Create a Family [With a Twist]

Avreliya " [name_f]Avra[/name_f] " [name_f]Yulissa[/name_f] Volkov (24) is Leonid’s youngest child, who has conflicted feelings about reconciling their relationship. Growing up and hearing constantly about who’d wronged [name_m]Leonid[/name_m], who owed him penance, what he planned on doing to obtain this etc. led to a lot of social awkwardness for [name_f]Avra[/name_f] in their early years, not understanding why other people were so forgiving and preferred to focus on moving forwards rather than dwelling in the past. When it dawned that her father was the exception, [name_f]Avra[/name_f] dealt with a lot of embarrassment, fearing what could happen if a friend came round and witnessed all this bitterness, so it furthered the withdrawal of her from social events.

Some people have assumed that Avra’s embracing of their gender fluidity caused the separation - [name_f]Avra[/name_f] uses they/she pronouns - however she’s quick to correct this assumption: for his flaws, her father isn’t transphobic. Sometimes though it’s unclear if he’s even registered this information, and Avra’s confident that their dad doesn’t know what they’re doing most of the time. Currently they’re applying for their masters degree in sociology, having plans on entering the academic researching world to further their interest in learning and desire to understand the world more.

As their mom’s likewise Russian-American, [name_f]Avra[/name_f] has remained connected to her cultural routes, and they recently went to Croatia with their older siblings as a break from life, work and other serious commitments. [name_f]Avra[/name_f] did hope they’d get a chance to talk about their dad during this time, but this didn’t happen, as the vibe of the trip was to avoid discussing the familial issues and enjoy escapism, so for now that conversation hasn’t happened. It doesn’t help that she knows she’s always seemed a bit overly sensitive to her siblings’, so approaching them has other pitfalls.

Avra’s main listening point through all of this is their boyfriend, [name_m]Pietro[/name_m], who she absolutely adores [and teasing relating to him is one of the few subjects that will get [name_f]Avra[/name_f] fighting back, whereas she’s usually placid by comparison to other personalities]. They met through a mutual friend when they were both 20, and she’s returned the favour when it’s come to the [name_m]Vance[/name_m] situation he’s witnessed at work. Taking things slowly is something they’re content with though, and being listened to is something that means a great deal to them. From Avra’s point of view, the orbit of dramatics just seem to circulate certain people, and for now she’s determined to weather the storm for the benefit of her loved one’s.

Pietro’s credited to @CherryBomb50 :crescent_moon: