Tell your story for 20 years. [name_m]Roll[/name_m] the dice every year to TTC or for a life event! Give as much detail as you want or little at all. [name_m]Feel[/name_m] free to add pictures of houses or children
- You get pregnant with triplets (roll for gender, even=girl odd=boy)
- Boy
- Girl
- Girl
- Miscarriage (go to life events)
- Twins
- Boy
- Boy
Life Events: (if you need children for the life event to able to you and you don’t have any roll again)
1-1: You are unexpectedly pregnant with triplets (roll for gender, even=girl odd=boy)
1-2: Your family learns how to ski
1-3: You and your SO take a vacation without any children.
1-4: You take in a pregnant teenage girl and while she is living with you, she decides she wants you to be her child’s guardian.
1-5: One of your children breaks their arm. What’s the story behind it?
1-6: You adopt a cat
1-8: You adopt a baby boy with cerebral palsy
2-1 You go to a concert with your SO
2-2: One of your children (if old enough, at least 16) has a baby or gets someone pregnant. ([name_m]Roll[/name_m] for gender even=girl odd=boy)
2-3: One of your children dates someone you don’t like. (if not old enough, roll again)
2-4: You adopt a baby boy that is deaf
2-5: One of your children needs eye glasses (roll again if you don’t have any kids yet)
2-6: You or your SO’s family member dies and leaves you their house in [name_m]Boston[/name_m].
2-7: You family moves to another country. Why do you move?
2-8: You are unexpectedly pregnant with girl twins!
3-1: You are unexpectedly pregnant with a baby boy!
3-2: Your family moves to another state
3-3: You and your SO separate but within a year you find a lovely new partner. Your partner has __ # kids (roll for #, genders even=girl odd=boy, and ages) what are their names?
3-4: You take a vacation with your family to an island. Where did you guys go?
3-5: You adopt an animal.
3-6: You when a small lottery, you win 1,000,000 dollars.
3-7: You adopt a baby girl from the United States
3-8: You run a marathon with a friend
4-1: Your family hosts an exchange student. Where are they from?
4-2: Your family moves to another city
4-3: You or your SO’s family member dies and leaves you their beach house. Where is it?
4-4: You are unexpectedly pregnant with boy twins!
4-5: You catch one of your children sneaking around.
4-6: You or one of your family members has a scene in a movie or TV show! What movie/show and what is your role?
4-7: You adopt twins from Japan
4-8: One of your children joins soccer.
5-1: You are unexpectedly pregnant with quadruplets! (roll for gender, even=girl odd=boy)
5-2: You and your SO learn another language
5-3: [name_m]New[/name_m] people move into the house next to yours. Are they bad or good neighbors?
5-4: One of your children becomes serious ill. [name_m]How[/name_m] does this affect your family (if you don’t have any children, then another family member)
5-5: A family member dies and leaves you and SO $10,000,000 in his/her will. What do you do with the money?
5-6: One of our children gets in trouble at school, what happened?
5-7: Your long-time best friend has a baby and chooses you and your SO as their guardian. (roll for gender even=girl odd=boy)
5-8: You or your SO gets laided off, what do you do?
6-1: Your family moves to Europe
6-2: You are unexpectedly pregnant with a baby girl!
6-3: You meet your favorite famous person. Who is it?
6-4: You start an affair and have an illegitimate child from that affair. [name_f]Do[/name_f] you keep it a secret? [name_m]How[/name_m] do things work out? (roll for genders even=girl odd=boy)
6-5: You adopt a baby girl with a disability
6-6: You or your SO start a new job
6-7: You and your family take a cross-country trip from coast to coast with stops along the way. Where do you guys stop?
6-8: You adopt a baby boy from [name_f]England[/name_f]
7-1: You learn a new skill
7-2: One of your family members moves into your house. Why?
7-3: You start a blog or write a book. What is it called and what is it about?
7-4: You are unexpectedly pregnant with boy and twins!
7-5: You make a new friend. Who is it and where did you meet.
7-6: You and your family take a vacation to Europe. [name_m]How[/name_m] long and where do you go?
7-7: Your childhood friend dies in a car crash and you become the guardian of her 2 children. (you can choose age and gender)
7-8: You adopt a dog
8-1: You have a family day, what do you guys do?
8-2: You move into a bigger house
8-3: Your family is involved in a car accident. Does everyone survive?
8-4: One of your family members joins the military
8-5: You open a business. What do you call it? What is it?
8-6: You are unexpectedly pregnant with triplets (roll for gender, even=girl odd=boy)
8-7: You are interviewed on a talk show! What show is it? What did you do to be interviewed?
8-8: You and your family take a trip to Disney world
List your family!