Daughter named after her mother - What do you think of this situation?

Men do it to carry on the family name, but we don’t often hear of women naming their daughters after themselves, do we? Well, here’s the situation: I was named after my grandmother (it is a very unique name so I don’t feel comfortable posting it on a public forum.) I gave my first daughter my mother’s name and part of my name as her middle. I have another daughter on the way- would it be crazy to name her after myself, or a variation of my name? Here is a hypothetical example: Let’s say my name is [name]Annabelle[/name] [name]Lisette[/name], named after my grandmother. I named DD#1 [name]Sophie[/name] [name]Anna[/name]. I am considering naming DD#2 [name]Annalise[/name] (a combination of my first and middle names). [name]Do[/name] you think that would be strange? [name]Do[/name] you know anyone who has done this, or would you consider doing it, yourself?

I was given my mother’s first name as my middle name, so no, I don’t feel it strange.

Thanks dancers, I agree - I don’t think it’s strange to use a mother’s first name as her daughter’s middle name. What I’m wondering is about giving a daughter the same first name as her mother or a variation thereof.

A friend from school recently named her third daughter her exact first name. Middles are different, but they both go by the same first name. I found that quite strange, expecially since she already has two daughters and you’d think if any you would do it with the first!

I don’t think it’s as strange if she has a “part” of your name, although in the example above, I do find it strange that both daughters have “[name]Anna[/name]” in their name. I wouldn’t repeat names amongst my children personally.

It may be different with your real name, but with the above situation, I would think it was fine if you called your second daughter [name]Belle[/name], [name]Bella[/name], [name]Arabella[/name], [name]Mirabelle[/name], [name]Mirabella[/name], [name]Rosabelle[/name] etc. Maybe [name]Arabella[/name] [name]Elise[/name] (lise from [name]Lisette[/name]) for example. But I think [name]Annalise[/name] (while lovely) when you already have a [name]Sophie[/name] [name]Anna[/name] and your own name is [name]Annabelle[/name], might be overkill.

Is it possible with your real names, to use the part of your middle that you didn’t use on your first daughter in some way? That was sound better to me. If not, I don’t think it’s terrible. And although [name]Annabelle[/name] and [name]Annalise[/name] for example are similar, you can use different nicknames for both.

[name]Hope[/name] that helps!

Not strange at all. I am a huge fan of using family names. It is a special way to keep part of yourself and/or your family honored. My mom, me, and my daughter all have the same middle name. I would use my first name as part of another name as well. You have picked gorgeous names!

Thank you for your thoughtful post, ljandrl! I appreciate your honest opinion and recommendations. For me, with my real name, it’s the first part (the “[name]Anna[/name]”) that is really the most unique and meaningful to me. I should also mention my sister also has “[name]Anna[/name]” as her middle name and I have a cousin named “[name]Annalise[/name]” after our grandmother “[name]Annabelle[/name]”. I am sorry if this sounds so confusing! I wish I could post the real names but they are truly unique and I would rather not expose myself. “Overkill” is exactly the word I am worried about- I imagine introducing myself and my family to new people and saying “[name]Hi[/name], my name is [name]Annabelle[/name], this is [name]Sophie[/name] [name]Anna[/name] and [name]Annalise[/name]” and getting puzzled looks, lol. I just truly love the name, its uniqueness and the connection to my grandmother.

I agree with lj - I think it would be fine as long as the names don’t start to over-repeat themselves. There’s a balance between honoring grandmothers and mothers without each name being too similar ([name]Annabelle[/name], [name]Sophia[/name] [name]Anna[/name], [name]Annalise[/name]).

[name]Edit[/name]: Sorry, we posted at almost the same time!

If you’d like to PM me I’ll give you my honest opinion and won’t repeat the real names on the boards! Totally up to you but the offers there :slight_smile:

I hope it’s okay for me to post this, the situation just reminded me of this clip from a movie:

No offense intended of course, I just thought it was pretty funny :slight_smile:

LOL well I should admit that I am Greek! In my family we tend to use the same names over and over to honor our relatives. In my generation alone, I have four Marias!!!

I think it’s fine if it’s a middle name, but I find it odd that you’d make a child a junior {regardless of whether it’s a daughter named after a mother or a son named after a father}. I think the child should have a unique name to match their unique personality!

[name]Ivana[/name] Trump named her daughter [name]Ivanka[/name]…I guess why not?

I don’t think it’s strange at all! Men name their sons after themselves all the time. The only things that would make me pause are: [name]How[/name] similar is your name, your oldest daughter, and now the new baby’s name going to be? It might be a little confusing, but I think it could be one of those things which Berries are more concerned, especially compared to the rest of the world. I like the idea behind it though.

I don’t think it’s weird at all. I think it’s empowering for a girl to bear the name of the person who will be her ultimate role model in life. I like the idea of a little girl being named after the strong woman that she comes from. And it’s really not a new thing, either-back in the day, it was really quite common for girls to bear the same first name as their mother. [name]Amelia[/name] [name]Earhart[/name]'s mother was named [name]Amelia[/name]. [name]Beatrix[/name] [name]Potter[/name], whose real first name was [name]Helen[/name], had a mother named [name]Helen[/name]. That’s just to name a few. It might make it easier if your daughter goes by a nickname so you both aren’t “[name]Lillian[/name]” or what have you, but I say go for it, girl!

I named my first and third daughters after myself. My youngest’s first name is a version of mine, and my maiden name is her middle name. The question should be “Why wouldn’t you name your daughter after yourself?” I mean, if you didn’t like your name, you shouldn’t have to, but other than that, it is a good thing.

Not strange but using an exact match can lead to confusion. My great aunt named her two daughters after her sister (my grandmother) and herself. The daughter she named after herself ended up being dubbed young [name]Catherine[/name] until her mother passed away at which point “young” [name]Catherine[/name] was in her early 60’s! An alternative to that is what you proposed, a friend whose husband was named [name]Joseph[/name] named their son [name]Josiah[/name] to honor him but allow the child to have their own identity.

I think [name]Annabella[/name], [name]Sophie[/name] [name]Anna[/name] & [name]Annalise[/name] is too much sorry.
[name]Annabella[/name], [name]Sophie[/name] [name]Anna[/name] & [name]Olivia[/name] [name]Bella[/name], for example, I think is okay.

It’s just the double repetition of the [name]Anna[/name] sound that gets me I think.

My name is [name]Casey[/name] [name]Jo[/name], and both [name]Cassandra[/name] and [name]Josephine[/name] are names I love and would consider using, especially in the middle spot. I don’t see anything wrong with it per se, but I am big on giving your children their own unique first name so they can have a separate identity.

I don’t think it’s strange. I’m [name]Anna[/name] because my mothers mn is [name]Ann[/name]

I too do not think it’s strange.
This has happened in my family for generations; for example, my great grandmother was named [name]Violet[/name], and one of her daughters (she has 8 children) is also named [name]Violet[/name]. She isn’t the oldest daughter either.