[name_f]Alasne[/name_f] [name_f]Leire[/name_f] Manderville (30) is the main person [name_f]Idalia[/name_f] has asked for how to rekindle things with [name_u]Dempsey[/name_u]. She’s Cimona’s close paternal cousin and is currently expecting her own first child; and couldn’t be more grateful for [name_f]Cimona[/name_f] handing her the twins’ old supplies. She has a few goofy experiences with children herself. She used to be an assistant to a small daycare and the 4 kids played a “new game“ with her that she didn’t want to participate — they sat in a different corner of the room screaming for their food and the first one to get fed “won”. [name_f]Alasne[/name_f] questioned why they would do that but now she laughs about it and thinks these were some hilariously evil little tots. At the time she had the job, she wasn’t ready for children but now she’s warmed up to the idea more and more until her own pregnancy with her first child. She currently works as a music producer.
She and [name_f]Idalia[/name_f] are getting closer and [name_f]Alasne[/name_f] has made sure not to judge her for anything she’s done or went through. [name_f]Alasne[/name_f] feels she has no place, especially given her own decision regarding her pregnancy. She is raising her child as a single mother but the part people don’t understand is her refusal to disclose the father. She hasn’t told anyone why she’s a single mother, although the sister of the unborn child’s father knows and tries to understand. [name_f]Alasne[/name_f] is one to really care about her child and give them the best life she can provide and has learned some great tips from [name_f]Cimona[/name_f] — which may be just as, if not more, beneficial than the twins’ former stuff she’s given her. However she also respects people’s rights to make important decisions by themselves…which is why she and her friends believe [name_f]Idalia[/name_f] has the final say on when, or if, she wants to meet up with [name_u]Dempsey[/name_u] again.