Create-A-Family: With A Twist -_-


tw: ED; toxic friendship; mentions of Pro-Ana culture; affairs

[name_u]Rose[/name_u] [name_f]Cecilia[/name_f] Nordham (21) is one of the few members of the Discord who met [name_u]Madison[/name_u] in person, however she’s now left and their close association has crumbled. At one point they were such good friends, [name_u]Rose[/name_u] was one of the mods of the forum, and she has an extensive background in the ‘Pro-Ana’ circles, beginning when she was only 13. Food became embroiled with [name_u]Rose[/name_u] witnessing the divorce of her parents. Her father began an affair when she was 10 and two years into this situation, Rose’s mother became aware, unleashing chaos after she overheard a row between her parents, exposing the fact the man she once thought could do no wrong had not only betrayed her mom, but planned on abandoning them [Rose, her mom and younger brother] to start a new life with his girlfriend.

Rose’s battle with anorexia started not long after this. She was convinced if she became the model of an All American [name_f]Girl[/name_f] that her dad wouldn’t replace her with a new baby, and so her cycle began. It was online that she met similarly minded people, likewise suffering with complex distress and trauma, which led to their eating disorders, and the environment of encouragement and competition led to [name_u]Rose[/name_u] believing she was somehow positively impacted by anorexia. This was initially hidden by her brother deciding to wage a one person war against their dad and his girlfriend, meaning their mom was caught up in trying to stop her son from egging his fathers’ car, and Rose’s weight fluctated in a less conventional manner than stereotypical portrayals of anorexia, meaning she hid it better.

[name_u]Madison[/name_u] was the final frontier of her illness. Their sense of isolation and negative self-perception created an understanding, something important for them both but incredibly unhealthy. The Discord forum actually led to Rose’s mom realising what was going on with her daughter, as she noticed how she was only eating in her room [Rose was actually taking photos of the food she was eating - the majority of her plate ending in the bin]. When confronted, [name_u]Rose[/name_u] tried to deny things, but her mom pressed the issue and she eventually admitted she was struggling with her self-image and health.

The dissolving of [name_u]Rose[/name_u] and Madisons’ friendship wasn’t public, but privately unpleasant. [name_u]Madison[/name_u] felt abandoned when [name_u]Rose[/name_u] announced she couldn’t belong to the server anymore - having been encouraged by her therapist to leave, given the environment was making her mental state worsen - and lashed out, insulting the impact of her gaining weight in the hope it would cause her to change her mind. It didn’t work. [name_u]Rose[/name_u] was determined to get away, and she succeeded.

Unbeknownst to both parties, there might be a reunion between [name_u]Rose[/name_u] and [name_u]Madison[/name_u] sooner than later. [name_u]Rose[/name_u] has been online to meet more people - keeping away from any diet or exercising sites - and actually has encountered one of Madisons’ roommates, who she’s been keeping in frequent contact with, thanks to their shared passion for making clay figures, as [name_u]Rose[/name_u] is actually studting animation; not that the penny’s dropped…yet. Her dad recently called to reveal his girlfriend’s pregnant - dreaded news for [name_u]Rose[/name_u] once - but she’s managed to handle this well given her state of mind, and is determined to not treat her younger half-sibling with prejudice, in spite of her fathers’ actions.


tw: aforementioned ED, Pro-Ana culture mentioned

[name_f]Enya[/name_f] [name_f]Lillian[/name_f] Monkton (21) is Roses’ close friend, who’s known her since they were in their pre-teens, around the time that - and to some degree, she was Madison’s former arch rival, serving as a positive influence who sought to get her away from the toxic circles [name_u]Madison[/name_u] introduced her to. At first, [name_f]Enya[/name_f] and [name_u]Rose[/name_u] belonged to a large circle, meaning they didn’t spend much time together one-on-one until they were preparing for high school, thanks to their mutual interest in artistry.

Since she was a kid, Enya’s been making her own jewelry, something encouraged by her mom: an experienced and respected jeweler, who’s offered learning opportunities to her 3 children (Enya’s the oldest). By the time she was in her late teens, [name_f]Enya[/name_f] had decided clay was her favourite medium to work with, something that’s continued, and of course is another bonding source for her and [name_u]Rose[/name_u], even if they’re crafting different items. She’s learned how to work with metal as well though, and it is something [name_f]Enya[/name_f] would like to develop her confidence with, although she has her own Etsy and Depop stores, not wanting to just piggyback off her mom’s success.

Not being at college is something [name_f]Enya[/name_f] used to get embarassed about, but now it doesn’t phase her much, as she’s happy pursuing her passion and knows education isn’t going to wholly define her. This is helped by the fact her parents don’t compare her to her younger brother, who’s very much a tried and true academic who’s just started his degree in physics. The two often affectionately spar about their individual pursuits, but they’ll always bow out to their younger sister, who’s learned all of their dad - an executive chef’s - tips and tricks to craft amazing Caribbean food paying homage to their family heritage.


Ridia [name_f]Maeve[/name_f] Monkton (16) is the youngest of the Monkton children. Ridia loves [name_f]Enya[/name_f] and their brother almost as much as she loves cooking! [name_u]Ever[/name_u] since she was a little girl, Ridia’s favorite thing to do is watch and learn from her father, a very talented chef. Now that she’s taken over in the kitchen, her dad takes this as a nice break, but the two of them still love making traditional food together. She’s only 16 – she doesn’t have all the answers yet! As a child, Ridia was in love with “The [name_f]Princess[/name_f] and The Frog” because she saw herself and her father in Tiana’s family. She even had a best friend who acted a lot like [name_f]Charlotte[/name_f], having a huge house, busy father, and a boy-crazy mind. They grew apart though, following the disappointing moment when the other girl told Ridia she was too weird to be popular. Ridia still sees her around. Nostalgia is big for Ridia and prefers to avoid the other girl because of the memories.

Ridia likes big earrings and lots of jewelry, seeing as her mom makes lots of her beautiful and traditional accessories. She and her friends are all very artistic and they enjoy spending time together just to draw or make things. Ridia is a very good painter and loves decorating cakes and treats that she makes for her family. She would like to own her own bakery or restaurant one day, after college. She is very very excited for college, where she will study business. She isn’t against not going to college – but she definitely thought it was crazy when [name_f]Enya[/name_f] decided not to go; because the two of them had always talked about going to college and decorating their dorms. She and [name_f]Enya[/name_f] grew apart in their teen years, especially because they are 5 years apart. By the time Ridia was in middle school, [name_f]Enya[/name_f] was already in her sophomore year of high school.

Ridia also found out that a friend of hers is pregnant a few months ago…and not planning to get an abortion or adopt out. Ridia is very supportive of her friends and is trying to help the girl out, but her parents are worried that she is going to be influenced by the other girl. Ridia has been secretly using her money (which she gets from babysitting and her job; a barista) to pay for things for the girl and her child, which is due in [name_u]March[/name_u]. The other girl was kicked out of her house and Ridia has been sneaking her into the shed/office at night. She has always been extremely generous and worries about being mean or unhelpful, so the girl and her little one will always have a place in Ridia’s home – as long as she can keep it a secret.





Image by wirestock on Freepik

tw: racism
[name_u]Shaun[/name_u] [name_u]Ellis[/name_u] Monkton (18) is [name_f]Enya[/name_f] and Ridia’s brother. As a physics student, he has dealt with stereotypes from others, like people assuming he is not intelligent and is only in academic programs because of affirmative action. Because of this, he tends to be reserved around new people. He knows about Ridia helping the other girl and supports it but, having a protective big brother instinct, cautions Ridia to not sacrifice her own wellbeing for her friend’s sake. Besides physics, he enjoys dancing and rock climbing.


[name_u]Makana[/name_u] Azelie “Kenzie” [name_m]Akamu[/name_m] (18) is a girl who [name_u]Shaun[/name_u] has seen at the dance studio before, who he kinda finds cute but isn’t ready to ask her out. [name_u]Kenzie[/name_u] used to be a competitive dancer in her early teens but decided the pressure wasn’t for her. She loves dancing but with no real consequences if she has a bad day. [name_u]Kenzie[/name_u] is pretty much independent just due to the fact that her siblings are in their thirties and already have kids and she was alone with her parents most of her childhood and just learned to do things alone. She loves her four siblings and all her nieces and nephews but sometimes feels forgotten about, she is very close to the Hawaiian side of the family who she is going to spend a few months with this spring , they really helped her reconnect to her Hawaiian heritage which she will forever be grateful for.

[name_u]Kenzie[/name_u] is taking a gap year before starting university at UCF in the fall. She is trying to make the most of her time and has been traveling around and visiting new places, she is also working and saving up for college expenses at José’s beans (the small coffee shop in town).

[name_u]Kenzie[/name_u] hasn’t really dated anyone since her highschool boyfriend cheated on her with one of her friends. Kenzie’s closest friend supported her which [name_u]Kenzie[/name_u] is super grateful about. Recently a new boy moved to town and started working at José’s beans and [name_u]Kenzie[/name_u] is talking with him. The two haven’t really gone on a date yet but she thinks that things could move forward with him.


[name_f]Christina[/name_f] Njeri Mburu ( 18) is someone who barely knows [name_u]Kenzie[/name_u] but has taken her dance studio by storm. Why, you asked? Oh, that’s simple. she just became a hit on social media by performing her romantic or embarassing gesture depending on who you ask.

Namely , [name_f]Christina[/name_f] showed up in front of the dance studio with a keybord! and a megaphone, saying " I love you [name_u]Shaun[/name_u] , you don’t have to pretend like you didn’t smash anyone’s toes during the prom dance because you smashed mine! You’ve started dancing to be a better boyfriend to me back then, but I sacrificed a lot more for you. I’d catch a grenade for you and you know that, that’s why I dedicate this song to you [name_u]Shaun[/name_u]! "

Then, she sat next to the keyboard and started singning [name_m]Bruno[/name_m] [name_u]Mars[/name_u] 's song Grenade in [name_u]Michael[/name_u] [name_u]Jackson[/name_u] 's style , adding " heehee “, " hoo " and " shamone " where there previously weren’t any. [name_u]Shaun[/name_u] , [name_u]Kenzie[/name_u] and the other people having their dance session watched in disbelief until one of [name_u]Kenzie[/name_u] 's Hawaiian friends who also danced picked up his phone and started recording with the caption " romantic serenading in front of One Sound Unites dance studio :musical_keyboard: :love_letter:”. [name_u]Kenzie[/name_u] attempted to take the phone from him but he had already posted by that time, being sure as the social media manager that the incident will boost the place 's popularity. However, this contributed to [name_u]Shaun[/name_u] being really embarassed for the past 2 weeks since this happened.

[name_m]Even[/name_m] [name_f]Christina[/name_f] 's friend was embarassed for her because after the song she quickly rushed with [name_f]Christina[/name_f] to the car and badmouth her about how it’s going to ruin both [name_f]Christina[/name_f] 's and [name_u]Shaun[/name_u] ‘s reputation and that [name_f]Christina[/name_f] lied to her because she promised that they will be jamming together - [name_f]Christina[/name_f] with the keyboard and the friend with her guitar - in the city centre to save money for a vacation abroad in Ecuador that they’re planning. However , the friend knew that [name_f]Christina[/name_f] is a hopeless romantic who truly treated her relationship with [name_u]Shaun[/name_u] like the one and only ever since they got together in the junior year of high school and then broke up shortly after graduation when it became clear to [name_u]Shaun[/name_u] that he wants to take his interest in physics seriously and move out of state to university. [name_f]Christina[/name_f] decided to instaed apply for a cosmetology program in the local community college - even though she appreciates being able to be a make-up artist and giving people the makeover that she herself desprately needed when she was younger due to very low self-esteem, her biggest passion remains music , songwriting and - naturally - reading romance novels where the awkard girl with glasses gets the guy. Her friend didn’t expect [name_f]Christina[/name_f] to go that far in emulating the books’ plots , but she decided not to make fun of [name_f]Christina[/name_f] and instaed go for a burger and fries with her. [name_m]Even[/name_m] though their friendship is based off of the " opposties attract " dynamic, they share two passions - food and travelling.

[name_f]Christina[/name_f] and her friend had a heart-to-heart conversation about how sometimes you have to let things go in your life. Before the cosmetology program where they became best friends , [name_f]Christina[/name_f] 's bestie had been a childhood friend of [name_u]Delainey[/name_u] [name_m]Herron[/name_m] and the occasional babysitter of her infant son - who’s now 4 months old. [name_u]Ever[/name_u] since [name_u]Delainey[/name_u] moved to [name_f]Missouri[/name_f] with her now-fiance , who decided to get serious and involved in his child’s life but also to give [name_u]Delainey[/name_u] all the love and support she needs to be a good mother , fiancee and [name_f]Missouri[/name_f] resident - even sharing with [name_u]Delainey[/name_u] the top-secret gooey butter cake recipe that goes back to the guy’s great-grandmother’s amazing cooking skills as a homemaker. However, [name_u]Delainey[/name_u] and the guitarist’s friendship naturally fizzled out - not that [name_u]Delainey[/name_u] herself doesn’t value the friendship anymore, it’s just that having a 4 month old and making her name in a new state isn’t the perfect time to hang out with old high school friends. [name_f]Christina[/name_f] understood that her friend , who always seemed like the stoic voice of reason , also had a hard time letting go of some relationships , even though she wasn’t a hopeless romantic like [name_f]Christina[/name_f] is. What , however , makes it harder for the Kenyan-American to let go of [name_u]Shaun[/name_u] is the fact that he was truly her frist love , someone who once saw more in her than her glasses and awkardness. It’s impossible to forget about him - especially given his enigmantic new text message to that [name_f]Christina[/name_f] recieved from [name_u]Shaun[/name_u] , it being " We neeed to talk ".

Delainey Jessica Herron was created by @kitkatcookie

The Song " Grenade " Acoustic version ; Michael Jackson style AI cover version


[name_u]William[/name_u] ’ [name_u]Liam[/name_u] ’ [name_m]Felix[/name_m] Roloski (18) is Christina’s other good friend, who’s been trying to support her since [name_u]Delainey[/name_u] moved, especially in the aftermath of the [name_u]Shaun[/name_u] serenading. A lot of their circle haven’t quite known how to react to the whole viral popularity Christina’s accumulated following her stunt, with some choosing to distance themselves, as the idea of being recognised online absolutely terrifies them, most of all because of the embarassment some people insist [name_f]Christina[/name_f] should feel. Liam’s tried to referee the more extreme reactions, even if he’s told [name_f]Christina[/name_f] it wasn’t the best choice.

As the eldest of four - well, technically five - children, [name_u]Liam[/name_u] isn’t a stranger to managing conflict. He’s the most aware of the fact he and his sisters’ father is definitely not an upstanding moral figure (although [name_u]Bliss[/name_u] and [name_f]Amelia[/name_f], his sisters’ closer in age, aren’t blind to this themselves), even if the full picture hasn’t become entirely clear. What [name_u]Liam[/name_u] does know is his dad’s a very secretive person, and it’s why he gives [name_f]Christina[/name_f] credit, in spite of her rash decision making, as she’s not hiding her true nature or intentions, something he respects.

Through all of this, Liam’s able to rely on his significant other. They’re nonbinary but are alright being referred to as she/her, even though they/them is their preferred pronoun, and Liam’s always careful to use these terms so they feel comfortable and listened to. In contrast to Christina’s expression, Liam’s a very low-key person with dating matters, although some people might say this is because he wants some privacy from his sisters’ and their teasing questions. At least he’s now got baby [name_f]Chloe[/name_f], who’s far too young to question what happens in Liam’s relationship…but ironically, his secret half-sister, [name_f]Samara[/name_f], is actually friendly with Liam’s partner.

Amelia belongs to @chamwue

Bliss belongs to @kitkatcookie

Chloe bleongs to @Lindseylloyd052399

Samara belongs to @I_meme_it


Sedrick Joshua Oates [ 19 ] and his son, Casper William Oates [ 4 months ] are people that Liam is familiar with.
Sedrick misses Liam and other friends he had before moving to Kansas City , Missouri to take care of his family. His fiancee Delainey and son Casper are an absolute priority to him regardless of any homesickness he might be feeling, however. Sedrick knows how much the community judged him after it came out that the quarterback of the local football team and the " it girl " have turned their glamourous high school life into a scandal by getting pregnant. He feels bad for the Rosolski family and especially Samara who for so many years was hidden from the world by her mother and didn’t even get to bear his father’s name. The Rosolski family 's story is the reason why Sedrick immediately embraced Delainey and Casper after Delainey told Sedrick that she is pregnant and will keep the baby no matter the " social cost " of things.

Sedrick is glad that him and Liam still have contact and encourages Delainey to get back in touch with Christina 's guitarist friend - who is feeling some impact of Christina 's stunt socially and would probably appreciate Delainey 's shoulder to lean on even in a digital way through FaceTime or Snapchat. However, Delainey 's now all about her mommy and me yoga class and new friends from there . She also tried out horseback riding and made friends with a rising country music star here in Missouri - who is becoming a regional celebrity. Sedrick is happy that Delainey is making new friends however the musician seems disingenous to him and he hopes that Delainey doesn’t have to regret the friendship later like she did back in high school , when the popular girls she hung out with turned out for the most part to be mean girls - who even to this day slut shame her now that she is out of state in Missouri and they can talk behind Delainey 's back for however long they wish.

The truth is - Christina and her guitarist friend call out the mean girls regularly and they know deep down that those people wish they had a partner as supportive as Sedrick has been to Delainey along with his Missouri based family. As for Sedrick himself , he is eternally grateful for his Halloween baby and Casper - named after the friendly ghost despite his family’s insistance to go with the family name William - is his favourite person in the world to the point where Delainey regularly spots them sleeping together on couches , in corners , on a bed that hasn’t been made and many other places. Sedrick is grateful that Delainey has embraced Missouri instaed of being worried that she lives in a more rural state now and that Sedrick 's family wasn’t wealthy enough to afford a diamond ring for his proposal - despite working himself to the ground as a window cleaner he only got a Topaz ring - which actually made Delainey cry tears of joy because the stone turned out to be compatible with Delainey 's November birthstone.

Sedrick continues to work as a window cleaner but is currently researching programming courses and other ways to get into Computer Science now that his quarterback career has been turned into just a dream that once was. Meanwhile . Delainey is enjoying motherhood and the excitement of searching for a wedding dress for their late 2024 wedding. However, the friendship with a regional star has opened a possibility for a record deal for her , only if she manages to get herself a guitarist. This might remind her of an old friend… One more thing that might surprise Delainey is her family’s unexpected flight to Kansas City , which they planned to surprise their future son-in-law for his birthday, which is… today, on February 4th.


TW: abortion mentioned

[name_f]Marley[/name_f] [name_f]Sophia[/name_f] [name_m]Bancroft[/name_m] (21) is the country musician who’s befriended [name_m]Delainey[/name_m] and subsequently become acquainted with [name_m]Sedrick[/name_m], although they can’t be called friends yet, given lack of time spent in person together, as well as Sedrick’s fears about [name_m]Delainey[/name_m] being mistreated once more. [name_m]Born[/name_m] and raised in [name_m]Tennessee[/name_m], [name_f]Marley[/name_f] moved around a lot growing up, as her parents were professional house flippers, constantly having a new project under way. This led to her developing an outgoing, gregarious nature, to help her adapt quickly to new schools and friend groups, although it can make her seem a little flighty nowadays, as being settled is something Marley’s only just gotten used to.

Using money from her old job working as a stable assistant - loving horses is something Marley’s been consistent in, starting with how much she adores her Friesian, [name_f]Roxie[/name_f] - and sales from her most recent EP, Marley’s been able to purchase her own apartment. Decorating it was fun but what she’s really loved has been settling into her own place where she doesn’t feel worried about having to abruptly move, and her younger sister frequently visits. Unlike [name_f]Marley[/name_f], she creates music under an alias and definitely doesn’t want to face any spotlight, so they compliment each other in an offbeat way!

Something [name_m]Delainey[/name_m] knows, but [name_m]Sedrick[/name_m] is unaware of currently, is that teenage pregnancy is something [name_f]Marley[/name_f] is very familiar with. When she was 16, she fell pregnant to her then-boyfriend. Ultimately [name_f]Marley[/name_f] chose to have an abortion, as the town where she was living at the time would be completely intolerant, never mind one of her own cousins, who’s personality fits that of Delainey’s ex friends. The boy who got her pregnant those years ago was likewise a terrible fit for potential father, being prone to slut shaming his exes, so [name_f]Marley[/name_f] never felt safe confiding in him either, and it’s partly why she’s so determined to remain single currently.


[name_f]Delilah[/name_f] [name_f]Kate[/name_f] [name_m]Maynard[/name_m] (21) is one of Marley’s maternal cousin. [name_f]Delilah[/name_f] lived in the small town in which [name_f]Marley[/name_f] got pregnant in. The two were very close during their childhood since their moms were twins and would spend their summers at their grandparents farm together so [name_f]Delilah[/name_f] took [name_f]Marley[/name_f] under her wing when she moved to the small town. She was the it-girl and helped [name_f]Marley[/name_f] be super connected. The two of them started drifting off when [name_f]Marley[/name_f] made her own friends and boyfriend who [name_f]Delilah[/name_f] didn’t think were good enough for her and who didn’t have good reputations. [name_f]Delilah[/name_f] is very judgemental and conservative like most people in town.

Currently [name_f]Delilah[/name_f] really wants for her long- term boyfriend to propose to her as most of her friends are starting to settle down. [name_f]Delilah[/name_f] met her boyfriend in high-school and he is at a univeristy in a neighboring state but comes home during weekends and breaks. [name_f]Delilah[/name_f] didn’t go to college and instead has a small online boutique she sells cute clothes from with one of the other cousins. She lives at home and is financially reliant on her parents like many of the other young women in her town.

[name_f]Delilah[/name_f] is very involved at the church and is seen as the model young adult. She is worried about one of her younger sisters who is eleven and seems very uninterested in the bible and seems to be drifting from the family’s core beliefs. [name_f]Delilah[/name_f] feels that if her sister continues on this track and loses her reputation that Delilah’s social life might have repercussions. When [name_f]Marley[/name_f] started hanging out with the “wrong” crowd, [name_f]Delilah[/name_f] had to work really hard to get back her status in town.


[name_f]Jessamine[/name_f] " [name_f]Jessa[/name_f] " [name_f]Belle[/name_f] [name_m]Maynard[/name_m] (11) is the third of the five sister’s and source of concern for [name_f]Delilah[/name_f] given her recent detachment from the families’ values. There wasn’t an obvious incident to start Jessa’s seeming rebellion, she’s just began questioning more about the world recently, including traditional religious values and practices. Although she’s always spoken about wanting to explore the world more, it hasn’t been a concern of anyone til lately, given [name_f]Jessa[/name_f] seems more susceptible to abandoning how she’s been raised, and of course, whispers of [name_f]Marley[/name_f] have come in tandem with this.

In truth, what’s made [name_f]Jessa[/name_f] question so much is maturing. Seeing how much reputation dominates the lives of her family concerns her, as it just feels exhausting to constantly have to change and redefine yourself based on concepts that feel outdated. [name_f]Jessa[/name_f] doesn’t get why [name_f]Delilah[/name_f] wants a proposal so soon in life either, and privately has told one of her friends that if her sisters’ boyfriend is ‘The One’, he won’t care what Jessa’s getting up to, right? Really, the thought of having to constantly fear wider social repercussions and the scrutiny of others is what’s making [name_f]Jessa[/name_f] turn away from tradition, as living your life like that is already a concept that exhausts her to think of.


tw: mild racism & homophobia (this one was hard to write)

[name_f]Leah[/name_f] [name_f]Ruth[/name_f] [name_m]Maynard[/name_m] (17) is the 2nd of the 5 sisters, and a very peaceful and religious person in general. She’s not sure how to help [name_f]Jessa[/name_f] find her way back to their religion. [name_f]Delilah[/name_f] is a person with strong values and she has been very stern with [name_f]Jessa[/name_f], not wanting her to follow the same path that [name_f]Marley[/name_f] did. [name_f]Leah[/name_f] is softer with her words and understands what [name_f]Jessa[/name_f] is going through – she went through a situation like this, though she was much less open about it. She simply questioned her religion and tried to rebel in smaller ways, but by the time she was 14, she had found her way back.

Leah’s parents both work at her church, in fact, her father is the town pastor. Her mom has always taught [name_f]Sunday[/name_f] School and she also runs the Catholic preschool held at their church. So [name_f]Leah[/name_f] has always felt very tied to the church, which she loves, but it has also caused her some confusion, especially during her “rebel” phase. So she understands where [name_f]Jessa[/name_f] is coming from, and is expecting that her 9 and 7 year old sisters will most likely go through this too.

[name_f]Leah[/name_f] has lots of friends, and she loves her little conservative town. She does want to travel more after college because while she loves her life, she wants to understand more about the world. This mostly spawned from a mission trip she took last year to [name_f]Cuba[/name_f]. She met lots of people of different religions, cultures, and styles there, something you don’t get a lot of in her small, traditional town. In fact, when [name_f]Leah[/name_f] was in 2nd grade, one of the only [name_m]Black[/name_m] families in town moved next door, started going to her church, and the little girl was even in Leah’s class. [name_f]Leah[/name_f] was very surprised as she hadn’t seen many people of other races and ethnicities before. There were some mean comments from the other kids in class about her, but [name_f]Leah[/name_f] soon became very close with this girl and liked that they shared their strong Catholic values.

Leah’s family is a rule-following, traditional family. Most of the time, the girls wear dresses because they like dressing modestly. [name_f]Leah[/name_f] has never cut her hair that short, she mostly reads [name_m]Christian[/name_m] books, listens to [name_m]Christian[/name_m] songs, and watches [name_m]Christian[/name_m] movies. Her family takes up half the town, she’s got her paternal and maternal grandparents, lots of cousins and other family members in the surrounding area. [name_f]Marley[/name_f] moving to town was super great for [name_f]Leah[/name_f], who was so excited to have another cousin in town. She, just like [name_f]Marley[/name_f], drifted from her older cousin after she started dating her reckless boyfriend. [name_f]Leah[/name_f] also recently dropped a friend who had gotten into drugs and came out as gay. [name_f]Leah[/name_f] isn’t against the LGBTQ community, but her parents are. She and this person had gone to school together their whole lives, went to church camp together, and hung out at sunday school. This person was not accepted in their family anymore, and [name_f]Leah[/name_f] feels absolutely terrible for them, but knows she can’t do anything, because her family would be really mad. She also holds her values and thinks that her [name_m]God[/name_m] will accept everyone but doesn’t want to be associated with this person.


[name_f]Portia[/name_f] [name_m]Ray[/name_m] [name_m]Maynard[/name_m] (7) is [name_f]Lea[/name_f], [name_f]Jessa[/name_f] and Delilah’s sister. She is the baby of the family and is very coddled and sheltered. She believes everything her parents and older sisters say, and doesn’t think about life outside of town. She has everything she needs here, her friends, family and church. [name_f]Every[/name_f] year is the same, on sundays she goes to sunday school and then has a big meal with her extended family, she goes to school the rest of the time and goes once a month to a bigger city to buy things that you can’t buy in town. [name_f]Every[/name_f] summer the family goes for a week to their lake house and then for the rest of the time she goes to church camp. It’s what everyone knows. Occasionally someone does something bad but [name_f]Portia[/name_f] only hears snippets of the gossip.

[name_f]Portia[/name_f] and her older sister are friends with all the kids their age since they are the pastor’s daughters and their family basically runs the town. The two of them love the yearly nativity play and organizing lemonade stands to benefit the church. They used to be close with [name_f]Jessa[/name_f] but she’s distanced herself from them which has been confusing for [name_f]Portia[/name_f]. She isn’t aware that [name_f]Jessa[/name_f] is questioning the town’s principles and values and doesn’t really remember [name_f]Marley[/name_f].


[name_f]Cadence[/name_f] " [name_f]Cady[/name_f] " [name_f]Claire[/name_f] [name_m]Maynard[/name_m] (9) is the final of the sisters’ and tends to be frustrated by the fact she’s considered a ‘baby’ alongside [name_f]Portia[/name_f], when [name_f]Cady[/name_f] has decided she’s much more mature than that. The hush hush surrounding [name_f]Marley[/name_f] and Jessa’s recent breaking away from the family values is confusing to [name_f]Cady[/name_f] more so because it’s usually a normal thing. When her parents and older sisters’ have cut people off there wasn’t a big deal about it - even with [name_f]Marley[/name_f] who’s their cousin - so [name_f]Jessa[/name_f] becoming distant and everyone reacting strangely confuses her.

There’s concerns from Mr and Mrs [name_m]Maynard[/name_m] as Cady’s very much always been Jessa’s partner-in-crime, so they’re worried about her also being sucked into this detachment too. It was practically progressive when Cadys’ mom and dad allowed her to join the volleyball team, a ‘more masculine’ sport as her grandparents called it when it was mentioned at a recent church gathering, but it was better that for the Maynards’ than [name_f]Cady[/name_f] pursuing football, the other activity she expressed an interest in.


[name_f]Julieta[/name_f] [name_f]Camile[/name_f] [name_m]Armando[/name_m] (10) is a friend of Cady’s from her volleyball team.

[name_f]Julieta[/name_f] lives in a small apartment with her single mother & grandmother. She has always been very close to her mother & grandmother & frankly doesn’t think about the absence of her father often. The older women in her life have always made a point to fill the home with love & laughter. The three girls love baking, dancing, & singing together.

[name_f]Julieta[/name_f] was encouraged to join the volleyball team by a close friend from school & she is so happy she was persuaded. [name_f]Julieta[/name_f] has never considered herself an athletic person & was shocked at how well she plays volleyball and how much she enjoys it.

[name_f]Julieta[/name_f] also really enjoys [name_f]Disney[/name_f] & Sanrio characters. She has been obsessed with the Princesses since she was a little girl. Sanrio is a new passion of hers that she discovered through a Pompompurin plush she found & fell in love with at a thrift store.

[name_f]Julieta[/name_f] does not have any siblings, but she does have many cousins. Her mother was the youngest of 7 children & the only girl in the bunch. All of her cousins live nearby and she enjoys hanging out with them as well.


tw: anorexia mentioned

[name_f]Emala[/name_f] " [name_f]Emmy[/name_f] " [name_f]Bonita[/name_f] Pérez (21) is one of Julieta’s cousins and someone the [name_m]Maynard[/name_m] family would absolutely disapprove of should they learn more of her. This is because Emmy’s pansexual, and even though she’s not dating anyone currently, the ‘influence’ she could have on [name_f]Julieta[/name_f] would be greatly worried about. Her extended family - including [name_f]Emmy[/name_f] herself - are aware of the extremely conservative values prominent in the town where [name_f]Julieta[/name_f] and her mom are living, so they’re trying to be supportive by helping Ms. [name_m]Armando[/name_m] find somewhere new to live. It’s not that anyone wants to uproot her and [name_f]Julieta[/name_f] unfairly, but the pressures - never mind what values Emmy’s little cousin could be taught to internalise - are a concern for them.

Currently studying biology at college, planning on specialising in botanical sciences once she graduates, [name_f]Emmy[/name_f] does her best to visit [name_f]Julieta[/name_f] whenever convenient. Unlike her cousin she’s not an only child, but being nine years older than her brother means [name_f]Emmy[/name_f] groups him and [name_f]Julieta[/name_f] together more in her mind, even if they’re menacing her with their insistence on sports games: Emmy’s never been one interested in athletics when books, crochet and thrifting are available!

This is something she and [name_f]Julieta[/name_f] love doing independently of Emmy’s brother - especially now the former has her love of Sanrio. Clothes shopping is coming to interest her more naturally and it gives Emmy’s aunt some downtime as a single parent, although one of she and Julieta’s other cousins, who’s nineteen, substitutes if essays or other commitments mean [name_f]Emmy[/name_f] herself us unavailable. While she’s committed to her family, other relationships are just as important, exemplified in how Emmy’s also provided her friend [name_f]Rose[/name_f] stability away from her struggle with anorexia. This is a very private matter, as the two have been friends since high school and [name_f]Emmy[/name_f] doesn’t want Rose’s business [especially with something so personally sensitive] being broadcast for gossip or speculation to form.

Rose is credited to yours truly


[name_f]Sister[/name_f] [name_f]Marie[/name_f] [name_f]Magdalene[/name_f] [name_m]Wharton[/name_m] [ [name_m]Real[/name_m] name: [name_f]Gail[/name_f] [name_f]Maryann[/name_f] [name_m]Wharton[/name_m] ] [ 32 ] is someone who [name_f]Emmy[/name_f] knows well because she is one of the teachers at the Catholic school her younger brother attends. He told her as " top secret information " that he would like to become a Catholic priest and doesn’t know how his sister will take it given her views. The woman told him that he doesn’t have to tell his sister about his plans right now and to keep praying so he can make sure this is really his calling - something [name_f]Marie[/name_f] [name_f]Magdalene[/name_f] did a lot before taking holy orders and is now grateful for not making the decision abruptly. She also advised [name_f]Emmy[/name_f] 's brother go talk to a Catholic priest and let him clarify what priesthood really entails. It’s different from being a pastor , even though the boy’s friends - the [name_m]Maynard[/name_m] sisters - confuse it and sometimes refer to themselves as " the daughters of a Catholic pastor " which is something that doesn’t exist. They might just be confused because the [name_m]Maynard[/name_m] family often helps out organising events in the Catholic school. They believe in ecumenism , which is an effort to express spiritual unity among all [name_m]Christian[/name_m] denominations for the greater visible unity of the [name_m]Church[/name_m] at large so that the world can be led to salvation faster. The belief in ecumenism and helping out Catholic schools in his free time doesn’t make the father of the [name_m]Maynard[/name_m] girls any less protestant. Protestant and Orthodox priesthood allows for marriage while Catholic priesthood requires celibacy.

This is something that sister [name_f]Marie[/name_f] [name_f]Magdalene[/name_f] has to express clearly during her teaching of Religious Studies. She , however , also has a degree in psychology and only took holy orders after running her own ED-focused private practice for two years , until she couldn’t deny her calling anymore. For this reason she emphasises empathy in her work as the school psychologist in the Catholic school and tries to challange outdated beliefs of some of the other sisters about mental health issues being a sign of sin, noting that [name_m]God[/name_m] is aware of mental health and the limitations of the human mind in terms of what it can bear psychologically. For this reason, she applauds [name_f]Emmy[/name_f] for supporting her friend [name_f]Rose[/name_f] in her fight.


TW: homophobia

[name_m]Felix[/name_m] [name_m]Gerald[/name_m] Fortescue (33) is a childhood friend of [name_f]Marie[/name_f] [name_f]Magdalene[/name_f] who’s kept in contact with her since she found her place at the convent. They actually met at [name_f]Sunday[/name_f] school when they were children, although [name_m]Felix[/name_m] is convinced his parents would send him and his sister there so they could get some couple time on a morning, as they’re not religiously inclined at all; not that he holds it against them for wanting space. [name_m]Felix[/name_m] actually studied World Religions at university and is still in the academic circle, namely documenting pagan practices within the States and interviewing those who follow alternative belief systems.

He’s actually agnostic himself, however is on the more open minded side where [name_m]God[/name_m] is concerned, never belittling or dismissing [name_f]Marie[/name_f] Magdalenes’ beliefs, even if he’s not as convicted as she is. Her promotion of forward thinking beliefs is something [name_m]Felix[/name_m] especially appreciates being a gay man who hasn’t always found people he’s spoken to that accepting when he expresses this part of himself. No-one’s ever been hostile or damning in a typical manner, more so they insist he he can ‘turn away’ through spiritual teachings, and [name_m]Felix[/name_m] shrugs this off.

Being so easygoing and non-confrontational is why he finds success in his field of work, as even though he’s been tempted to argue, [name_m]Felix[/name_m] knows people aren’t convinced by anything in one conversation, and he’d rather learn of such intolerance to make people aware than create doubt of his own reports. Eight months ago this became more important to [name_m]Felix[/name_m], as he and his long-term partner adopted their now 10-month-old daughter, and he doesn’t want to risk being taken away from her by fighting some dangerous extremist.


[name_f]Thea[/name_f] [name_f]Evelyn[/name_f] Fortescue (10 months) is the adoptive baby daughter of [name_m]Felix[/name_m] and his long-term partner. She was put for adoption when her biological parents were deemed unfit and would not act like parents to the little girl. She loves her new environment. She loves two dads. They mean everything to her. She knows how much they truly care about fathering her. Her fathers don’t expose her to religious intolerance. They prefer to keep her away and are against baptizing. She’s raised not to hate any religions either. She supports freedom. She cries a lot but doesn’t beg for too much.