Daughter named after her mother - What do you think of this situation?

I don’t see a problem with it. I mean, I’m [name]Ashley[/name], and I would consider naming a son [name]Asher[/name]. Which is a little different, but with the obvious importance of honoring relatives, I think it’s fine. My concern is the repeating of “[name]Anna[/name]”–I really have no problem with honoring people more than once, but I wouldn’t do it for multiple siblings! I mean, [name]John[/name] is a huge family name for me–my brother, dad, grandfather, great-grandfather, second cousin, third cousin, second cousin in law, etc., are all Johns/Johnnys/Jacks, and if I have more than one son, I will likely have a [name]Jack[/name], too, but I think it’d be a bit confusing for there to be a [name]Sophie[/name] [name]Anna[/name] and an [name]Anneliese[/name]… Of course, one’s a MN and one’s a FN, but still, it would be a bit too close to me. [name]Sophie[/name] already got the family name–is there someone else you could honor? If it’s that important to you, though, I would go for it, definitely. It seems like your grandmother is someone very worthy of being honored, and your daughters might like the connection to each other and their great-grandma in the future.

Good luck!

I know a [name]Julia[/name] whos mother is [name]Julie[/name] and grandmother [name]Julia[/name]. She said she will carry on the tradition, but possibly call her daughter [name]Juliette[/name]. She’s proud to be named after her mother and grandmother.

My mother was named [name]Beverly[/name] after her mother, and her brother was named [name]Harold[/name] after their father. I always thought it was strange that there were only two names in a household of four. In my mother’s case, her father loved his wife’s name and insisted on using it for their daughter. Additionally, I have a friend who plans to use her own name, [name]Susanna[/name], if she ever has a daughter. She is named after her grandmother and would be naming her daughter after her grandmother; of course, very few people will know that. I think it makes it much less strange that you are considering using a part of your name (or two parts) rather than the exact same name outright. I do wonder if your family unit will be over-saturated with the name though, since you used a portion of it in your first daughter’s name as well. That would, I think, be my main consideration.

My great grandmother and grandmother both have the name [name]Florence[/name]. I think it’s fine, especially if they’re changed a little. Not a fan of “jr.'s” of either sex, but to each their own. If it’s okay for men, I certainly think women should be able to do it.

In Mexico it is extremely common for both mom and dad to names the kids after themselves… I know a family and the parents are [name]Jose[/name] and [name]Rosa[/name] and the kids are [name]Jose[/name] and [name]Rosa[/name]… It isnt that common in [name]Canada[/name] (where I am now) but i say go for it! especially if it is a version of your name… not quite as confusing!

Not strange at all. Be a nice connection between sisters, mother and grandmothers. [name]Love[/name] it.

Nope, not strange at all.
If I can be honest, it’s a bit…self-rightous? (for lack of a better word), but it’s not strange at all.
I’m not one to name after family members though, so.
I think it can be very cute though.

I know two women who named their daughters the same exact name as them. In both cases the (no adult) daughters end up going by nicknames completely unrelated to her real name.

woops! I meant (now* adult)

I think it’s perfectly fine.

My older sister [name]Hannah[/name] is named after our mother, who was named after her mother. I was named after my aunt, who was named after her grandmother. Family names are a big deal in my family!
My DH really, really, really wants to name a hypothetical 3rd DD [name]Lucy[/name]. He loved the name even before we had children and thinks it’d be a lovely way of honouring the multiple generational [name]Lucy[/name]'s in my family. I’m not sure about it, I’d feel silly having a daughter with exactly the same name as myself. We’ve agreed to use it in the middle instead :slight_smile:

[name]Sophie[/name] [name]Anna[/name] and [name]Annalise[/name] sound like fantastic sisters to me. The only way there’d be a problem would be if say, you named DD#1 [name]Anna[/name], and DD#2 Annabeth or something like that.

As long as It’s not too obvious you named her after yourself it’s ok

A friend of mine in HS had the same first name as her mother but she went by her MN so I don’t think it’s weird, especially if it’s already a family name.

Not strange at all! I think thats a lovely way to name a baby girl!

In [name_u]Brazil[/name_u] it’s very common to have double names. Two names that serve as one. Example: [name_f]Maria[/name_f] [name_f]Luiza[/name_f], [name_f]Ana[/name_f] [name_f]Clara[/name_f], [name_m]Pedro[/name_m] [name_m]Henrique[/name_m], [name_u]Jo[/name_u]ão [name_m]Felipe[/name_m]…

I usually go by [name_f]Beatriz[/name_f] among my family and [name_f]Bea[/name_f] is my nickname ([name_f]BEE[/name_f]-uh). However, on my birth it says [name_f]Barbara[/name_f] [name_f]Beatriz[/name_f] and [name_f]Barbara[/name_f] is my mother’s name, which I love very much.

It’s hard to say whether I love it or not, I’ve grown used to being called both, [name_f]Barbara[/name_f] especially at school. At first I hated it, only because it sounded strange to be called my mother’s name. Today, I consider it to be my name and I appreciate that my parent’s thought it was important to pass on. Looking at it, it almost seems like my name is a product of feminists. My two last names are matriarchal, but that was a bit of an accident. My grandfathers’ names were excluded in my birth certificate and instead, I have the [name_m]Santos[/name_m] and Sobreira of my grandmothers. I love that.