Dev as a nickname - what's a good full name?

As I contemplate back up names “just-in-case”, I realized that I like [name]Dev[/name] as a nickname but definitely do not like [name]Devon[/name] as a ful name. What other names are out there that could have [name]Dev[/name] as a nickname? I thought of [name]Devereaux[/name] but to me that sounds more feminine than masculine and I’m not sure it would work for us (even though I really like the sound of it).

[name]How[/name] about [name]Devlin[/name]?

Hmm…[name]Devlin[/name] still sounds feminine to me. Maybe I’m over-thinking it.

As long as no one you know has or will ever see the awful [name]Adam[/name] Sandler film “[name]Just[/name] Go With It.” :frowning:

THAT’S where I’ve heard it from! OK - [name]Devlin[/name] is definitely out. I knew there was a reason I thought it felt like a girl’s name.

Found this list -

Of these, I like Deverey, Deveric, and [name]Devland[/name]

If you are of [name]Indian[/name] heritage there are a ton that come from Sanskrit

How abut Devereaux, David, Davis, Dover, and Ludovic

[name]Endeavor[/name]! (Heck, why not?)

First I thought of was definitely [name]Devin[/name]/[name]Devon[/name]/[name]Devan[/name], of course. The word “dev” means God in Hindi and Sanskrit, so you’ll find many names derived from and related to that word (all of their meanings will contain “God” or “gods”).

Here is what I got for names starting with ‘[name]Dev[/name]’ :

Devadas or Devadasa

Names containing ‘dev’:

Jaldev or Jaldeva
Kamadev or Kamadeva
Ramadev or Ramadeva
Sudev or Sudeva
Vasudev or Vasudeva

[name]Devere[/name] (I had a student with this name once, his twin sister was named Shaked. They had beautiful names)

This is genius!

The [name]Boston[/name] Marathon tragedy also brings to mind Deval (via current Massachusetts governor Deval [name]Patrick[/name]).

I know you said it’s out, but [name]Devlin[/name] is the first name that came to my mind. I absolutely love this name. Admittedly, I haven’t seen the movie, but it’s definitely not a girl’s name and I can’t imagine one movie ruining such a great name. [name]Even[/name] Twilight couldn’t ruin those names for me, so if it were me, I’d still go with this one. [name]Just[/name] my two cents! :slight_smile:

@catheyc - I have always heard of [name]Devlin[/name] as a boy’s name too! The only [name]Devlin[/name] I have ever seen in film was in a [name]John[/name] [name]Wayne[/name] movie, McClintock and one of his ranch hand’s was named [name]Devlin[/name] (played by [name]John[/name] [name]Wayne[/name]'s son). I have also read it in books for male characters.

It’s not really so much the name being used for a female character as it is that the name is constantly made fun of throughout the movie - it’s central to many of the jokes which are based on one character’s use of the name as a codeword for doing a #2. It’s not even a popular movie and I’ve still seen several references to the jokes scattered around the net. It’s a hard association to forget once it’s in your head, ugh. (oh, and has made it to [name]Urban[/name] Dictionary, of course)

Devereux! ([name_m]Dev[/name_m]-uh-row)