Create-A-Family: With A Twist -_-

[name_f]Annalise[/name_f] [name_f]Eliana[/name_f] [name_u]Beckett[/name_u] “Lise” (17), a highschool student from Las [name_u]Vegas[/name_u], [name_u]Nevada[/name_u], was born to an ever-eccentric woman who wished for [name_f]Annalise[/name_f] to have an extravagant name. Although her father never wanted children, upon the discovery that her mother was pregnant with a baby girl, her mother immediately fell in love and adored her newly anticipated daughter. Her mother was adamant that they keep the baby, and Annalise’s father reluctantly agreed. This ultimately caused the father to harbor resentment toward Annalise’s mother and created a rift within their relationship. This dynamic created strong yet subtle animosity and hostility in the environment that [name_f]Annalise[/name_f] grew up in. In attempts to navigate her environment, [name_f]Annalise[/name_f] developed into a quiet and timid child, and ultimately an alienated individual who desperately longed for connection outside of her home.

As a teenager, Analise’s stoically distressed personality caught the attention of like-spirited souls. Among these peers, [name_f]Annalise[/name_f] found a sense of belonging that she never even considered possible. Sharing similar experiences, the friend group spent time experimenting with alcohol, trespassing, and spraying painting cars, among other delinquent activities. Despite the reckless and impulsive nature of their bonds, their depth and loyalty to each other was unyielding.

[name_f]Lise[/name_f] craves the affection and intimacy of a romantic relationship even if she isn’t consciously aware of it. Although several others have expressed an interest in romantic affairs, [name_f]Annalise[/name_f] remains aloof and socially unaware, thus never having reciprocated. In the midst of this tumultuous journey, [name_f]Annalise[/name_f] continues to seek the elusive connection she’s yearned for, navigating the maze of adolescence and self-discovery, hoping to one day find the warmth of acceptance and love that has eluded her thus far


[name_f]Zoey[/name_f] [name_f]Isabella[/name_f] [name_u]Rivera[/name_u] (18) grew up in the same Las [name_u]Vegas[/name_u] neighborhood as [name_f]Annalise[/name_f], although they never interacted until high school. Zoey’s parents had a stable marriage and provided a loving home, but [name_f]Zoey[/name_f] struggled with anxiety and depression, often feeling like she didn’t fit in with her peers. She found solace in music and began playing guitar and writing songs. When [name_f]Zoey[/name_f] and [name_f]Annalise[/name_f] became friends, they bonded over their shared feelings of loneliness and found comfort in each other’s company. Zoey’s music helped [name_f]Annalise[/name_f] express her emotions, and in turn, Annalise’s loyalty and support gave [name_f]Zoey[/name_f] the confidence to pursue her passion. Now a high school senior, [name_f]Zoey[/name_f] dreams of attending music school and creating music that speaks to others who feel misunderstood.

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major tw: SA mentioned :exclamation:
other cw: substance abuse; neglect; mental health struggles

[name_f]Rinoa[/name_f] " [name_f]Tisa[/name_f] " [name_f]Therese[/name_f] [name_m]Hancock[/name_m] (18) is a fellow classmate of [name_f]Annalise[/name_f] and [name_u]Zoe[/name_u] who attends the same mandatory counselling group as the former. People could assume [name_f]Annalise[/name_f] and Tisa’s reasons for being placed in the group were accidentally switched on paper: [name_f]Tisa[/name_f] is a child of the foster system, having been removed from her father and stepmothers’ custody when she was 13. By the time this occurred, [name_f]Tisa[/name_f] concedes the worst of the damage had been done. Her parents were opiod addicts and users, whose extreme negligence led to her not only having to raise herself, but she was subjected to sexual abuse by a neighbour, who was arrested and convicted for crimes against 3 local girls’.

Since she was taken from the home - following confessing to a detective she had been abused when an investigation occurred - Tisa’s had no contact with her parents by choice, and she readily admits to having nothing pleasant to say or think about them, especially her dad, who made a point of badmouthing her maternal family, only to turn out no better than them. Her biological mother has been in psychiatric care following extreme postpartum psychosis, and [name_f]Tisa[/name_f] has seen her a few times, however it’s sparse thanks to her social worker not wanting to risk her witnessing her mothers’ separation from reality. Really, Tisa’s social worker is the most consistent adult she’s had in her life, partly because she doesn’t have much faith in older peers.

Unlike [name_f]Annalise[/name_f] and [name_u]Zoe[/name_u], [name_f]Tisa[/name_f] prefers befriending people with an avoidance of thrill seeking and recklessness. She fears inheriting any kind of addiction from her father, with the sole exception being her occasional smoking, but [name_f]Tisa[/name_f] tries to not lapse into it becoming a coping mechanism. Journalling and writing fiction are her favoured means of handling her emotions, either that or watching obscure, low budget films that have an iconic charm to them. Something she’s fond of is collecting strange prints and posters, which have increased since she settled in her current placement home.

In group therapy, Tisa’s as quiet as ever, however if pushed a combative side emerges. Attention is something she shies from, especially thanks to having lived in fear of the investigation of her childhood trauma becoming public. Anonymous identities are one thing, but another of the victims still lives locally and [name_f]Tisa[/name_f] worries about her revealing things - as they aren’t particularly close [not that it’s something [name_f]Tisa[/name_f] thinks either of them owe one another thanks to painful reminders]. Annalise’s group are what she calls ‘A Headache’ however she has no real animosity towards them, more an apathetic form of disapproval. Oh and romance? [name_f]Tisa[/name_f] would rather give that a pass for the indefinite future.


Tw: transphobia, dementia

Sadie Roberta Garland (18) is another member of group therapy. Her middle name coming from her dead name “Robert”, Sadie is a transgender female who lives in an apartment with her grandpa. Sadie is training to be a CNA, wanting to work with people like her grandfather who has dementia. Her grandfather ironically is the only adult in her life who respects her and uses her pronouns, his child - her mother - and his son in law are not accepting, so her grandfather was the only one who was genuinely accepting, going against the grain of the other people in his generation. Her grandpa is still early in the stages of dementia, but Sadie dreads the day where she loses her best friend.

Sadie gets along well with Zoey and the rest of the people in the group. There is one person who she talks to semi frequently in the group, another trans person who is quiet and shy as well, but they are very sweet and they relate to Sadie in a way no one else there does. Sadie wishes her parents would be more accepting but knows it’s unlikely given their bigoted beliefs.

Sadie moreso shares the opinion that Tisa holds because she feels like the “Annalise Squad” is quite irritating as Sadie is not a fan of substances or alcohol because she feels worried that she will get addicted because she has known people who get addicted and had to be homeless, something she is terrified of. Sadie doesn’t like the group therapy setting, and likes the individual sessions they provide even less. The therapy group is for young guys and girls 17-20, which a lot of people find a bit girls, but it’s so young people can get to know each other. There’s actually only two guys out of the twelve participants, and one of them is Sadie’s trans friend. Sadie only attends group therapy because her grandpa instructed her to, feeling like she needed assistance with her mental health. She also attends a support group for LGBTQ+ - who she’s sharing with her trans friend - people run by the same people who run the therapy group.


[name_f]Rachel[/name_f] [name_u]Marie[/name_u] [name_m]Turner[/name_m] (20) is Sadie’s best friend from high school. They became close friends when [name_f]Rachel[/name_f] defended [name_f]Sadie[/name_f] against bullies who were making fun of her gender identity. [name_f]Rachel[/name_f] is now attending college, majoring in psychology with a focus on LGBTQ+ issues. She is involved in several LGBTQ+ organizations on campus and continues to be a strong ally and support system for [name_f]Sadie[/name_f]. [name_f]Rachel[/name_f] also volunteers at a local homeless shelter and hopes to one day open her own LGBTQ+ youth shelter.

tw: cheating

[name_u]Allison[/name_u] “Allie” [name_u]Rose[/name_u] [name_m]Turner[/name_m] (16) is Rachel’s younger sister. The two of them are very close and [name_f]Rachel[/name_f] often calls [name_u]Allie[/name_u] to hear about school drama, which [name_u]Allie[/name_u] has plenty of. As one of the school’s “popular girls”, [name_u]Allie[/name_u] always knows the tea, and ends up caught in a lot of drama too, unlike her older sister. While a lot of the popular girls at the school are rude, [name_u]Allie[/name_u] is nice to everyone, which means she has friends in both the popular group and the “less-popular group”.

Between being on the varsity volleyball team, charity with her youth group, and peer tutoring at school, [name_u]Allie[/name_u] really likes to hang out with friends and family. She’s an extrovert at heart and loves to be around people, but is happy to stay home and watch Netflix with her cat, [name_u]Ollie[/name_u]. She wishes she had more siblings since she misses [name_f]Rachel[/name_f], who is now in college. But with all of her friends she has a great support system and close friends she treats like siblings.

Right before homecoming this year, Allie’s boyfriend of 14 months cheated on her with a close friend. [name_u]Allie[/name_u] only found out from a good friend of her boyfriend. After dumping the cheater, she started dating the boy who told her. Now, the cheater is trying to win [name_u]Allie[/name_u] back, but she’s done. Her friend who the boyfriend cheated on her with has been begging for forgiveness, but [name_u]Allie[/name_u] hasn’t talked to her since. She has her other friends talk to the girl for her, but doesn’t want to hear the girl’s response. It’s been a hard month for [name_u]Allie[/name_u], but she’s in a happy and casual relationship with the boy who told her.


[name_f]Genevieve[/name_f] " [name_f]Eve[/name_f] " [name_f]Martha[/name_f] Backland (16) is one of Allie’s friends, who’s serving as a peacemaker between the fractured aspects of the group. Although some people consider [name_f]Eve[/name_f] a little high strung, their dedication to their friends’ is always evident and undeniable, even through times of conflict. Growing up with parents who divorced when they were only 5 months old, [name_f]Eve[/name_f] - who’s genderqueer and uses they/she pronouns - has witnessed the positives of compromise from a young age. While they fell out of love, her mom and dad never pitted the children in an emotional tournament to champion them, and instead focused on raising [name_f]Eve[/name_f] and their older brother with as much union as living apart could allow. The siblings spend 4 days with their mom and 3 with their dad one week, then 4 with dad and 3 with mom the next, while holidays are divided on a yearly basis.

Things did become more strained for [name_f]Eve[/name_f] at home when their younger half-brother was born to their dad and his girlfriend. She was never that eager to interact with her unofficial stepkids, and Eve’s brother believed she’d try pushing them out in favour of the baby. It wasn’t that bad, however they do notice there’s still awkwardness between their dad’s girlfriend, them and their brother, with their little half-brother not getting many opportunities to bond with his siblings alone, in spite of the fact their dad knows his older children are responsible with his well-being.

When [name_f]Eve[/name_f] decided she wanted to become a child psychologist, this was met with some skepticism from her peers. The nervous side of her personality means there’s an assumption they can’t handle difficult situations or conflict, when in actuality Eve’s more apprehensive about matters such as failure and disappointing others, rather than listening to matters of conflict. They’re staunch in their hopes for the future, and to the surprise of no-one, Eve’s firmly pursuing academics, although she still ensures there’s time for her friends and love of climbing.

[name_f]Eve[/name_f] has complex feelings when it comes to Allie’s new romance. While they’re happy she’s free from her ex, they also can’t help but worrying she’s moving to fast with getting involved with someone else - possibly a distraction from confronting what occurred between their friend and Allie’s ex. Having dated their significant other - who’s nonbinary, although they lean towards masc presentation - without bumps, [name_f]Eve[/name_f] knows she’s lucky in this sense and cherishes her relationship, especially how understanding the person she’s with is when it comes to her anxieties. However, they also want to understand why their friend would go off with Allie’s ex and - as this girl has supported [name_f]Eve[/name_f] a great deal, especially when she was exploring her gender identity - deep down hopes for some peace at the very least.


tw: bullying, slut-shaming, suicide mentions

[name_f]Winona[/name_f] [name_f]Dawn[/name_f] [name_u]Abbott[/name_u] (17) is another one of Allie’s friends and is considered a “popular girl”, despite the fact she vehemently detests that label. Half of it might be because Winona’s idea of a popular girl just conjures up [name_f]Regina[/name_f] [name_u]George[/name_u] from Mean Girls, but it’s also because she was severely bullied in her former school to the point where she had to transfer schools.

At her former school, there was rumours spread that [name_f]Winona[/name_f] was talking to multiple boys at once, causing her former friends to drop her, calling her unimaginable things to her face and pasting horrible signs on her locker door. In a matter of weeks, [name_f]Winona[/name_f] was turned to a social pariah, losing almost everything near and dear to her heart. It came to the point where she stopped caring about the rumours— it was false, [name_f]Winona[/name_f] is a lesbian and would rather die than talk to a man in that way— she cared about how her so-called “best friends” so easily believed an anonymous voice rather than her own words. The anger, fear, and turmoil resulted in Winona’s first and only suicide attempt, leading to a year-long hospitalisation. [name_f]Winona[/name_f] doesn’t talk about the previous events often, but she’s glad to say that she’s in a much, much better place now.

Though she’s a year older than the rest of her friends, due to her year-long absence at school, [name_f]Winona[/name_f] is in the same grade as [name_u]Allie[/name_u] and [name_f]Eve[/name_f]. She would have never known that she would be considered a member of the same clique that made her life hell just a few years ago, but [name_f]Winona[/name_f] loves her newfound family and wouldn’t trade them for anything else in the world.

[name_m]Just[/name_m] after the cheating scandal with Allie’s awful boyfriend (whom she didn’t like from the start), [name_f]Winona[/name_f] received a DM from one of the girls from her old school— her childhood best friend. It was a very, very long and heartfelt apology, and [name_f]Winona[/name_f] knew it was probably sincere, but… she couldn’t forgive her. Struggling with the question of “to forgive or not to forgive,” she’s been confiding in her friends and family. Her two older siblings say that you can forgive her and not be her friend, but [name_f]Winona[/name_f] feels like forgiving her means negating all the trauma she’s endured, which isn’t what she’s going to do.


mw: affairs

[name_f]Samara[/name_f] [name_f]Brynn[/name_f] Rosolski (16) is another member of [name_u]Allie[/name_u] and Eve’s friend group, who’s likewise been left uncertain about the aftermath of the schism. For [name_f]Samara[/name_f], things are difficult because she and the close friend who got with Allie’s ex both belong to the cheer squad, so they see one another on a regular basis, meaning distance is pretty much impossible - and she wasn’t going to petition to have the other girl kicked off the team, as it felt a step too far, although [name_f]Samara[/name_f] has fretted this might instead be a betrayal of sorts to [name_u]Allie[/name_u], although in reality, her friend doesn’t hold a grudge.

Unlike some of the other members of their friend circle, [name_f]Samara[/name_f] joined in high school, having moved to the area from a smaller town when her mother - a single parent - got a new job managing her own boutique. Really, her family’s only ever been the two of them and her maternal grandparents, with limited contact where Samaras’ uncles and cousins are concerned, as they live in Surrey, where her uncle (her mom’s brother-in-law) was born, asking his husband to move with him.

Something [name_f]Samara[/name_f] doesn’t openly speak of is that she’s actually the product of an affair. Her biological father hid his marital status until her mom fell pregnant, at which point he flew into a panic and cut off all contact, running back to his wife while pretending he never strayed from the marriage. Although rumours in the town where her mom formerly lived remain, she left before she was 6 months pregnant, unable to bear the judgement she faced and wanted to protect [name_f]Samara[/name_f] from being raised under the umbrella of stigma.

She and [name_f]Winona[/name_f] have become closer in the past few months, partly because they both have the ‘mean girl’ status assumption, with Samara’s being tied to the notion of snobbish cheerleaders. Since she first joined a team in middle school, [name_f]Samara[/name_f] faced this label, but it’s never stopped her from pursuing the sport and loving it. Within the squad she belongs to, it’s a drama free zone, with there actually being rules established to prevent in-fighting and banning petty behaviour from ruling conduct.


[name_f]Chloe[/name_f] [name_u]Rose[/name_u] Rosolski (to be born in [name_u]October[/name_u] 2023) is Samara’s soon-to-be-born younger half-sister. She will be joining the family in just a few short weeks, and [name_f]Samara[/name_f] is excited to meet her. Chloe’s middle name was chosen in honor of her maternal grandmother, who passed away before [name_f]Samara[/name_f] was born. Despite the circumstances surrounding Samara’s own conception, she is overjoyed to have another sibling, and is looking forward to helping her mom with the new baby.

Delainey Jessica Herron (17) also has a due date of October, albeit her circumstances are dampened by the judgement and criticism teenage pregnancy comes hand-in-hand with. Having never been the most outgoing of students - her only real claim to fame was being part of the event planning committee, which she’s stepped back from since learning she was expecting - the influx of attention has been nightmarish for Delainey. The disbelief she was met with carried it’s own sense of shame, as if strangers were now disappointed with her, and it’s meant Delainey’s had periods of absence from attending classes, not wanting to receive the unwanted attention.

What she is thankful for are her own parents. While shocked when their only daughter came to them and had to explain she was going to give birth before graduating high school, they’ve refused to let anyone attack or belittle their daughter, and have been clear they’ll support her should Delainey opt to continue education into college. Delainey’s younger brothers’ have been flightier - the older’s in middle school and his social reputation’s a big deal in his eyes - but she’s not really surprised, given they’re both transparent in their immaturity [now almost a comfort]. She’d always had dreams of becoming a florist or event planner, but now things feel too fragile with so many changes awaiting Delainey.

Her unborn child’s father is currently staying with his grandparents in Missouri, having been sent there by his mother and father to escape gossip, although Delainey isn’t confident he’s going to be an involved father in spite of this. They weren’t a serious couple by any stretch of the imagination, and the opposites attract quality has lost it’s glow now responsibility is required. She has done her best to keep him involved and informed though, including letting his parents know that it’s a little boy she’s carrying, as discovered at her last scan.

The stigma of Delainey’s circumstances has led to her befriending Winona, who had a clear empathy towards her classmate, and goes out of her way to engage in normal conversation, instead of clear ploys to learn more gossip. Group counselling was initially offered to Delainey too, however she’s now in one-on-one sessions, as it was decided her circumstances needed education alongside encouraging openness and abandoning guilt trips - although she’s been told she can attend once her son’s arrived. What Delainey does know is she loves him already, decisions of those around her be damned.

request: please don’t immediately introduce Delainey’s son!


[name_f]Amelia[/name_f] [name_f]Estelle[/name_f] Roloski (16) is Chloe’s full sister and Samara’s half sister from her cheating father. The way she figured it out was through a DNA test she and her friends jokingly shared— and saw results for individuals she’s never met in her life that share a little too much genetic information with her. Among those results was [name_f]Samara[/name_f] herself, and [name_f]Amelia[/name_f] doesn’t know what to think of it.

A girl who prided in the fact she had the dream high school life— being pretty, popular, and vice captain of the cheerleading squad— [name_f]Amelia[/name_f] now has to deal with the fact that her family life may not be as picturesque as she thought it was.

The only people who know about this are her closest friends— the so-called ‘popular’ girls of her school miles away from the school [name_f]Samara[/name_f] goes to. Amelia’s proud to say that none of her friends are stereotypical mean girls and that they’re idolised for their idyllic appearances and good grades, but she’s starting to see the cracks in everyone, not just herself. Thankfully, Amelia’s friends have been nothing but supportive, and have chided [name_f]Amelia[/name_f] for thinking that they would abandon her for her father’s mistakes.

Amelia’s only connection with her half-sister is through her friends, [name_f]Winona[/name_f] and [name_u]Delainey[/name_u]. [name_f]Amelia[/name_f] saw the two in a photo with [name_f]Samara[/name_f], and immediately reached out to them. She hasn’t told them explicitly that they’re related, but she figures that the shared last name is obvious enough. Her friends say that [name_f]Amelia[/name_f] should be more direct with what she wants, but she’s apprehensive of the reaction she might get. Accidentally revealing that [name_f]Samara[/name_f] is a product of wedlock to her own friends isn’t what [name_f]Amelia[/name_f] wants to do, and she’s trying to find a clandestine way of doing so.

Furthermore, [name_f]Amelia[/name_f] isn’t an only child— she’s the second oldest of four children. Releasing this information out in the world will hurt multiple people she cares for, and [name_f]Amelia[/name_f] refuses to hurt the people she loves.

Her best friends have been her support system, but [name_f]Amelia[/name_f] would be lying if her cat, Minxie, wasn’t the greatest help of all. She swears that Minxie knows something is wrong, because she’s been snuggling [name_f]Amelia[/name_f] ever since the reveal, even though that’s something she never does.


[name_f]Bethany[/name_f] " [name_u]Bliss[/name_u] " [name_f]Pearl[/name_f] Roloski (15) is the 3rd of Mr. Roloski’s children bearing his name, and currently oblivious to the brewing storm that’s emerged since the fateful DNA test her sister’s taken. The most she currently knows of [name_f]Samara[/name_f] is her off-hand comment when hearing about Amelia’s social connections: ‘weird how similar Roloski and Rosolski sound’ - but [name_u]Bliss[/name_u] is very fond of voicing her opinions at bemusing intervals, so it wasn’t noted at the time. It’s not something her dad’s quite as fond of, given he doesn’t handle unpredictability well [perhaps it’s his guilt complex, or fear of his past affairs being uncovered, only then man himself knows], and several time’s he’s scolded [name_u]Bliss[/name_u] over this part of her nature, not that it stops or discourages her. [name_m]Even[/name_m] her younger sibling has picked up on how [name_u]Bliss[/name_u] clearly enjoys getting a rise from him at times, yet it’s never malicious teasing on her end.

Although they’re very close in age, [name_u]Bliss[/name_u] and [name_f]Amelia[/name_f] have always kept their social circles separate, given the social disaster that could be unleashed should family conflict spark. There’s also the fact [name_u]Bliss[/name_u] lacks the ability to weather the spotlight her sister possesses, and being overshadowed isn’t actually a problem where she’s concerned [as long as the inferiority complex is kept at bay]. Some of her classmates consider her a bit weird when they take a moment to compare the sisters’ - Bliss’s cryptic side and the fact she’s a fan of cryptid lore encourage this - however what matters to her is the group she belongs to, and they’ve survived the transition to high school mostly in tact [sans some people going elsewhere, including private academies].

Her decision to join the school paper was a shock to a lot of people, much more so that her application was accepted - as she’s a private person, aside from her love of the bizarre - however writing’s something [name_u]Bliss[/name_u] truly loves. In an ideal world, she’ll become a poet and spend time celebrating nature in its unusual forms of beauty, but [name_u]Bliss[/name_u] tries to be realistic, even if it means surrendering to pessimism. Often she pens streams of conscious thought too, however these are very private, and [name_u]Bliss[/name_u] goes to careful lengths to keep them to herself. These include her questions about the past…sometimes she senses a tension between her parents - maybe because [name_u]Bliss[/name_u] and her mother have always been so close in their bond - however what can she ask without being told she’s just a kid?


[name_u]Rowan[/name_u] [name_f]Grace[/name_f] [name_u]Hadley[/name_u] (15) is the best friend of [name_u]Bliss[/name_u] Roloski and has somewhat noticed the weird tensions in the Roloski household. They don’t know the full details of what’s going on, but [name_f]Amelia[/name_f] keeps glancing at her father when she thinks no one’s looking and [name_u]Rowan[/name_u]— ever the observant one— has caught her a few times. They haven’t said anything yet, though, it would be foolish to confront [name_f]Amelia[/name_f] with something they barely have any context for.

[name_u]Rowan[/name_u] and [name_u]Bliss[/name_u] have been friends since middle school, when [name_u]Bliss[/name_u] sat herself next to [name_u]Rowan[/name_u] during their lunch period and talked their ear off about cryptozoology. In turn, [name_u]Rowan[/name_u] ran their motor-mouth about the history of rock music, and the two have been inseparable since. [name_u]Rowan[/name_u] loves that [name_u]Bliss[/name_u] is unapologetically weird— and has been inspired to live the way they want to live because of her. In fact, [name_u]Bliss[/name_u] was the first person [name_u]Rowan[/name_u] came out as nonbinary to— something she accepted with open arms.

If Bliss’ soulmate is writing, Rowan’s lover is the arts— specifically ink drawings. [name_u]Rowan[/name_u] has been drawing ever since they could hold a pencil, and they’ve specialised in pen illustrations utilising one colour only. Of course, [name_u]Rowan[/name_u] is proficient in painting as well— they have to be to get into art school— but their favourite thing to do is to use simple lines to create a complex picture. You’ll often find [name_u]Rowan[/name_u] sketching random things (or people) whenever they can, and if you look into their sketchbook, the subject of most of their live drawings is [name_u]Bliss[/name_u] Roloski.

Rowan’s family consists of their two mums and older sister. Though their family is ‘unusual’ by society’s standards, it’s all they know and they wouldn’t have it any other way. Any attempts on shaming Rowan’s family dynamic will earn the unfortunate bigot a raised eyebrow and a patronising sigh. They figure that they can use their time more productively. This pacifism is in direct opposition to their older sister, however, as their older sister was almost expelled from school for punching a boy that was harassing them.

Because [name_u]Rowan[/name_u] and [name_u]Bliss[/name_u] are in the same friend group, some of the other members have picked up of Rowan’s… fondness of [name_u]Bliss[/name_u]. They say they are absolutely not in love with [name_u]Bliss[/name_u], but the way their heart races whenever they see her says otherwise…


tw: domestic violence

[name_u]Reese[/name_u] [name_f]Eva[/name_f] [name_u]Hadley[/name_u] (18) is Rowan’s older sister and the resident defender of her family…through any means necessary as some have said about her. A proud nonconformist like [name_u]Rowan[/name_u] [some insist the Hadley’s are just drawn towards this at any given time], [name_u]Reese[/name_u] shares their love of rock, which bleeds into a passion for metal, specifically heavy, thrash and nu; something that her mom’s responded to by getting their daughter top quality headphones when she started listening to her music on full blast.

It’s undeniable that family means everything to [name_u]Reese[/name_u], a sentimentality to surprise some peers given her fierceness when it comes to advocating what’s important to her: especially LGTBQIA+ rights, starting when she was only 8 and learned how her mama was disowned by her grandparents - [name_u]Reese[/name_u] and Rowan’s great-grandparents - upon coming out to her extended family.

Adopted at the age of 3, Reeses’ biological family history is complex and dominated by violence. Her father was well-known in the town she was born for his mistreatment of her mother, not that anything seemed to dissuade him from assaulting her when his jealousy spiked [and this was frequent, irrational and petty]. By the time she left, she was unable to care for her daughter, given the weight of emotional and psychological scarring the relationship subjected to; quite literally fearing she may resent her child for being a reminder of the man who hurt and controlled her life. As part of Reese’s file notes, this reduced contact is in fact requested, and upon learning this when she was 14, [name_u]Reese[/name_u] decided to maintain the distance, unless her mother approaches her first.

More recently, she’s spoken to [name_u]Rowan[/name_u] about this. Growing up, [name_u]Reese[/name_u] felt responsibile to never burden her sibling, partly as she feared leaving her family should she act out, a horror story she learned from other adopted and foster children she befriended. Reese’s best friend was also adopted as a toddler and she’s confided in them about a great deal, in particular emulating anything remnant of her father, who she absolutely fears and loathes. In return, [name_u]Reese[/name_u] helped her best friend reach out to their crush and seeing the couple flourish has been something she only jokingly teases about…so maybe Rowan’s hesitant to ask her for help regarding [name_u]Bliss[/name_u] [although [name_u]Reese[/name_u] has noticed there’s something deeper between her sibling and that specific friend…].

While people assume [name_u]Reese[/name_u] would want to pursue something in the creative field, she’s actually determined to become a child psychological, ideally involved with aiding those in the care system. For her hellraising reputation to some, Reese’s a dedicated academic and takes education seriously, a major factor in saving her from being expelled in the aftermath of the altercation. Since then she’s been keeping her head down, mostly as she doesn’t want a headache ensuing for her family…and people haven’t been attacking or demeaning their sibling, not a surprise to anyone in the student body really.


Tw: child emotional abuse, body shamimg

[name_u]Shelby[/name_u] [name_u]Lennox[/name_u] [name_m]Whitaker[/name_m] (18) is Reese’s best friend. Adopted at the at the age of 4, [name_u]Shelby[/name_u] had always been bigger as she grew up. Her birth mom was a teenage pregnancy, conceiving her with her boyfriend at the time by mistake when they were 15. Her birth mom was mortified when she found out she was pregnant, as she knew her parents would freak, especially because her birth mom already felt a strong attachment to her unborn daughter, and didn’t want to give her up.

Shelby’s birth mom told her family, and just as she expected, they freaked. They told her she would have to get an abortion, but Shelby’s mom said that she was already 3 months pregnant, something her mom did on purpose to ensure her baby would live. Her family was furious, and much to Shelby’s mom’s dismay, she had been told she would have to give [name_u]Shelby[/name_u] up for adoption right after giving birth. They never even let her see her daughter.

[name_u]Shelby[/name_u] has always had a great memory, and even though she was adopted so young, she does distantly remember being at the foster home before she was adopted by her birth parents. Growing up, Shelby’s parents put a lot of expections on her, and basically treated her as a slave who did their bidding. She has a older adopted sister who they treat much better, given she’s “their true daughter,” and [name_u]Shelby[/name_u] always felt like the outsider.

[name_u]Shelby[/name_u] had turned to food for solace due to her family’s mistreatment. This coping mechanism unfortunately only furthered the abuse, because as the pounds grew and grew, Shelby’s family bullied her even more, including her adoptive sister who always called her “porky,” and made fun of her whenever she would eat.

Shelby’s harassment didn’t just contained to the home though, she always faced bullying at school, which is actually how she ended up meeting her best friend [name_u]Reese[/name_u]. [name_u]Reese[/name_u] had defended [name_u]Shelby[/name_u] when one of her bully’s had been bullying her for eating alone at lunch. She was just eating a turkey sandwich she brought from home, but the guy had made fun of her for it, making [name_u]Shelby[/name_u] feel awful.

When [name_u]Reese[/name_u] had defended her, [name_u]Shelby[/name_u] felt incredibly grateful, she had thanked [name_u]Reese[/name_u], and they had started talking. The girls found out they had a few things in common. They both loved music, though they had slightly different tastes, [name_u]Shelby[/name_u] recognized some of the heavy metal bands that [name_u]Reese[/name_u] listened to, and she introduced her some of her own favorite bands.

Now, nobody at school really messes with [name_u]Shelby[/name_u] as much given that [name_u]Reese[/name_u] always fights for her. [name_u]Shelby[/name_u], thanks to [name_u]Reese[/name_u], has started to grow a bit more confident, but it’s hard with her family always bringing her down, which arguably feels worse than anything. [name_u]Shelby[/name_u] still uses food as her coping mechanism, often going on binges whenever she’s stressed. She can’t wait to go to college and get away from her toxic family, having already been accepted into a school she wants to go to, as she plans to be a school teacher, her and Reese’s shared love of children being another point of bonding.


tw: teenage pregnancy, forced adoption, depression

Olivia Catherine Swan, nee Rogers (33)

Liv is Shelby's birth mother. Growing up with just one older brother, two years her senior, the Rogers parents were strict and no-nonsense, so Liv and her brother quickly learned it was their way or the highway. Liv was a passive, fairly obedient child, often found with her head stuck in a book or scribbling away as she drew or wrote about an imaginary world. While they weren't distant, she was never particularly close to either of her parents, and preferred her brother's or her own company.

While she was a good student and made her way through elementary and middle school with ease, high school was a shock to the system. It was also Liv’s first real opportunity to start to discover who she was, rather than just the product of her parents’ rules and beliefs. She was 14 when she realised she liked a boy more than just liking him, and she was 15 when she sat in a bathroom stall at school, staring in shock at the two pink lines on the stick in front of her. Liv didn’t know how to react, to the point one of her friends came looking for her to see if she had died on the toilet (because teenagers). She knew her parents would be furious and hit the roof, and realistically also that she really didn’t know how to even begin with raising a baby. Despite all of this, though, there was something about that feeling she couldn’t quite explain or describe. She knew it wasn’t right, but something about it… did feel right.

Never one for lying, let alone with any ease, she told her boyfriend at the time the following day, after spending a sleepless night staring at her ceiling, one hand unconsciously resting on her stomach. He was as shocked as she was, but really wasn’t able to provide any help in what to do - then again, he was a 15 year old boy. Neither of them could have imagined something like this happening. He wasn’t exactly keen to suddenly switch his life track towards raising a baby at such a young age, nor trying to do so with somebody he’d really only known for about a year, but he didn’t try and force Liv to do anything.

Unfortunately, her parents didn’t share the same view. She was three months along when she told them, by this time with a slight bump visible, albeit one she could hide with loose clothing. Her parents both hit the roof, leading to a cacophony so loud it was a surprise a noise complaint wasn’t filed. They demanded that she terminate the pregnancy, but the one card Liv had was that she was now in her second trimester and this was therefore no longer a possibility. This hardly quelled her parents’ rage, and they demanded that she give the baby up as soon as she gave birth. It wasn’t perfect, but it was the one thing she could think to do for her unborn baby. If she couldn’t give her baby the life she knew they deserved, then surely there would be somebody else out there who could. She took to falling asleep with both hands gently cradling her belly, dreaming of a future where she could leave her parents and raise her child with tenderness and love.

But that was just a dream. Six months went by, in which Liv’s parents told the school she was bedridden with a terrible illness and would be unable to attend classes for the foreseeable future, so they had switched to homeschooling. Outside her immediate family, only her boyfriend and her closest friend knew the truth. Pregnancy was not so horrible as she’d been led to believe, and although there was nobody she could tell, she actually enjoyed it. There was something so natural and awe-striking about feeling a life grow inside her, and the joy and amazement the little kicks and flutters gave her soon gave way to stabbing pangs of guilt and sadness when the realisation she’d never see those transform into first steps and dribbly kisses would hit.

Liv’s waters broke in the middle of the night, and she was rushed to the hospital to deliver her daughter just as the sun rose. Exhausted, Liv lay back on the bed, trying to regulate her breathing, then tipped her head forward to see the baby. All she saw was the door closing. “I just want to see her,” she murmured, but nobody responded. On what should have been the best moment of her life, the birth of her first child, Olivia’s heart had broken.

Any talk of the pregnancy or the baby was strictly forbidden, and Liv was pushed back into ‘normal’ life as soon as possible. She and her boyfriend tried to make things work, but there was just no way that two confused kids could work their way through something like that. She was fairly sure she loved him, but with that only came the pain of what had been, what could have been, and what wasn’t. They went their separate ways a few months after the birth, and Liv consigned her feelings for him to the same place her feelings for her daughter went - inside.

She finished high school and went straight to college, specifically choosing to follow her brother as far from their parents as they could get. Starting over wasn’t all that easy, but a fresh start was all she’d been hoping for since she had laid back in that hospital bed and cried herself to sleep. She made a small but close group of friends, completed her degree, and went on to work in accountancy, living above a florist with two of her friends. The lady who ran the florist was incredibly sweet, and quickly became a dear friend to Liv. But accountancy just wasn’t the right thing - even if she was good at it, it wasn’t where she was meant to be.

Fate struck nearly a year into her job, when she’d realised that she didn’t want to be there but didn’t know how to get out. Mostly due to her upbringing, Liv had become a master at repressing her feelings and denying what she felt she wanted; hardly surprising considering how many times she’d been told what to think, to feel, to be. Identifying she didn’t want those things was one thing, but being able to act on it was another that was way outside her wheelhouse. So Mother Fate seemed to step in when the florist’s owner suddenly passed - and Liv discovered she had left the shop to her.

This had to be a sign, right? That was what her friends told her, urged her to realise, and so finally, she did. She handed in her two weeks’ notice and immediately began trying to work out how to be a florist. She’d always loved flowers and plants, so it was a case of taking the interest and passion and combining it with actual skill that hopefully wouldn’t see this new adventure take a nosedive. Of course, it was hardly a smooth path, but she made it work, and discovered along the way exactly what the appeal of a creative outlet was.

From there, it felt to Liv as though her life finally started to take form. Floristry became a real passion and this helped her succeed, despite constantly feeling she wasn’t the right cut for a business owner. Over the years, she built up a steady and loyal client base, and finally, her confidence grew along with it. It was at the shop that she met a handsome stranger who asked her out to coffee, in what she described to her best friend from all those years ago back home as, “the most ridiculous, Tumblr-esque meet cute you could ever imagine”. Once her friend assured her they didn’t think it was a scam and there was at least a 70% chance it wouldn’t end up on a true crime podcast, Liv agreed to meet up with them.

The relationship blossomed happily, with the couple moving in together after a year and adopting a labrador puppy they called Winston. Over the summer, Liv’s boyfriend proposed with a ring he’d made himself, and she excitedly accepted. They’ve spoken about starting their own family, and while she definitely wants to, the one thing she hasn’t really dealt with is the trauma from eighteen years ago - meaning she hasn’t told her fiancé, either. This might not be so bad if she hadn’t recently seen her high school boyfriend in town and had everything come rushing back to her, all at once…



[name_u]William[/name_u] ’ [name_u]Will[/name_u] ’ [name_u]Arthur[/name_u] [name_m]Bretton[/name_m] (34) is Liv’s fiancé, who’s currently oblivious to her past and the fact some might call him Shelby’s stepfather. Some would say the [name_m]Bretton[/name_m] family are almost as appealing as [name_u]Will[/name_u] himself is to [name_f]Liv[/name_f]. They’re the most normal, unobtrusive group of people imaginable, who manage to balance being supportive without being intrusive, and encouraging without pushing people unfairly, having wholeheartedly embraced [name_f]Liv[/name_f] when he introduced her at a small gathering (not wanting to scare off his then-girlfriend with a huge ensemble of people).

A trained counselor and therapist, [name_u]Will[/name_u] primarily works at college’s, however he has done some high school cover over the years since getting his degree. He isn’t the sort of person too consumed by his job though, which means those he’s close to relax around him, instead of fearing he’ll be privately psychoanalysing every word they speak. More cynical people would argue that it’s the calm and stability [name_u]Will[/name_u] has been raised in that makes him so good at his job, but also a little naive when it comes to signs of Liv’s own past slowly creeping up on her.

The walls of the past have been closing even more in though: Will’s working with Shelby’s older sister, who was referred to counselling by her professor, after signs of anorexia were noticed in her behaviour. While he strictly follows confidentiality and wouldn’t name someone he’s supporting, he has reflected more about starting a family since learning about the Whitakers’ dysfunction, and hopes to have a sit down talk with [name_f]Liv[/name_f] about the future: namely what he’d like to see for any children they might have - oblivious to what this might uncover.


tw: ED; poor coping mdchansims; body shaming

[name_u]Arden[/name_u] [name_u]Yarrow[/name_u] [name_m]Whitaker[/name_m] (22) is Will’s patient, the biological child of the Whitakers’ and Shelby’s adopted sister, who has more complexities to her than many recognise. On the surface, Arden’s a relentless perfectionist and rigid organiser who has to do everything her way. She’s not good at compromising but excellent at planning; never backs down from voicing her opinion while having a multitude of secrets, and seemingly thrives under her parents teaching while being deathly afraid of failure. Although they call her their ‘golden child’, Arden’s parents set her up for dysfunction at a young age: namely their enrolling of her in ballet and gymnastics classes to ‘stop her getting fat’ - their exact words.

What started as ‘being careful’ with her diet didn’t stay this way for long. [name_u]Arden[/name_u] was skipping meals, running track and making herself sick to keep weight away, but it didn’t help - not really. The fear of weight had been instilled in her, and with methods identified, she took to them quickly. When her parents reacted with praise and encouragement at her remaining slim, it just drilled in to Arden’s brain that she was doing the right thing, and if it meant lying, so what? She could remain in favour and she already had the method figured out.

[name_u]An[/name_u] anthropology student, with plans on majoring in archeology once she graduates to unite her passion of sociological history with understanding the wider world, [name_u]Arden[/name_u] has an openly negative relationship with her sister [name_u]Shelby[/name_u], something Will’s focused on during their sessions: namely how weight seems to dominate conflict, and is indicative of what she keeps to herself.

Food symbolises a lot of things for [name_u]Arden[/name_u], none of which are positive. It’s an obsession that she regulates in dramatic swings: cutting out entire food groups to avoid gaining weight, exercising frequently, hypercritical thinking of everything she does, and of course, projecting. [name_u]Shelby[/name_u] finding comfort in food distresses [name_u]Arden[/name_u] in ways she knows their parents would never understand, and it became an effective distraction to mock her sister at the dinner table, as it stopped people from noticing how she barely ate anything in comparison. She regulates her meals and plans them meticulously, with any threat to Arden’s schedule being something she greatly struggles with: any surprise dinner arrangements or luncheons terrify her, but she’s mastered presenting some flexibility to keep her eating disorder under the radar.

[name_u]Will[/name_u] has been trying to convince [name_u]Arden[/name_u] to seek a formal diagnosis, as well as treating her sister better and not lashing out whenever she feels backed into a corner. What he isn’t trying to do is get her to speak to her parents, as truthfully he couldn’t imagine a worse pair of people to learn of their daughters’ illness, given their endorsement of her drastic weight loss and how they frequently belittle, insult and demean their younger child for not picking up these dangerous habbits too.


TW: pro Ed behavior but it isn’t like super graphic and I tried to blur out the heavy stuff

Madison Taylor McKinney (21) is a friend that Arden met on an online forum and someone who has a negative impact on her life. Having also suffered from an eating disorder for most of her life Madison messaged Arden on the forum and said she would be able to help her get to her goals in quicker and more proficient way, all the while not getting caught. Madison’s nature is very much that of a fox, sly and conniving and bordering on manipulative. Her friends and family describe her as someone who’s very hard to please, and she often goes to extreme lengths to satisfy her eating disorder as she has a very picky palate and extremely strict schedule with harsh rules.

Madison is the owner of a discord server that she invited Arden too, one where they held competitions and post their “progress” of who can be the skinniest there. The people in the server can be extremely cold and rude and had done an “initation” of sorts when Arden joined. Going by the online username of “Axolotl Skin” (it’s weird, I know, but Axolotl’s are Madison’s favorite animal); most people in the server don’t know each other’s real names. Madison ensures her member’s privacy to the best of her ability, though there is quite a bit of lore and drama within the server.

In her real life, Madison is a waitress at a buffet living with her two roommates who are not aware of her activities online, but are vaguely aware she suffers from an ED. Madison hates her job, and stares at the people going outside to eat in the buffet with a mixture of jealousy and contempt. She feels jealous because she feels she could never do something like eat at a buffet, but also disgust at the way some of her customers “stuff their face,” as she describes it. She tries not to show her contempt for it at work, but it’s hard and people usually can tell.

Madison fully endorses Arden’s treatment of her sister Shelby, seeing as Madison is someone who finds people who eat an excess of food to be some of the lowest of the low. She does not have much compassion or empathy for people unless they are in her discord server. Madison does see a therapist and a nutritionist but isn’t really trying and doesn’t necessarily feel like she’s ready for recovery. She does want to one day, but she also feels worried if she does attempt at recovery she’d be letting down her server, so she stays stuck and unhappy as her server friends are the most important people in her life.

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