now are more aware, and don’t always take her optimism as genuine as they used to, which is frustrating for her because she doesn’t want to worry people.

To be quite honest, [name_f]Molly[/name_f] herself isn’t quite sure where the ED behaviors come from. People ask her all the time, to which she always just shrugs and says quietly, “I don’t know…” and people take this as her lying or trying to cover up the real reason. But what does it mean when the real reason was she just didn’t know? Maybe if she really thought and considered it she could think of a different answer, but the ED demon that plagues her brain doesn’t let her dwell on why too long.

Having to quit sports was really hard for her. Especially since she used it and practiced for it as a way to control and fuel the ED. Now that her mom, family and best friend know, she knows she has to be more careful and sneaky with this. She’s frustrated that she despises herself without really even knowing why. Despite everyone constantly telling her she’s a beautiful girl, she’s more prone to thinking these compliments are just to butter her up rather than genuine statements.

Now that [name_f]Molly[/name_f] is off of sports for right now, she has to find other ways to spend her time. Nowadays this manifests in her gaming a lot. When she isn’t gaming, she usually is reading, something she enjoyed since she was able to do so on her own. [name_f]Molly[/name_f] knows she should be trying in therapy and talking about and figure out a reason for her ED, but she can’t bring herself to. It’s “too powerful”, she’ll say. But hopefully things will be better one day and she can do some more self investigating to figure out what’s going on.


[name_f]Maren[/name_f] [name_f]Oksana[/name_f] Volkov (18) is the oldest daughter of the Volkov family, who’s just graduated high school and is set to go to college and major in dance studies. Having been a competitive dancer ever since she was three, she’s always bonded with [name_f]Molly[/name_f] over sports and a general shared competitiveness between the two. As an older sister, [name_f]Maren[/name_f] is very worried for [name_f]Molly[/name_f] and though she doesn’t quite know how to help her, she’s willing to do anything possible to help her get better and feels a great deal of sympathy for her.

As the oldest, [name_f]Maren[/name_f] has always felt an overbearing sense of responsibility for her sisters, but considering her very close relationship with them now she wouldn’t change it for the world. The three talk about everything under the sun, and [name_f]Maren[/name_f] loves them dearly. She’s had a lot on her plate recently with worrying about the transition to college and is glad they’ve both been there to help, as well as her boyfriend- they’ve been together for almost a year now, and though they’re going to have to go long distance for college they’re determined to make it work.

After college, [name_f]Maren[/name_f] is hoping to become a Pilates instructor- while she’s very passionate about dance, she loves Pilates and exercise and is hoping to go down that path- and while she very much loved being a competitive dancer, she’s ready to leave that world behind. She’s planning on trying out for her college’s eurythmics team, but is strictly doing it for fun and to establish connections at school.


Sorry about this but just to clarify @mynameis1 & @wandering_willow , these are the older Volkov sisters: Sosie & Anya

@chamwue laid out this part of the family tree

if you like we could create another branch of the family to avoid any erasure!!

A tree: 🎀 create a family with a twist: family guides - #25 by cara_murvolio

Sorry. It’s hard for me to follow along sometimes I don’t know what it is I’m supposed to do to fix that should I just delete it?

Warning for aforementioned ED and me adding twins to settle some confusion while including everyone.

[name_m]Alexei[/name_m] “ [name_m]Sascha[/name_m] “ [name_m]Ivan[/name_m] [left] and [name_m]Mikhail[/name_m] “ [name_m]Misha[/name_m] “ [name_m]Oleg[/name_m] Volkov (51) are twin brothers in the Volkov family, which naturally can cause some confusion in the dynamics. [name_m]Sascha[/name_m] is the father of [name_f]Sosie[/name_f] and [name_f]Anya[/name_f] whereas [name_m]Misha[/name_m] is the father of [name_f]Molly[/name_f] and [name_f]Maren[/name_f]. The two of them are landscapers, so they’ve worked together with [name_m]Leonid[/name_m] before, though they think he’s a bad influence. [name_m]Even[/name_m] Arty’s mistaken the two before, especially since he was distanced after dropping the Volkov surname, though he’s made amends with the twins and apologised. [name_m]Misha[/name_m] used to go by [name_f]Mischa[/name_f] growing up, but dropped the C to avoid confusion, but understands if people are more confused. [name_m]Misha[/name_m] is somewhat aware on this since [name_f]Jennifer[/name_f] has felt uneasy, though she genuinely loves [name_m]Misha[/name_m] and won’t leave him. It’s obvious that the disdain is associated with [name_m]Leonid[/name_m], which [name_m]Sascha[/name_m] and [name_m]Misha[/name_m] have always tried to be good brothers to, though he always acted above them, even more so when [name_m]Sascha[/name_m] and [name_m]Misha[/name_m] did stuff without him. Admittedly they regret being so exclusive but weren’t happy with Leonid’s personality. They’ve tried to give him chances but it’s never worked out, and most family members consider him the black sheep.

[name_m]Sascha[/name_m] and [name_m]Misha[/name_m] aren’t without their own parental struggles, namely what Sosie’s gone through and what Molly’s trying to get out of. [name_m]Misha[/name_m] feels like he’s failed as a parent for not catching up sooner that [name_f]Molly[/name_f] is bulimic, though [name_m]Sascha[/name_m] admits he relates among Sosie’s trauma and both have tried not to blame themselves. Sascha’s wife is exceptionally kind and while she didn’t take the Volkov last name when marrying, nobody’s considered her any less. She’s been the tremendous mental support anyone’s needed while also being a fun mother. [name_m]Misha[/name_m] is very close with [name_f]Jennifer[/name_f] and their three daughters, never undermining Maren’s strengths as the eldest daughter of their family just because their cousins are older. They make sure not to ignore the other daughter in [name_f]Maren[/name_f] and Molly’s sibset and are excited about her accomplishment, while not letting this overshadow the others. They’ve tried to encourage positive body image though they’re not rushing [name_f]Molly[/name_f] in any way. Deep down if she wants to play video games rather than be stuck in a jail-like ward with electronics banned and nothing to entertain her, then the Volkovs would rather her play games. They do want her to genuinely make progress and they’ve made sure not to turn a blind eye now that they know she has an ED, so that’s why they’ve took her out of sports for the time. [name_m]Sascha[/name_m] loves his children and treats them all equally too, especially given some conflict [name_f]Anya[/name_f] had, which has since been resolved for the better.


cw: parental estrangement

[name_f]Sashenka[/name_f] " [name_m]Sol[/name_m] " Lavrentiy Volkov (26) is the twins nephew; Arty’s younger brother and the exact middle child of [name_m]Leonid[/name_m] and [name_f]Katia[/name_f]. Being one of five, and having just ten months between himself and his sister [name_f]Kiki[/name_f], the fourth born, is something [name_m]Sol[/name_m] calls an interesting experience: a lot of it owed to his difficult father. The fact the Volkov family at whole is so large has furthered some confusion for people as to who exactly is related to who and how, to the point where [name_m]Sol[/name_m] once asked his mother if he should just call everyone a cousin to simplify, and he was only half-joking given people often think [name_f]Sosie[/name_f] is his sister, not his cousin on account of age gaps between the varying branches.

There’s the more difficult aspect for [name_m]Sol[/name_m] and his brother and sisters’ due to the distance between everyone and their father, thanks to his behaviour over the years. [name_m]Sol[/name_m] tended to be the most moody child growing up, and he admits he still has this side to him now, although it concerned him in his teens, as the fear of emulating his dad often played on his mind. He can be someone easily exhausted by certain behaviours, and his coping mechanism is almost always pulling back to some degree. This is most prominent with his oldest sister, [name_f]Tavi[/name_f], although since his sister began attending therapy, he’s become less prone to avoiding her.

When the revelation of his niece occurred, [name_m]Sol[/name_m] and [name_f]Tavi[/name_f] got into a huge row after he commented on the unfairness of [name_m]Arty[/name_m] not being able to have a child while she conceived [name_f]Livvy[/name_f] and proved irresponsible, which of course went off like a bomb. The seriousness [name_m]Sol[/name_m] projects - a great attribute as he’s currently training to become a family court lawyer, not so much for charming others - worsened how [name_f]Tavi[/name_f] responded, and it was the work of their mom that saw them get back to speaking terms. This quality ironically is why [name_m]Sol[/name_m] and [name_f]Kiki[/name_f] are so close though, as aside from their minimal age gap, the mutual disinterest they share in speaking to their demanding father has furthered their understanding, allowing them both to focus on the family members they want to support and engage with, including their cousins.

@wandering_willow & @mynameis1 resolved by the lovely @CherryBomb50 !


[name_m]Luka[/name_m] [name_m]Daniel[/name_m] Branick (27) is Tavi’s ex. [name_m]Luka[/name_m] works retail. He has tried to make up for himself. He is a good spirited person. He loves learning about pre-World War II Europe. He is a middle child like [name_m]Sol[/name_m] but [name_m]Sol[/name_m] dislikes him. [name_m]Luka[/name_m] came into the relationship too fast. He often shows impulse by buying expensive but unneeded items. He has a boat, a pool table, and a college degree that he never even uses. His older sister is a wonderful human. She didn’t want him to rush with [name_f]Tavi[/name_f]. But [name_m]Luka[/name_m] is a dreamer. The Branicks were reliable family members. [name_f]Katia[/name_f] is Livvy’s main caretaker, the hardest decision [name_m]Luka[/name_m] had to make. [name_m]Luka[/name_m] loves [name_f]Livvy[/name_f]. He doesn’t want [name_m]Uriel[/name_m] to get too involved with her. [name_m]Luka[/name_m] didn’t want him to know her. But that has changed. [name_m]Luka[/name_m] respects [name_m]Uriel[/name_m]. He knows [name_f]Katia[/name_f] is better capable of what to make of [name_f]Livvy[/name_f] and [name_m]Uriel[/name_m] going forward. [name_m]Luka[/name_m] feels sorry for [name_m]Sol[/name_m]. He wants to reach out. He thinks [name_m]Sol[/name_m] and him could understand each other. [name_m]Luka[/name_m] loves staying close with [name_f]Livvy[/name_f]. But [name_m]Luka[/name_m] is not aware he has an undiagnosed social disorder. He will not use this as an excuse. [name_m]Luka[/name_m] just loves life and cherishes life.


Warning for trauma dumping.

[name_m]Rumen[/name_m] [name_m]Ezekiel[/name_m] Branick (25) is Luka’s younger brother and the youngest of the Branicks. He’s felt some overshadowing by [name_m]Luka[/name_m] growing up, which is why he’s related to Tavi’s friends feeling like they’ve been overshadowed by [name_m]Luka[/name_m] as well. [name_m]Rumen[/name_m] used to be the one they paid attention to until he decided he didn’t want to be babied, and now they don’t, though he feels their reactions aren’t quite what he was looking for. He agrees with [name_m]Luka[/name_m] that their parents are good though he doesn’t see it through the same light [name_m]Luka[/name_m] does. [name_m]Rumen[/name_m] laughs at the fact that Luka’s mother is so invisible to the Volkovs because she’s not invisible to the Branicks at all. Still, she wouldn’t have been as comfortable or mentally prepared as [name_f]Katia[/name_f] with raising [name_f]Livvy[/name_f]. She’s gone through trauma of her own, such as the loss of her parents, which the Branicks know all too well. Nothing’s really hidden from them since she’s definitely told them all her trauma. [name_m]Rumen[/name_m] genuinely feels bad for her but also uncomfortable, seeing when he was born prematurely, she was inconsolable. [name_m]Even[/name_m] though he’s completely fine now and she still dumps that story, which he’d rather not hear. He’s never treated [name_m]Luka[/name_m] as lesser even though he think [name_m]Luka[/name_m] is socially disabled in a way, but worries she will get super emotional and make it seem worse. The Branick father is not that much nicer, he’s a good person, but super fair-weather, and his lack of sympathy when she needs it is likely triggering her behaviour.

[name_m]Rumen[/name_m] at least understands when his mother gets this way around family, but he’s uncomfortable when she does it randomly. Like ordering pizza and then crying about the death of her dog 7 years prior, and that person on the other end now having to console this complete stranger. [name_m]Rumen[/name_m] wants to be more sympathetic about people and not be fair-weathered like his father, but admittedly would feel lost if a random person trauma-dumped on him. Though the Branicks (save for their father) are more used to this given their dynamic. [name_m]Rumen[/name_m] feels bad for [name_m]Luka[/name_m], since he wanted to be there for [name_f]Livvy[/name_f], and it took everything in the Branick siblings’ control to make sure their mother doesn’t swear revenge on [name_f]Katia[/name_f]. Their mother isn’t really that vengeful thankfully, but [name_m]Rumen[/name_m] has seen her get revenge on a woman who bullied her. After years of being upset about what the bully did to suddenly getting over it, people are worried that revenge is her solution. She has seen a psychologist over this and [name_m]Luka[/name_m] has seen one as well. [name_m]Luka[/name_m] is a lot different with struggles, at his first appointment, he refused to say anything and acted like the psychologist should know what he’s thinking since “that’s their job”. The Branicks thought he would never have another appointment but he did, and thankfully this will help [name_m]Luka[/name_m]. [name_m]Luka[/name_m] hasn’t told anyone much outside his psychologist so the rest don’t know exactly what’s going on. [name_m]Rumen[/name_m] wouldn’t have minded, he’d feel the same way.

[name_m]Rumen[/name_m] respects [name_m]Sol[/name_m] and understands why he’s not comfortable with them. [name_m]Rumen[/name_m] himself is somewhat quiet and feels he’s somewhat responsible for how unknown the family can be around the Volkovs. Though he admires that they haven’t used their own personal dilemmas as a battle of “which is worse” or made each’s others problems about them. Since childhood, Rumen’s highly respected his sister, the eldest Branick, though in recent years, he’s seen her more as a human. Someone who still makes mistakes and has flaws, even if she is very responsible. Sometimes, she is because she has to, which naturally makes [name_m]Luka[/name_m] and [name_m]Rumen[/name_m] more so as well. [name_m]Rumen[/name_m] would never imagine parentifying her, he hated being babied after all. [name_m]Luka[/name_m] couldn’t either, mainly since he was living a special life with [name_f]Tavi[/name_f] and fatherhood to [name_f]Livvy[/name_f] until their split. [name_m]Rumen[/name_m] hopes the best for [name_f]Livvy[/name_f], especially in moments when his own parents could have been better as parents, even if they are good people at heart. He has a bad habit of talking to himself, though usually not in public, but it’s usually to cope. [name_m]Rumen[/name_m] works for a life insurance company but he isn’t planning to get life insurance to “take anyone out” despite the jokes. He wishes he knew his late maternal grandparents and one day hopes his parents will change for the better. As a kid, he always wanted to change people for the better though now, he always sees it through. Whether it’s completely dumped out there or completely tucked away.


[name_f]Mikayla[/name_f] [name_f]Renee[/name_f] [name_m]Scott[/name_m] (25) is Rumen’s best friend. They share a deep connection. She works in postal services. She loves painting her nails. She planned a romantic date with a guy she crushed on but he stood her up. So she and [name_m]Rumen[/name_m] spent the rest of the day watching movies. He is glad she didn’t trauma dump. She wouldn’t. Her parents are so happy. She knows [name_m]Rumen[/name_m] talks to himself. She loves talking on the phone. Recently the man who stood her up asked her for another chance. And she accepted, joyful he loves her now. She loves rap music and can’t wait for Tavi’s baby.

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Warning for death of a parent and weak parental bond.

[name_f]Madigan[/name_f] “ [name_f]Madge[/name_f] “ [name_f]Nora[/name_f] [name_m]Rockwell[/name_m] (25) is Mikayla’s friend, who wishes she wouldn’t have accepted the offer to get back together with her date. Though she feels she has no choice in that personal decision. [name_f]Madge[/name_f], and [name_f]Mikayla[/name_f], and her new date are glad that there isn’t a baby involved, though they’re not sexually active to begin with. [name_f]Madge[/name_f] had a phase of liking unattainable people but that ended when she met up with a guy in a band she loved. To be fair, this was an unexpected meeting, not one at a meet-and-greet, she saw him in the grocery store. However, he was not very nice, stating, “Yeah I know, that’s me,” and then completely ignoring her. She also noticed in his cart was a brand of eggs that were known for not being cage-free. It hurt Madge’s view on meeting her heroes and it’s why she doesn’t idolise people any more. And if she did, she wouldn’t want to meet them.

[name_f]Madge[/name_f] and her cousin [name_f]Elara[/name_f] have something in common, they both have difficult dads who both passed away, and how they feel about everything is complicated. Elara’s father was a deadbeat swinger and she never really got to know him, but cared for him regardless. [name_f]Madge[/name_f] knew her father but sided a lot with her mother, since he had been very unproductive. [name_f]Madge[/name_f] got a job in her teens, which she didn’t mind, but mainly because her father wouldn’t get one in the last three years of his life. He also barely did much at home, though to his credit, he wasn’t always at home. He liked to drive around his fancy car, which people would be surprised he had given his career history. [name_f]Madge[/name_f] and her mother hated that car because if he sold it, it would help them financially. But he refused and treated the car like another child of his. [name_f]Madge[/name_f] hoped something would happen to that car and it did, but in a monkey’s paw sort of way – her father died in a car crash while speeding it too fast. She was distraught for obvious reasons but still found him selfish, which she wasn’t able to admit. She regrets her wish, as the car is too destroyed now to sell to anyone, even for parts. But she genuinely feels horrible since she misses her father. She wanted him to redeem himself even though he wasn’t the nicest person to his family. [name_f]Madge[/name_f] secretly believes her mother is living better now, though she won’t admit it, but she’s very close with her mother either way.

Some people expect [name_f]Madge[/name_f] to be really moody and upset from her backstory, but she always greets people so happily. She loves having a life for herself on her own terms. While she keeps family life private, she’s assumed of this also because she’s an EMT at [name_f]Trinity[/name_f] [name_m]General[/name_m]. She encourages [name_m]Uriel[/name_m] and the Jacksons to feel free in their lives as well. She and [name_f]Mikayla[/name_f] are both happy for the baby-to-be but are also more cautious given the circumstances. Ultimately a relationship between [name_f]Tavi[/name_f] and [name_m]Uriel[/name_m] didn’t last, seeing it felt forced. Tavi’s tried to see [name_m]Luka[/name_m] again but are trying to clear the dust as much as possible with this. “No. It doesn’t mean they’re dating. Don’t even go there,” the eldest Branick says when people assume her brother and [name_f]Tavi[/name_f] are back together. [name_f]Madge[/name_f] is bisexual and while she loves how sweet the friendship is between [name_m]Rumen[/name_m] and [name_f]Mikayla[/name_f], she’s not in love with either despite her respect for their caring natures. [name_f]Madge[/name_f] hopes [name_f]Mikayla[/name_f] is happier with this new date, since she admires redemption but is wary on who deserves another chance.

Elara was created by @autumn.leaves.