Darva Shirley

WDYT of the name [name]Darva[/name] [name]Shirley[/name]?

[name]Shirley[/name] makes me think of a cute little girl with curly hair and rosy cheeks who is shy and very girly, no idea why. So I think I like it, but not too keen on [name]Darva[/name] though. That seems a bit too much for me.

You may want to read what [name]Pam[/name] and [name]Linda[/name] wrote about [name]Darva[/name] by typing it into the “check out a name” box.

I think that [name]Shirley[/name] is very sweet, though! :slight_smile:

Good luck!

I like [name]Darva[/name]. I had no idea someone had this name on Who Wants to [name]Marry[/name] a Millionaire, so I don’t think its very associated with that show. Probably 10 people watched it. I think it’s lovely to say, and love that it means honeybee! A built-in term of endearment!

When I hear [name]Shirley[/name] all I think of is “Surely you can’t be serious.” “I am serious, and don’t call me [name]Shirley[/name].” So not a fan.

[name]Halli[/name], that quote from “Airplane” cracks me up every time I hear it! I love that movie! :slight_smile: Thanks for the laugh. :slight_smile: