Curious about your thoughts on this name

[name]Isham[/name]- found several times in family tree. [name]Just[/name] want to hear your thoughts:)

I found this name when I was researching names for a book. I really liked it, at least for the last name of a character. However, that being said, personally I’m not sure it could pass as a suitable first name… though that’s probably because I grew up in Minnesota where people say “ish” or “ishy” instead of “ick.” That might have something to do with my connotations of it being similar to [name]Ichabod[/name] in the “dirty” pile.

[name]How[/name] do you pronounce this name?

[name]How[/name] I’m pronouncing it, it sounds like Islam, the religion, and for most it doesn’t have the best connections. I also just don’t care for it very much.

It appears that [name]Isom[/name] may have been used as a nn for this name as I am finding that in records for at least one of my Ishams. I think I like [name]Ishmael[/name] much better as a name but wanted to see what others thought. I am not pregnant, just love names.