đŸ„ create a family with a twist

cw: infertility

[name_f]Roberta[/name_f] ‘Birdie’ Mayweather [name_m]Clark[/name_m] [29] is the former homeless woman turned model who [name_f]Serene[/name_f] [name_f]Genna[/name_f] helped. She hadn’t always lived on the streets, it was a much more recent development that occurred after years of an bad marriage. But they weren’t always such a toxic couple, she married her high school sweetheart right after graduation. Both of them came from big families and wanted children, so they got started trying right away. But they never conceived even years into their marriage. After getting tested by a doctor she found out that it would be extremely unlikely for her to have a baby, and if she did eventually become pregnant she would not be able to carry it to term. The news was heartbreaking for the both of them.

They tried to make due with just the two of them, her husband suggested adoption but being adopted herself [name_f]Birdie[/name_f] was somewhat hesitant as she still holds a lot of trauma from that experience of being in foster care. She could tell that their efforts to ignore the fact that they both wanted children was failing. It lead to them fighting constantly over practically nothing at all, which of course meant that they were really just having the same fight about the fact that [name_f]Birdie[/name_f] couldn’t give him a child.

Unfortunately, he found someone who could. Birdie’s husband announced that he had been having an affair with his secretary and that she was pregnant. Requesting a divorce right then and there, also adding that he wanted her out of the house by the end of the weekend. Surprised, but not shocked by the news she quickly gathered her things and left as soon as possible. She was unable to even stand to look at her now soon-to-be-ex-husband.

Her family all lived out of state and she didn’t want to bother them, or for them to know that her marriage had failed, so she took to staying on the streets or in shelters while looking for a job. [name_f]Serene[/name_f] was a god send and now she has a steady job of modeling clothes for indie brands that focus on sustainability. Though now she’ll have to start modeling a new line of fashion, maternity clothes. As of yesterday she’s ten weeks pregnant with her little miracle. Her and her current boyfriend, a photographer for one of the brands she works for, are nervously excited. Between photoshoots they’ve been making visits to a doctor who specializes in high-risk pregnancies and according to them the baby is healthy and the pregnancy is stable.


cw: fraud mentioned, parent in prison

[name_u]Carter[/name_u] [name_m]Thomas[/name_m] Allenford (29) is Birdie’s boyfriend and father of their unborn child, a development that’s left him in a similar state of nervous excitement. A freelance photographer who isn’t just tied to the world of fashion, what does influence all of Carter’s work is ethics: he’s thoroughly in favour of promoting brands that treat workers fairly and are environmentally conscious, also being a wildlife photographer, and having done some cinematography for charitable projects. His need to contribute positively to the world is because Carter’s father is quite an infamous man in the town he grew up in: he attempted to set up a money laundering scheme after being suspended from his job as a bank manager following money going missing at work - something that landed him a lengthy prison sentence, estrangement from his family, and a son who wanted to contribute far more positively to the world. Carter’s older brother calls him a bleeding heart and critiques his career choice often, but it isn’t ever something that phases him - he finds meaning in what he does, and that’s what’s important.

Known for his easygoing, jovial and approachable nature, [name_u]Carter[/name_u] tries to make conversation with everyone he works with, and his chats with [name_f]Birdie[/name_f] ended up striking up their romance. [name_m]Prior[/name_m] to meeting her, [name_u]Carter[/name_u] never dated anyone he worked with - he does admit to fearing if it went wrong, a lot of people would be left feeling awkward and in limbo - but [name_f]Birdie[/name_f] just captured his heart in a way he’d never experienced before, and he wasn’t going to dismiss his emotions once they were settled as a couple. The way her ex behaved disgusted and horrified him - Carter’s usually someone unphased by everything, but that angered him more than he felt words did justice - and he’s glad to see [name_f]Birdie[/name_f] thriving without that man. Through the grapevine [and one of their colleagues who’s a self-confessed investigator of douchebags], [name_u]Carter[/name_u] and [name_f]Birdie[/name_f] are aware her ex and his secretary are no longer a couple, with her having primary custody of the child conceived during the affair. Thankfully, Birdie’s ex made no attempts at crawling back into her life, but for how he loathes the man, [name_u]Carter[/name_u] wishes nothing but the best for his son, who isn’t to be condemned because of who his father is.

[name_m]Prior[/name_m] to [name_f]Birdie[/name_f] moving in with him, Carter’s only roommate in his studio apartment was his border terrier - [name_m]Norton[/name_m] - who absolutely adores the woman his owner loves so dearly, constantly sleeping at the bottom of the couples bed and loving to curl up with them at night. The spare room has been converted into a nursery with the help of Carter’s best friend, a fellow employee of the film industry side of things, and guidance of his mother. While [name_u]Carter[/name_u] has nothing to with his father, his mom’s a wonderful woman - entirely innocent of her husband’s misdeeds, the couple being estranged when he plotted to break the law - and for their differences, both of her son’s are very close to her. Although they have little in common, Carter’s brother tends to come across quite joyless and easily prone to defensiveness, he’s congratulated the couple on their pregnancy, having gotten them help finding the best midwife possible, being a cardiovascular specialist himself with a lot of medcial connections. Carter’s brother is single and child free currently, but he can’t help wonder if the welcoming of [name_f]Birdie[/name_f] and he’s child might change things.


[name_m]Lewis[/name_m] [name_m]Trevor[/name_m] Allenford (31) is Carter’s brother who is proudly single and child-free. Having a child would be “the wrong direction” for his life and he’d love happy moments in his life - just not kids or relationships. He despises when people assume men who don’t want love or children are “playboys” who want to flirt with women all the time and think they’re macho. [name_m]Lewis[/name_m] isn’t like that because he never really cared about dating.

[name_m]Lewis[/name_m] is currently working at an office receptionist and he doesn’t mind the job but he dislikes two of his co-worker’s - Birdie’s ex-husband and the secretary he cheated on [name_f]Birdie[/name_f] with! He always wished they didn’t work there anymore but they couldn’t get fired for personal business irrelevant to work. He knows they’re slackers though and a lot of co-workers agree that they won’t do something if they feel someone else will do it for them. [name_m]Lewis[/name_m] only had one girlfriend he fell in love with at age 26, who worked across the street from him. However she wanted children and he didn’t and this was too big of a difference to overcome, so they split. [name_m]Lewis[/name_m] always felt bad for her because they were a solid couple otherwise and they did talk about futures together. He knows deep down that a break-up is still less painful than a broken engagement, or worse off a divorce. This has made him more sympathetic to [name_f]Birdie[/name_f] and more angered by her ex-husband, seeing that [name_f]Birdie[/name_f] was truly hurt by his infidelity.

He hopes his girlfriend is happy, whatever she’s doing and hopes that she has or will have children in the future because he believes she deserves to be happy with her life decisions too. [name_m]Lewis[/name_m] feels like he could be friends with his ex-girlfriend but he’s nervous and he’s not the type to reignite old pain. This is why [name_m]Lewis[/name_m] never talks about his father because it’s painful for him and the rest of the family. He’s found the silver lining of reconnecting with his family more and he’s very close with his family as a result. He dislikes his paternal aunt, who nags him about why he chooses not to have children, but at least he’s close with his paternal cousins.


[name_u]Andrea[/name_u] [name_f]Calliope[/name_f] [name_u]Quinn[/name_u] (30) is Lewis’s ex-girlfriend. When they met she was working at a bookstore but quit around the same time they broke up. For three years now she has been running her own bookstore with the help of her older brother. [name_u]Andrea[/name_u], like [name_m]Lewis[/name_m], felt bad about the breakup. For the year and a half they dated she had been really happy. She knows it was better this way even if it did hurt then.

[name_u]Andrea[/name_u] is at a really good place in her life right now. Having wanted to be a mother for a while, [name_u]Andrea[/name_u] is now a mom to two darling children. Her bookstore is flourishing, and she recently bought her dream house. [name_u]Andrea[/name_u] is still single, having tried and given up on finding love right now. She’s perfectly happy being a single mom and has her friends and family to rely on. Her daughter, who was conceived through a sperm donor, is two years old now and the sweetest girl ever. And a few months shy of a year ago [name_u]Andrea[/name_u] adopted her other daughter, a curious three year old whom she loves dearly. A few members of her family aren’t super supportive of her choice to be a single mom and she tends to steer clear of them as she doesn’t want her girls to be around that.

Recently, [name_u]Andrea[/name_u] has been thinking about [name_m]Lewis[/name_m] again which surprised her a little. Though they didn’t work as a couple, she feels they’d be good friends as they shared a lot of the same interests and hobbies. [name_u]Andrea[/name_u], out of sheer coincidence, became friends with the wife of one of Lewis’s paternal cousins. When she found out she was a bit worried and told her friend about what had happened between them. They’re still friends though and [name_u]Andrea[/name_u] appreciates her friend avoiding the topic of [name_m]Lewis[/name_m]. She plans to ask her friend for his number soon though, just to see if he’d want to try being friends.


[name_m]Artus[/name_m] [name_u]Dawson[/name_u] [name_u]Quinn[/name_u] (32) is Andrea’s elder brother, who is also single without children, although he’s open to fathering children. [name_m]Artus[/name_m] supports [name_u]Andrea[/name_u] befriending [name_m]Lewis[/name_m] but won’t get involved with [name_m]Lewis[/name_m] until the moment when, or if, they actually become friends again. [name_m]Artus[/name_m] is thankful for Andrea’s friend, a cousin-in-law of [name_m]Lewis[/name_m], for handling things so well and making things better. He doesn’t know her very well but sees her at a lot of events where his sister [name_u]Andrea[/name_u] is. He’s still looking for the right one but if all else fails, he’ll be a happy single father. [name_m]Artus[/name_m] loves Andrea’s contentment with being a single mother and [name_m]Artus[/name_m] likes to visit his nieces. The elder adoptive daughter loves cartoon animals, which [name_m]Artus[/name_m] likes to talk to her about. The younger IVF daughter is a sweet hugger and [name_m]Artus[/name_m] loves hugs from her and listening to her sing cute little songs. He and [name_u]Andrea[/name_u] have a close bond especially with the bookstore, which he couldn’t be happier being a part of. Like [name_u]Carter[/name_u], [name_m]Artus[/name_m] also supports charitable foundations and always gives to charities whenever possible (as long as they’re reliable charities and not fake/scam charities), whether it’s a huge amount or just pocket change.

[name_f]Hecate[/name_f] " [name_u]Kitty[/name_u] " [name_f]Emmeline[/name_f] [name_u]Quinn[/name_u] (2) is Artas’s’ younger niece and Andrea’s daughter. Being an absolute cutie is something [name_u]Kitty[/name_u] takes seriously, and she’s seemingly endless in her ways of charming family members: drawing them pictures, immediately offering a hug if she so much as thinks they’re upset, or just hanging around with a bright smile to bring some cheer. Her mom’s evidently her hero and she hangs onto Andrea’s every word, following her around the house and always wanting to be by her side. [name_u]Andrea[/name_u] herself isn’t blind to the fact it may make nursery or kindergarten attendance a little tricky for [name_u]Kitty[/name_u], but right now she’s more determined to nurture and encourage her daughter, who’s evidently already captured by the notion of space. She’s always drawing pictures of stars and comets, and for her latest Halloween actually dressed up as a little alien, something that bought [name_u]Kitty[/name_u] and those around her so much joy.


[name_f]Meli[/name_f] [name_f]Kamama[/name_f] [name_u]Quinn[/name_u] (3) is the adoptive sister of [name_u]Kitty[/name_u], elder niece of [name_m]Artus[/name_m], and elder daughter of [name_u]Andrea[/name_u]. She’s of Native [name_u]Cherokee[/name_u] descent and always looks at her culture curiously. She loves plants and animals and how the world works - or at least what she knows about it at the moment. She and [name_u]Kitty[/name_u] love to have fun with each other and [name_f]Meli[/name_f] often gives a happy little dance when she’s excited or proud. It’s just her thing! She and [name_u]Kitty[/name_u] are close with [name_u]Andrea[/name_u] and like to see her friend and they often ask if her friend has any children of her own. [name_f]Meli[/name_f] likes cartoon animals, her faves being [name_m]Tigger[/name_m] from [name_f]Winnie[/name_f] the Pooh and Tweety [name_u]Bird[/name_u] from [name_f]Looney[/name_f] Tunes. She is a fan of both and loves imitating their voices and actions.

cw: parental affair which produced children & conflict

Spencer Xanthe Tolliver (19) is the main babysitter for Meli and Kitty, who’s been looking after the girls for over a year. Opposed to attending college, Spencer’s gone straight into a fashion internship, having made contacts through a design camp she attended from the age of 14-18, serving as a summer school alternative for the young woman. She’s used to fending off redunant comments - some of which come from her own father - about the field she’s working in, but something that always makes her day is how the girls’ she babysits are so enthralled by the nature of her work: organising outfit ensembles for minor shoots and providing assistance and feedback on bigger pieces. Recently she was involved in a piece based around fairytale themes - Christmas enchantment and all - which the sisters were amazed by, and Spencer managed to get them special copies from the shoot for free, so they can admire the gowns worn by the models and the fantastical set designed by her colleagues. Fashion isn’t just ground in realism for Spencer, but also embracing the unusual, making statements and delivering stories, which is a mentality her tutor has only further encouraged her to uphold.

To say life is complicated for Spencer right now would be an understatement. Her father was revealed to have not only been engaging in an extramarital affair, but he’s gotten his mistress pregnant, and given the circumstances of there being three babies expected by Lydia Gailey, Benedict Tolliver will be raising two of the girls’ himself. This isn’t going to be happening at the family home - Spencer’s mom would probably endure a mental breakdown having to take on this stress, given how much turmoil she’s been subjected to [and that isn’t even counting the other woman in Benedict’s life: she never fell pregnant but did terrorise Lydia briefly, hoping to get Spencer’s mom incriminated to inflict further pain on her rivals for a man absolutely not worth such effort] - and while she doesn’t want her younger half-siblings to endure any pain for circumstances well beyond their control; Spencer doesn’t let her mind linger on the future, as she doesn’t quite think she can handle it yet. In a sense she can’t fathom her own emotional reaction, as she was never especially close to her father, who considered Spencer’s hopes for the future unreliable and quite vapid, prompting arguments when he attempted to push her towards mathematics: she is talented in the subjects but really feels no satisfaction in studying it, never mind letting it become her career.

Her friends’ and partner, a model for one of the agencies her mentor, who uses they/he pronouns and is known for his queer activism, which is how the couple bonded; have been her greatest support during this time. Spencer’s avoided leaning too much on her brothers’ - Eddie and Sol - as they’ve been doing all in their power for her younger sibling, Rhian, who’s weathering school rumours about this drama; on top of the fact they absolutely despise Benedict currently, and refuse to speak to him. None of the siblings are calling him their dad to his face currently, and their extended family has only just learned about what’s going on, unleashing further bad blood as arguments have broken out amidst their parents siblings: the worst being between their uncle [Benedict’s younger brother] and Eddie, after the man insinuated somehow their mother was responsible for her husband choosing to pursue other women; because of course, she was denying her poor husband his needs. In a sense, looking after Meli and Kitty’s a much needed escape from the madness for Spencer, who adores their sweetness and greatly respects how their mom raises them. If it wasn’t for her significant other, Spencer would opt against a partner to start a family herself - but right now she’s content raising her beloved guinea pigs, Lemon and Lime.

The backstory
credits to: @wandering_willow @Sophie_sawriter @CherryBomb50 @I_meme_it :star2:


cw: unlikable character, cheating, general immaturity

[name_f]Gwenda[/name_f] ’ [name_f]Gwen[/name_f] ’ [name_f]Renee[/name_f] Capeton (35) is the other former mistress of [name_m]Benedict[/name_m] [name_m]Tolliver[/name_m], and the one viewed with much more hostility by his older children. Like [name_f]Lydia[/name_f], [name_f]Gwen[/name_f] was unaware the man she began seeing after a fateful meeting at a cocktail party was in fact married with children. She’s a successful realtor with incredibly wealthy clients, leading to her circle colliding with Benedict’s - who she would affectionately call ‘Benny’ - and what she assumed allowed for their 100% authentic, genuine love to blossom. The unforseen pregnancy forced [name_m]Benedict[/name_m] to come clean to [name_f]Gwen[/name_f] about everything, and to say she took it poorly is an understatement.

For all her accomplishments and being looked upon with sympathy by her peers, as [name_m]Benedict[/name_m] promised marriage, even purchasing her a ‘pre-engagement gift’ in the form of a necklace, [name_f]Gwen[/name_f] has never been able to accept anything she considers losing. Be it her time as a hockey player in school and college; her grades always having to be straight As, or needing a socially desirable guy as her prom date, she has no qualms about destroying any form of competition to crop up.

While popular with her male colleagues and possessing lots of purely platonic friends with men, [name_f]Gwen[/name_f] almost has a principal where other women are concerned: she has to outperform them. There’s no clear answer as to what crafted this mentality, as she’s the eldest of three girls’ and always received the most praise from their mom, dad, and stepdad (mothers’ second husband); being the daughter gushed over at dinner parties the most ardently. Her decision to remain child-free was never criticised by anyone, but don’t doubt for a second [name_f]Gwen[/name_f] would always make disparaging comments about women she worked with who retired to raise their kids.

Her youngest sister calls her the ‘Most Not-Like-Other-Girls Girl’ to ever exist, and it’s a title Gwen’s obviously set her sights on winning given her behaviour. [name_f]Madelyn[/name_f] and [name_f]Lydia[/name_f] are despised in different capacities for ‘beating’ her where Benedict’s concerned: his legal wife gets the house and title of Mrs. [name_m]Tolliver[/name_m], in spite of their separation; whereas [name_f]Lydia[/name_f] has him raising two of her triplet daughters on agreement and consistent contact. While [name_f]Gwen[/name_f] immediately left [name_m]Benedict[/name_m] for his lies, the fact she has little to wield in proof of her superiority eats away at her, and her sisters’ are keeping their distance, as they feel she’s going to do something dramatic to get their parents attention as a means of soothing her ego.


[name_f]Milena[/name_f] " [name_u]Mina[/name_u] " [name_f]Bridget[/name_f] Capeton (29) is Gwen’s youngest sister and general bane of her existence, something that’s not even a family secret. Technically born after their parents divorce - being a shock pregnancy following a brief attempt at reconciling - [name_u]Mina[/name_u] and her older sister [the middle child] were always closer, but some could argue this stemmed from [name_f]Gwen[/name_f] reacting poorly to both of their births. She very much would have enjoyed being an only child, but it’s something accepted by everyone now and creates a strange harmony, until an inevitable pointed comment leads to bickering between [name_f]Gwen[/name_f] and the younger girls’. Although she lacked the academic prowess and dedication her parents - stepfather included - praised immediately where the girls’ were concerned, [name_u]Mina[/name_u] was exceptionally talented at practical subjects, specifically sewing and cookery, things [name_f]Gwen[/name_f] had little interest in because they didn’t match up with her perspective on success.

What [name_u]Mina[/name_u] did have that [name_f]Gwen[/name_f] wanted was popularity: she was a cheerleader and constantly surrounded by friends, always attending parties and was voted both Homecoming and Prom [name_f]Queen[/name_f] while attending high school [something that [name_f]Gwen[/name_f] was pointedly unhappy to hear of and did little to hide this sentiment].

Children’s the greatest source of contention between [name_u]Mina[/name_u] and [name_f]Gwen[/name_f]. While she doesn’t take offense with the fact her sister doesn’t want to have kids herself, [name_f]Gwen[/name_f] of course can’t hesitate from questioning the fact [name_u]Mina[/name_u] decided to end her work as a designer based in [name_u]Milan[/name_u] to move back to her home town and work in fashion journalism following her decision to conceive a child through IVF and be closer to her family. [name_u]Mina[/name_u] felt she wanted to close that chapter of her life upon taking such a step, thanks to her schedule being very hectic in [name_f]Italy[/name_f], and she knew if she was raising a child there, she’d constantly be torn between job offers and parenting; as by the time of her retirement, [name_u]Mina[/name_u] was in almost constant demand to become involved in new projects. She had a bold approach to the avant-garde fashion world - very appropriate most would say - and formed friendships to last Mina’s move back home, including with models [the most shallow people to ever exist in the eyes of [name_f]Gwen[/name_f], and she doesn’t hide her opinions, prompting arguments between the sisters on numerous occasions].

With her daughter now almost two, motherhood has proven to be everything [name_u]Mina[/name_u] hoped for and more, loving spending time with her little girl amidst writing pieces for numerous magazines, including Italian prints she used to be featured in while creating herself. She spends a lot of time with her sister, who’s also a mother, and they’re just as inseparable as they’d become by the time [name_u]Mina[/name_u] was in middle school and her sibling was in high school; trying to avoid [name_f]Gwen[/name_f] and the recent madness unleashed surrounding [name_m]Benedict[/name_m] [name_m]Tolliver[/name_m]. To the shock of no-one, he never met any of the Capeton’s - in spite of the proclaiming he was the love of Gwen’s life - and their mother was often left despairing at the arguments that broke out when her other daughters voiced their doubt about the sincerity of his promises. What has transpired has been more of the expected bickering when [name_u]Mina[/name_u] attempted to ask [name_f]Gwen[/name_f] about how she was handling things, and she flew off the handle, expecting her sisters’ would be pleased to see her in such strife - given how she’s been so critical and quick to point out their failures or mistakes.


Leonora " Leo " Isabelle Ferris (32) is the middle Capeton sister. She’s never been particularly close to Gwen but grew even more distant after she became pregnant with her first child at 24. Gwen’s disparaging comments in regard to her quitting her lucrative office job, which she despised, to take care of her baby was too much to handle. Leo blew up at her sister and refused to see her for the rest of her pregnancy. A lot of Leo’s childhood was spent getting mad at Gwen and reluctantly making up. Leonora also felt like she was stuck in her sister’s shadow during that time as well. Whether that was in school where Gwen had been a top academic, or at home where their parents seemed to favor her more, Leo always felt left behind. It wasn’t until she started high school that things started to change. In school anyway.

Leonora has always had a very attractive personality. Her tactful honesty, willingness to help, and infectious laughter, seemed to draw people to her. By the end of her first week of high school she’d made three friends in her grade and two in the grade above. It angered Gwen who had little popularity with the student body. Leo is still very close to her friends, and her husband is one of the friends she made who was a year older. The two got married when she was 22 and now have four kids aged 7, 6, 3, and 1. Leo now has a jewelry making business that she runs out of her house. She started it five years ago and it’s going really well. Gwen still doesn’t approve of her quitting her other job but Leo honestly doesn’t care.

Even though they’ve never really gotten along, Leo did feel bad when the truth came out about Benedict. She was going to try and comfort her sister but after Gwen blew up at Mina, Leo decided against that. Leonora is very close to her niece just as Mina is close to Leo’s kids. There are frequent playdates between the cousins and Leo is so glad they spend time together. Leo’s husband is like an older brother to Mina as he often came over to hang out with Leo and their friends. They still have a sibling like relationship and Leonora is glad he has a good relationship with at least one of her family members. Leo’s parents and stepdad do see their grandchildren but not as much as Leo would have liked. They still tend to judge and praise people by their accomplishments and Leo doesn’t want her children to grow up around that. Her husband’s parents are great people though so her kids have grandparents who are wholly supportive.


[name_u]Reed[/name_u] [name_m]Lucas[/name_m] [name_m]Ferris[/name_m] (3) is the third of Leo’s children with her husband. He loves the [name_u]Quinn[/name_u] sisters and instantly befriended them. He has a charming personality that clicks with any little kid which is why he’s so close with his siblings. He loves being a toddler but finds pleasure in not being the youngest; he likes knowing he’s ahead of somebody. He’s so close with [name_u]Leo[/name_u] but doesn’t quite understand the conflict regarding [name_f]Gwen[/name_f] and feels he doesn’t really know her. For now, he’s just enjoying his life playing outside and getting fresh air. He loves rocks, just any type of rock, and his parents are telling him that maybe he could have a pet rock.


[name_u]Juniper[/name_u] [name_f]Isabelle[/name_f] “ [name_u]June[/name_u] “ [name_m]Ferris[/name_m] (7) is the oldest child of [name_u]Leo[/name_u] and the big sister of [name_u]Reed[/name_u]. She absolutely adores him and often dresses him up in her clothes like a baby doll, which he never objects to. The two not only share their nature names, but they also share an interest in playing outside and being in the sun. [name_u]June[/name_u] is a more studious and introverted child than [name_u]Reed[/name_u] and often prefers to fade into the background, which manifests in her actions in class. She just got into first grade and while she only had a few friends, they’re great friends to her and she really enjoys school. Her school is very focused on outdoor learning activities which [name_u]Juniper[/name_u] greatly enjoys. She gets great grades and is really happy.

She also loves playing with her dog, Marshmallow, who she got for her birthday a month ago. She loves petting him and cuddling with him- she’s not supposed to let Marshmallow sleep in her bad, but [name_u]June[/name_u] does it anyway.


[name_m]Ivo[/name_m] [name_u]Hunter[/name_u] [name_m]Ferris[/name_m] (1) is the youngest [name_m]Ferris[/name_m] child of the four, having a name with a nature meaning, but not directly after a plant. He does still love nature a lot, frolicking through the flower fields. He loves [name_u]June[/name_u] around because she calms him down when he cries but she’s still so much of a kid herself that the two always do fun and lighthearted stuff. He loves playing dress up and hide and seek. The second-eldest has taught him how to play patty-cake which he’s excited for. [name_m]Ivo[/name_m] himself isn’t the type to fade in the background though, he likes to get everyone pumped with his energy
that is, until he’s tired and wants to go to sleep, in which he sleeps a lot. In actuality, the most active and energetic family member is actually their dog, Marshmallow.

[name_u]Paris[/name_u] [name_f]Marjorie[/name_f] Buller [1] is a member of Ivo’s playgroup who also loves nature like him. They also think the fact that her first name rhymes with his last name is quite funny. They’re both energetic toddlers which keeps their respective parents busy. However Paris’ family is more unusual, her parents are in a throuple with two women and one man, or [name_f]Mama[/name_f], Mommy, and Da as the little girl refers to them as.

All three members of the couple were involved in Paris’ creation, with her father obviously being the paternal element, one of her mothers provided an egg, and the other being the one to actually carry the pregnancy. The slightly complicated plan being composed so that each parent was at least somewhat involved in the process.

As far as [name_u]Paris[/name_u] is concerned, her family is awesome! There’s nothing weird about it to her of course since she was raised in it. Her parents often worry about how childhood and adolescence will be for their daughter, fearing she might be bullied, but they all try to put aside their worries and focus on raising their healthy toddler.


[name_f]Hedra[/name_f] " [name_f]Hedy[/name_f] " [name_u]Florence[/name_u] Michaels-Buller (30) is Paris’s’ [name_f]Mama[/name_f] and currently expecting her younger sibling - this time the process being reversed but of the same principle to keep all three parents involved, with her carrying the egg of their child’s Mommy. The Michaels have consistently been the most understanding and accepting of the family [name_f]Hedy[/name_f] chose to build, not that it exactly surprised her, as she was raised by her mom and maternal grandparents, thanks to her dad quickly making himself scarce opposed to accepting the responsibility of parenthood [and while he sent birthday cards, it was always in a manner where no-one could actually find out where he was living]. Paris’s grandma and great-grandparents - ‘gugs’ as she calls them - absolutely adore her, in a mirror of the way [name_f]Hedy[/name_f] herself was treated, and seeing so much love for her daughter never fails to cheer [name_f]Hedy[/name_f] up after a stressful or tiring day [and her partners are quick to assure her it isn’t silly indulging in such feelings, as she’s quite quick to chastise herself].

She works as a prosecuting laywer, specialising in domestic violence cases, and while typically playing a more supporting role within the actual court proceedings, [name_f]Hedy[/name_f] spends extensive time with clients and has been involved with a lot of aftercare for both them and family members. Although she finds her job incredibly fulfilling, for how it helps people bring their abusers to justice and find means of closure within their lives, [name_f]Hedra[/name_f] has come to enjoy the solace maternity leave has granted her, providing some much needed time for reflection and consideration of the future. In time she thinks she’d like to transfer into working at womens shelters, opposed to the court system, not just because it’ll allow her more time with her children and partners, but thanks to the break in stress it will also provide. [name_f]Hedy[/name_f] admits she gets overwhelmed quite easily for a lawyer, as it means a great deal to her seeing people obtain the justice they deserve, and any presumed failure is taken hard by her.

Out of all three partners, she’s considered the best at planning, be it a birthday party or get together with their extended friend groups. They have other friends who’re poly, but the trio are affectionately called the ‘Success Model’, as none of their friends have currently settled into relationships involving parenting - not that [name_f]Hedy[/name_f] thinks its required to be seen as fulfilled in that aspect of life. Merely she’s someone who always knew she wanted to become a mother, and is incredibly grateful to have two people who not only wanted this as well, but strive to ensure [name_u]Paris[/name_u] is happy and getting all out of life she deserves. Some would call [name_f]Hedy[/name_f] the most high strung due to her anxious side, but she’s come to brush it off more as she’s grown older, seeing how her father’s laissez-faire attitude spelt only dismissal, immaturity and inconsistency for her childhood; recognising no personality archetype is defaulted as perfect.


tw: child loss (briefly mentioned, not described)

[name_f]Solei[/name_f] [name_f]Raquel[/name_f] [name_m]Davies[/name_m] [29] is Hedy’s female partner and Paris’ ‘Mommy’. She was the one who carried [name_u]Paris[/name_u] and she’s very excited that [name_u]Paris[/name_u] is going to be a big sister and is excited to see how she reacts to having a little sibling in the house. Having been in her shoes before she’s been very supportive of [name_f]Hedy[/name_f] during her pregnancy and has been a little bit hover-y around her partner as she nears her due date, though not as high-strung as she is [name_f]Solei[/name_f] tends to feed off of other’s energies and therefore picks up the anxieties that sometimes [name_f]Hedy[/name_f] is prone to suffering from, but she’s trying to relax more for the approaching delivery so she can appear as ‘normal’ as possible. While [name_f]Solei[/name_f] opted for a home birth to skip any hassle dealing with medical professions who might be confused by her relationship, but due to the abnormal positioning of their second child the three parents are leaning towards a hospital or birth center for the delivery, valuing the health of [name_f]Hedy[/name_f] and the baby over any personal discomfort.

Unlike Paris’ grammy and ‘gugs,’ the Davieses, while they were tolerant of he and [name_f]Hedy[/name_f] being in a same-sex relationship, they where not very supportive of the couple’s choice to involve a mutual friend of theirs, who would become their third partner. She was labeled a ‘cheater’ by her parents who didn’t understand that she had fallen in love with multiple people. When she was pregnant there was a lot of family members who would ask “So you’re a surrogate?” after she would explain that her baby was conceived with Hedy’s egg, though the final straw came from hearing [name_u]Paris[/name_u] be referred to as “Solei’s girlfriend’s daughter” by her mother when the baby girl was a few months old. [name_f]Solei[/name_f] has not had any contact with her family since [name_u]Paris[/name_u] was a few months old and she finds that her life is much easier this way, no longer constantly feeding off of her family’s agitated emotions.

The only reason that she’s maintained her family’s last name is due to her being an author of children’s books, her first few were published before she met her partners and for the sake of consistency and ease of those who enjoy her works actually finding them she’s kept the name. She does wright more lighthearted stories but also specializes in writing books that can be used to explain complicated situations or families to kids, she’s written about her own family situation as well as about stillbirth since one of her best, non-poly, friends experienced the loss of her second child.


bumpe!! <33

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(tw: violence ) :bangbang:
Daris Wilson Buller (31) is the male partner in the poly relationship , the father of Paris and the unborn child as well as the one legally married to Hedra but still staying completely loayal to both Hedra and Solei . It’s a step he wanted to take being very pragmatic and wanting to avoid legal trouble whilst raising Paris , although the trio is very careful to always put Solei on the list for someone who can pick Paris up from the nursery or visit at the hospital. Sometimes people refer to that kind of thing as being a " secondary caregiver " but the trio is staunchly against that and they’re making it clear to everyone that they’re on equal footing when raising their daughter.

Daris has an unusaual name due to his maternal family being Bosnian - his name comes from his maternal grandfather while his middle is also his paternal grandmother’s maiden name. He is not particularly close with his heritage , although he loves listening to the family’s stories and telling people that " Da ", the term that Paris uses to refer to him , is actually his nickname rather than an alternative for dad or daddy. He’s a computer science major , working in the IT sector has always contributed to him being stereotyped as an antisocial nerd, but actually he never was and in fact would be friendly to people, go to event such as anime conventions , concerts and other stuff. Once , he witnessed violence at a concert where a woman was being held by the wrists by her partner and shouted something along the lines of " Jay , leave me alone, I told you I’m not taking any drugs!". Despite seeming scrawny Daris actually was good at one sport, it being cycling , so he was able to push away and then kick the attacker to neutralize him and helped the attacked woman. He took her to a woman’s shelter where Hedra was heading out from after meeting with one of her clietns whom she was awaiting a court case with. That’s how Daris and Hedra met because Daris mistook Hedra for an actual employee of the women’s shelter. The relationship developed into something more after Hedra and Daris helped the woman - who’s now the godmother of Paris. Hedra wanted Daris to join in the relationship between her and Solei , and despite being taken aback by that concept, he eventually learned to love Solei too. Hedra and Solei appreciate Daris for being a supportive partner, not being afraid to take on household chores such as cleaning or cooking and being a rather resourceful guy with his own website-making business. He agreed to even do Solei 's author webpage as long as she promised never to base her children’s book characters on Paris because Daris never once her little princess to compare herself tp anyone else or feel pressured to keep up , much less keep up with a fictional character. Solei agreed. Daris is also supportive of Hedy 's decision to involve herself directly with the women’s shelter that their daughter’s godmother got help in. He loves them both equally , even if his family has a hard time understanding the life decision that he made by living and raising a daughter with two women.


Warning for stillbirth.

[name_f]Melody[/name_f] [name_f]Girasol[/name_f] [name_u]Jackson[/name_u] (32) is [name_m]Daris[/name_m] and Hedy’s friend and Solei’s best friend. Like [name_m]Daris[/name_m], she is in the IT sector of computer science, which may turn heads given her more girly vibe, but she’s still a techie no matter what she appears and does. Her sister Serene’s an owner of a popular blog so it’s no shock to her family at least! She completely understands and respects [name_m]Daris[/name_m] as a strong fighter who doesn’t look it, after all she’s the same way. She’s much more of a girly-girl compared to her sister [name_f]Serene[/name_f] who’s more of the funky type, but [name_f]Melody[/name_f] has fast reflexes and is capable of taking pain and not letting it stop her in her defence mechanisms. Her sister [name_f]Serene[/name_f] talks about this the most and finds her pain tolerance so nobly high that it’s impressive. [name_f]Melody[/name_f] doesn’t consider herself a huge brawn, not just because she perceives it as more of a “secret weapon”, but also because physical pain tolerance will not get her through the emotional pain she went through. She is the best friend of [name_f]Solei[/name_f] who had a stillbirth. [name_f]Melody[/name_f] has no idea how this occurred and without [name_f]Solei[/name_f], would have blamed herself entirely. She isn’t super open about the ordeal but not entirely secretive, stating this is “semi-personal”, or something she’d tell extra close people, but not everyone.

She is okay with, actually rather grateful for, [name_f]Solei[/name_f] indirectly expressing her difficult time through Solei’s books, and her firstborn has read every one of Solei’s books. [name_f]Melody[/name_f] is grateful for this, especially since her firstborn is friends with the [name_m]Ferris[/name_m] children, especially the 6-year-old, and the [name_m]Ferris[/name_m] children have read the books to understand the conflict regarding [name_f]Gwen[/name_f] in a kid-friendly way. They still don’t know all the serious details regarding this, but it’s put them at ease on what’s going on to avoid asking too many questions and getting too involved. She also is inspired by her sister Serene’s Thousand Dreams blog and it’s motivated her to feel good about her life and accomplish new dreams as well. She knows Paris’s godmother is also a Thousand Dreams reader which inspires her and makes her more proud of her sister. She also takes inspiration from Hedy’s desire to work within womens’ shelters to her heart’s content, after all it truly is achieving dreams for the greater good. One day [name_f]Melody[/name_f] wants to be fully okay, even if what she’s been through is something she never feels fully okay with.

Serene was created by me.