I have two names I am thinking about. The first is [name_u]Dandelion[/name_u] or Dandy for short and it’s the one we were decided upon. I really love the name but In the back of my mind I am thinking about what if kids tease her about being a “weed”. Personally, I love dandelions. They are actually a really great herb and they remind me of my childhood and of how excited I would be to make a wish on one or daisy chains with them. I also like that it’s unique and the nick name Dandy or Dandi is so cute.
The second and more safe option is [name_f]Daisy[/name_f]. [name_f]My[/name_f] husband is not as in to it but I’m sure I could convince him. I do really like this name too and they are my favorite flowers.
Our middle name is [name_u]Kaya[/name_u]-Enchantment if that helps.
What do you think?
I also love dandelions–hence the username! They’re bright, happy, and have a magical bloom-where-they’re-planted quality. But I don’t think I would use it in real life, for all the reasons you mentioned. There’s the fact that dandelions are often seen as a weed, and then there’s the fact that [name_u]Dandelion[/name_u] isn’t widely recognizable as a name, and I just think that combination makes it a little bit too out there. I do love [name_f]Daisy[/name_f]; it’s spunky, energetic and fun but also feels solid and grounded. Maybe a sort of middle ground nature name–[name_f]Clover[/name_f] comes to mind–would appeal? Although your middle name combo would feel pretty whimsical paired with even the most traditional first! I also think [name_u]Dandelion[/name_u] could work as an adventurous pick in the middle, although it seems like you’ve already found something meaningful to you for that spot. [name_f]Hope[/name_f] this helps!
Dandelion is an huge guilty pleasure on my list! I love nature themed names and [name_u]Dandelion[/name_u] is no exception to that. Dandy is an adorable nickname! I really want to vote for this name but you have already chosen a very unique and unexpected middle name. So, unfortunately, the combination is too out-there for me.
[name_f]Daisy[/name_f] is a lovely name! Sweet, traditional and elegant. [name_f]Daisy[/name_f] would create a beautiful balance with the middle name. I adore this name and today [name_f]Daisy[/name_f] gets my vote.
Dandelion as a first name I’m not super into but I think it can work. [name_u]Dandelion[/name_u] plus the enchantment part of the middle name you chose gets a HARD NO from me. I think dandelion won’t shine w a middle name that’s taking away its shine. [name_m]Just[/name_m] do [name_u]Dandelion[/name_u] [name_u]Kaya[/name_u] that’s a really nice name. I also prefer [name_f]Daisy[/name_f].
I prefer [name_f]Daisy[/name_f] as well. For me [name_u]Dandelion[/name_u] is so unusual, it would be better in the middle. [name_u]Kaya[/name_u] [name_u]Dandelion[/name_u] would be nice!
I just wanted to add that I really do love a unique name (my first choice was [name_f]Bunny[/name_f] but husband wouldn’t allow it, lol) and I am less concerned with [name_u]Dandelion[/name_u] being strange or too unique and am really mostly hesitant because of it being known as a weed. Is that what’s off putting about it or just the name being too unusual? Do you think weed, flower, or herb when you hear the name?
I quite like [name_u]Dandelion[/name_u] as a first but I think it would be prettier with a more traditional middle - having Enchantment as a middle takes away the whimsy, girlyness of dandelion imo. I really like [name_f]Daisy[/name_f] tho
Kaya-Enchantment is a very out there, adventurous name in itself so I think if you are really sold on having this as the middle name you need to tame it with a simpler first name. Otherwise it borders on parody, ridiculous territory and will be subject to mocking.
Daisy is a sweet name in itself and tempers the unusual, adventurous [name_u]Kaya[/name_u]-Enchantment. However, I must say that [name_f]Daisy[/name_f] [name_u]Dandelion[/name_u] is a sweet, whimsical name that is useable but also still very creative.
I think you’re going to have to choose between [name_u]Dandelion[/name_u] and [name_u]Kaya[/name_u]-Enchantment, as both of them together are an absolute no-go in terms wearability and teasing potential. There are so many wonderful and magical words out there, but you’re naming a real human who will have to carry this for the rest of their life. They might grow up to be very serious; a business professional or politician etc, and would struggle with the name [name_u]Dandelion[/name_u] [name_u]Kaya[/name_u]-Enchantment.
I actually prefer [name_u]Kaya[/name_u] and Enchantment as two separate names/double middle! Both [name_u]Kaya[/name_u] and Enchantment are powerful, interesting words that stand better alone. For example [name_f]Daisy[/name_f] [name_u]Kaya[/name_u] Enchantment has a more intuitive flow than [name_f]Daisy[/name_f] [name_u]Kaya[/name_u]-Enchantment.
Enchantment is a really long word and it might not fit on legal forms with the rest of the names as well. Something to consider. Especially if you went with [name_u]Dandelion[/name_u] as a first name.
Dandelion itself is a darling middle name. It’s right in the sweet spot in the middle - you can be adventurous without making things difficult for the kid. I love [name_u]Kaya[/name_u] [name_u]Dandelion[/name_u]. This way you can also use the nickname Dandy!
Years ago my friend said she liked [name_u]Dandelion[/name_u] for a girl. The imagery I got was my own memories of the yellow flowers and how I made them into flower crowns when I was younger. And my hands after that. And lets all remember those dandelion seeds blowing moments – magical!
To me, dandelion isn’t a weed, it’s a herb (and a happy flower). I love to add dandelion leaves or dried roots in my herbal teas.
It is sweet and magical and happy name! If you love it, use it!
I would go with [name_f]Daisy[/name_f]. [name_u]Dandelion[/name_u] just sounds odd to me and has some unpleasant connotations (the diuretic effect of the plant is well known, at least in Europe). It would also sound very over the top with the middle names you have chosen.
With the middle name you picked out I would go for [name_f]Daisy[/name_f]! Although I feel like even [name_f]Daisy[/name_f] makes it a very out there and unwearable name. I think the perfect solution on how to keep [name_u]Dandelion[/name_u] (or even [name_f]Daisy[/name_f]) has been suggested above with moving [name_u]Kaya[/name_u] to the fn spot and using [name_u]Dandelion[/name_u]/ [name_f]Daisy[/name_f]/ (or even [name_f]Clover[/name_f]- I liked that suggestion) in the middle!
Edits to Add: if you really wanted to keep Kaya in the middle a first name suggestion would be Birdie. Although, I’d still suggest considering dropping Enchantment.